Been preoccupied with major changes in my life and mind has been else where.
Only thing that keeps on ticking is the servergate clock.....
So it's time for your input.
What burns your ass?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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I'm tired of my boss making sexual inuendos that are impossible for me to do anything about (other than find another job, which is nearly impossible). He's really quite good at wording things just the right way so I can't come back on him with anything. And if he comes up behind me an leans his crotch into the back of my chair again I might lose my lunch all over my keyboard. I know this isn't a "community bitch", but I just wanted to vent.
Caffeine, my Dr. said to cut it out, it causes rectitus, which in turn burns my ass. You asked.
Sucks to be you.
Call a couple a hard, pipe-hitin brothas to go to work on the
Holmes with a pair a pliers & a blow-torch.
I was told there are blogs that have serious discussion of Quincy issues. This obviously is not one of them.
What serious topics do you have in mind? You are welcome to bring something to the table instead of bitching about what's already been served...
Christian Hammer is a retarded fuckstick... pay her no heed.
Al Witte burns my ass , why can't the guy just come out and admit he is the Head Republican . He motivates the base like no other.
Even Jimmy Buffet wrote a drinkin song for him , "it's 5 o'clock some where "...................I am writing a song called It's always happy hour with the Witte
Did you call the cell?
I was in a meeting?
What the fuck do you want?
Yea I was in tears laughing bout a story of you at the Star Light casino kicking people in their ass on the dance floor .
And some guy leg wrastling' a women's bowler on that carpet too
Another inefficient traffic light on Broadway. They can't time shit on that street not to mention all the green left hand turn arrows that come on when there are no vehicles there turning left.
Who the fuck sets the lights around here anyway? They put the fucking lights back up at 8th and Maine after the big rebuilding project and they are still fucked up.
I agree, left turn signals at 8th and Maine and 12th and Broadway are really annoying sometimes
Being furloughed is better than being laid off, but it still stinks!
Dave Bockhold getting the County Highway job! What the hell were they thinking. Looks like his free time from the railroad will now be put to good use. Now theres a guy who truly cares about the people. Loser!!!
Are you just as upset that John Spring keeps a guy convicted of computer fraud in charge of the city computers? Just gave him a raise too. We'll probably find out he filed a false police report as well. Any of that bother you?
What is the difference between this guy:
and this guy:
The difference is how much justice your wife's dad can buy.
Wonder if Klusmeyer contacted the railroad to see why Bockhold was fired...Surely he put all this information on his application that he filled out for this position...NOT
If you know why he got fired, then I'd bet Klusmeyer does too. I'm not defending the hire. The problem with the Spring oversight is the city didn't do a background check, on the IT director. They didn't even know the guy was a thief. Then when Spring found out, he said wippy shit. Way to look after the people of Quincy, Spring.
Don't kid yourself, they knew he was a thief. They just didn't care. It's all in the family.
Wonder if the new “personnel handbook" has guidelines on campaigning on the job, playing CB tag, what to do with the last 2 hours of your shift that you have free cause you always knock off early cause they don't want you cluttering up traffic but get paid for it, and a list on whose relatives are due up to get hired.
Perhaps that handbook might also explain who gets to use the city email for personal stuff and who doesn't. Also, who is allowed to make sexual advances toward subordinates and who is not.
This damn A-rod makes me so mad, I can't sleep at night. Cheater.
Anyone that spends money on MLB is stupid, they're selling you a crap product.
I'm gonna go to KC on the 10th of Apr to boo him. Bastard.
You know what soothes my ass?
You have got to be kidding me.
I hope you bought the heavy-duty clock with a lifetime mechanism. Think it is going to be clickin a lot of clicks
But the FBI has been called
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