Hire a fellow alderman's brother at 3 x's the going rate to form the corporations.
Appoint the city planner as project manager. Zero experience here too.
Hire Klingners for project planning.
Hire a fellow friend to lobby to acquire funding, mainly to pay for this funding.
Hire a power purchase negotiator for power that has yet to be generated.
"I don't know what political cronyism means"
Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror.
Cronyism is partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications. Hence, cronyism is contrary in practice and principle to meritocracy. Cronyism exists when the appointer and the beneficiary are in social contact; often, the appointer is inadequate to hold his or her own job or position of authority, and for this reason the appointer appoints individuals who will not try to weaken him or her, or express views contrary to those of the appointer. Politically, "cronyism" is derogatorily used. The word "crony" first appeared in 18th century London, according to the Oxford English Dictionary to be derived from the Greek word χρόνιος (chronios), meaning "long-term",[1] however, crony appears in the 1811 edition of Grose's Vulgar Tongue with a decidedly non-collegiate definition, placing it firmly in the cant of the underworld.[2] A less likely source is the Irish Language term Comh-Roghna (pron. ko-ronə), which translates to "close pals", or mutual friends.
Governments are particularly susceptible to accusations of cronyism, as they spend public money. Many democratic governments are encouraged to practice administrative transparency in accounting and contracting, however, there often is no clear delineation of when an appointment to government office is "cronyism". It is not unusual for a politician to surround him- or herself with highly-qualified subordinates, and to develop social, business, or political friendships leading to the appointment to office of friends, likewise in granting government contracts. In fact, the counsel of such friends is why the officeholder successfully obtained his or her powerful position — therefore, cronyism usually is easier to perceive than to demonstrate and prove.
There you go Mr. Spring, consider yourself enlighted.
Spring is a douche
Think maybe they are getting his consultant gig ready for Spring after he retires from mayor> Then they can pay him back some of the money he sent their way.
What's the answer?
Term limits for every elected office, top to bottom. That would assure that demagogues like John Shimkus (who violated his "Contract with America" to stay in Congress no more than 12 years [assuring his full retirement benefits] and is four years past that); and Aaron Shock, who bragged nationally about opposing Obamapork, then bragged locally about getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in it for local boondoggles; and Dick Durbin, once a Simonesque hero and now just another Reed-lapping political hack; and John Spring, who wants us to believe he knows everything but doesn't know the meaning of cronysim when he is one of our city's greatest practitioners.
Term limits may not solve every problem these misanthropes are casting our way. But it will help assure there's an end to it.
The mayor should ask Dues what cronyism is. Just take a look at the boiler room club at the Vet's home.Dues wanted to bump the guys there out after Celotex closed.He still got on,but he learned he wasn't as connected as he thought.
Quincy has a long history cronyism.It has become worse because of the economy.The unionized workers and their city government pals are doing their best to keep the gravy train rolling.The comment about Duesterhaus hits the nail on the head.Once one is in a union in Quincy,one can climb the ladder regardless of skill,as long as you know the right folks.
new blogsspot try it out bitchboutit
Alexander and Associates is being paid to lobby for the Spring Memorial Hydroelectric Plant. C. SCHOLZ is an Associate. EMC is brought to Quincy to operate the Waste Water and Money Treatment Plant. C. SCHOLZ is mayor the 1st 2contracts and EMC's attorney for the 3rd. The Lincoln-Douglas Memorial, Museum, and spend more taxpayers Money Board is created, headed by C.SCHOLZ. I bet being a ex-mayor in Quincy is worth more than we realize. To be fair Alexander and Assoc. also does work for Chaddock and I'm sure that C.SCHOLZ being a Chaddock boardmember had nothing to do with it.
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