How many people got this e-mail today?
This is just an FYI !!!! - READ IT NOW!
There are storm chasers from around the country in Quincy today and more are planning on arriving throughout the day.
The storm system that we are hearing about for tomorrow’s weather is a potential large storm. The chasers usually head to where the storm will form and then they chase from there. We are right in the area where the storm should form.
If it forms to the West of us, we could get a major hit. If it forms on top of us, we could have some damage. If it forms to the east of us, we could be spared.
I spoke with Brian Inman who confirmed this information. It appears that the storm will form on top of us or right to the east of us but be aware of everything with the weather tomorrow.
Do not ignore any weather alerts as this is a potentially large storm. Storm chasers just don’t drive into your town for nothing. This is a storm that has been forming for a while and there are apparently many, many factors that bring these storm chasers into a town.
It is unknown as to when this storm will hit or if we are looking at a storm system that could hit off and on throughout the day and night.
Just be prepared – have batteries for flashlights, water to drink, etc.
Here is some FACTS on storm chasing:
How often do chasers see tornadoes? Most experienced chasers don't keep close score -- since tornadoes are only a part of the experience -- but the loose average is about 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 trips. This, of course, depends on one's personal thresholds for what kinds of weather situations to chase, and the chaser's definition of and tolerance for busts. Some very talented chasers willing to drive after almost any severe weather threat have gone 50 or 60 chases and several years without seeing a single tornado. During unusually active periods, others may see several per day for up to a week. On the very rarest of days, those once in a lifetime events like 3 May 1999, a chaser may see 10 or 15 tornadoes. Others may never experience a day like that; and anyone who expects to see a tornado every trip will quickly become disappointed, frustrated and disillusioned. Tornadoes are just not very common
I got the same email from my favorite Electrician
The funnest name on the list was at the top:
Joe Genenbacher
Operations Director
Quincy Herald Whig
Wonder who the confirmed sources were??
The funnest name? You are right - that sounds like a really good time!
Anyone using 'funnest' shouldn't be taken seriously.
This blog is the funnest.
funniest thing is that QHW sprang for all these "STORM CHASERS" and they either 1...didn't show in town or 2....skipped the QHW all together....either way if they came into town, they got to seew what a pathetic "Gem City" Quincy proclaims.....I think a bit of storm damage would just be the trick in certain parts of this town.
The newspaper paid for the storm chasers?
Storms, shit, Tookie's trial is TODAY! How'd he do? Did he beat the oppressive man? Or does he have a fine to pay? Ooh, i hate not knowing!
Tookie is not guilty
I'm sure they'll be studying this case for years to come, what an important precedent it establishes! I can hear a lawyer in court, 40 years from now,
"I'd like to refer to City of Quincy vs Tookie 2008 IL..." LOL
Like a bad episode of Matlock.
Those sons-of-bitches Braves broke Soriono's hand. Bastards.
How high's the water, mama?
Two feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Two feet high and risin'
Who is this clown who runs the Rant Blog??
Why would any human being denigrate another person the way he has on his blog. The man is despicable!! Take a look at the latest posting “the real problem” decide for yourself if he deserves to be posted on your blog site.
He has obliviously led a privileged life and never done any medial type work. He has never had to work to support himself. He apparently has no religious background or empathy for his fellow human beings.
Do everyone a favor and dump his link.
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