Friday, June 12, 2009
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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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public sector unions suck
God Bless you UDN Dave and your family. He fought the hard fight. Now it's time to rest. Your warrior will be missed by many.
"public sector unions suck"
what's the matter, can't get in a union and now you are mad at all unions? Buck up son..
Who replace Cantrell and does mayor have balls to insult us even more with JJ or son in law being appointed?
Nice f***ing pants!!!
Probably mad at public sector unions cuz they suck up money and are a drain on the system and are paid at unsustainable rates and don't return the value for the price we pay.
The Mayors office is about as bad as the Governers office and the Sec of the state's office. We should out the entire Quincy machine. Every council member, every police officer, every administrator the whole lot of them need to go. Start fresh. We need everyday people that know lifes' struggles and know how to take a dollar and squeeze it to last. The fat cats at city hall need a reality check big time. Friggin jackasses. Toss out Barnard as well. he is a big headed baffoon.
What about Bud N, the school board, and county board. Politicians doing what they want. Let's apply the law to everyone equally. Our so called elected officials should not recieve any favors. All these crooks should have their feet held to the fire as with any normal JOE.
What is a baffoon?
any non union employee that bashes unionization. You people make my ass tired with your non-union malarkey. Dont hate us just because you cant find a union job. Buck up son!!! The fact that I get free health care with such a low deductable that i might as well not even have one does not mean i am a leach. My company makes a profit and they share the wealth at contract time. Trust me, if we didnt turn a profit there would be no raises at contract negotiation time.
12:35:00 AM
How much profit did the city make last year?
I had a union job. Worst job I ever had. You'd think that the union would do just that - UNITE THE WORKERS - but every jackass was out for themselves. Yeah, I got my yearly raise whether I deserved it or not, so what was the incentive to actually work hard? I'd rather be paid what I'm worth than wait around for my annual raise. Unions were created to protect the blue collar worker from unsafe working conditions and ensure a decent wage for the families of these workers. What happened? I am amazed by the comments from the unioners here that seem to think that "we're all mad at unions" cause we can't get in one. What a joke. The people I worked with would never make it the real world with out the union behind them. They wouldn't make it a week without being fired. And they think we're jealous! Goes to show the intelligence level of the average union worker.
Who cares how much profit the city made last year. Were you safe? were the roads taken care of etc? yes. Now quit bitching. Go get a union job and shut the hell up!!!!
With the exception of police and fire, you could open up all city jobs to the public and save 25% with no change in services. Public sector unions are an overpaid, underworked bunch of crybabies. And in this town, they are a bunch of nepotistic whores who feel like they are entitled to use the taxpayer's money as their own personal checkbook. Fuck the thieves.
Check out the CC meeting tonight, you'll here fom a bunch of 20th & Cedar St. people that DO NOT feel safe!! Pretty sad when they have to have their ID's CONCEALED during interviews on KHQA's news!
Maybe the lame police in this town could focus more on these people's right to peace and safety instead of mindlessly over -enforcing school zone speeding laws.
Sorry, but had to remove the last comment.
well I saw it, kind of expected a racist one to get on here. Don't think it required deleting though, there's been worse comments on here
I am an Union employee, and other than my wages, would rather be working for Morry. Taylor has the right way of doing business. He makes money, he gives out bonuses 2 Times a year. I have yet to hear of a better health insurance plan as well....Not from Blue Cross workers, not from SCHOOL TEACHERS and definately not CITY HALL.
When I was a union employee my boss had several grievances filed against them for the most unbelievable reasons! And when our union steward quit and no one would volunteer, the guy from the union hall was almost threatening all of us. I hated the politics of the union and am so relieved to have quit that no-where j-o-b.
I see the lame teachers union is pissing and moaning "too many kids in class......" Bullshit, damn teachers are just a bunch of union turds. Are they typical union workers or what? News flash: times are tough, there may not be that much tax money anymore for your inflated school budgets and teachers salaries, so suck it up and do the job. Everyone else is (unless you work for the city). Don't union pigs make ya sick!
"29 kids in my class, oh no, I'm a union worker, that's too much..."
Freakin pansies need to get on at Titan and do a real day's work for an honest wage for once in the f-in lifes.
With summer off, holidays, sick leave and vacation can someone tell me how many days a year they actually work? If they do summer school, take tickets at a game etc. that is extra pay.
The teachers are over paid!!! They are cry tits. Cops are crooked... The mayor is a joke..Judges are either gay or drunks. Jon Barnard is a wanna be do gooder.. Jennifer Cifaldi is a mole faced hag...
That was a nice little article the Whig did on "upstanding" businessman Kevin Conry
Craig B - aren't you waiting for trial for threatening Jennifer Cifaldi? I think you probably should keep your mouth shut ! And - the gays and drunks comments? That is funny coming from you!!
You must have me confused with some other Craig B. My name is Craig Brown.
Quincy is full of idiots and most of them work at City Hall and the court house. Our police dept is just about as corrupt as they come.
This is a why Quincy is the way it is
latest on the street is that jimmy goehl is getting his job back, back pay and settlement in the 200-300,000 g's firegate all over again way to go city of qcy lawyers ...... ps you suck
Order filed. By agreement, cause is continued to August 19, 2009, time set by clerk, for motion for Entry of Final Judgment, previous setting of July 15, 2009 is vacated.
That's when the s--- will hit the fan for the politically motivated wrongful termination.
It will be interesting to see if the Whig hits the speed dial comment generator from Scholz on this one.
Is JJ really getting Kenny's old job?
Yes I am..
Quincy judges are complete and utter idiots. The SA's office is run by a moron.
Communisim is the way to go...
That opens up a job in the state hwy department for one of Springs kids or friends.
Spring just looks like creep. His looks tell me he is guilty of something. I don't know exactly what, but he is guilty.
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