Gems earned at least $50,000 more profit than last year.
wonder how this happened?
The Quincy Humane Society will try to cash in on an American tradition Saturday -- the garage sale.
"Sally saw the (concept) on a Web site of another animal shelter in a town about the size of Quincy," Seybold said.
Gee...driving down the road and seeing a garage sale didn't spark any ideas?
Quincy Mayor John Spring was one of four co-chairmen appointed Thursday to a new statewide task force that will try to help Illinois communities recover from the 2008 flood and prepare for future floods.
He said the formation of the Recover Council "could be a real positive thing" for Illinois communities that experience flooding.
Government + Natural Disaster = Always Positive Things
That's a lot of pants.
Shocker from $6000 to $50,000
I wonder if there was some sort of change ?
Don't forget about the OLC person who did everything but draw payroll from the gems account. If you are going to do that figure his time against the amount so it is a more accurate picture.
Not trying to be negative just report it after all accting is done so it is not a surprise
the gems new training ground is ...... just south of qcy ....marblehead area.... east of the river jeff.... ????????? is that close enough who paid 4 all those perks and then some shame shame shame
Way to cook the books, Gems!
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