Awarded an $8,225 contract to Richards Electric Motor Co. to repair the internal gears at Quincy's water treatment plant.
How much would it cost to repair the internal gears at Quincy's City Hall ?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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At City Hall you don't replace the gears
YOU MUST GREASE Them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Can we get an update on the "City Hall 6"?
But the mayor says QHS and QND have good sports!
The Common Sense Express left this town some time ago.
dick tuck-
I think I agree w/ you....
And, I say we all local blogers and forum members come together next election and vote in a mayor that represents the people's ineterests :)
There are more Gruesseymeyer relatives at city hall than local bloggers and forum users . I think we will still lose .
Sorry to shit in your easter basket
I've always gunned for a "local bloggers" convention, how scary would that be? But it would be fun, we could have the Funions play after a lecture by UMRB, etc.
Who in their right mind wold be brave enough to host it, though?
And would Qcy be able to afford paying QPD overtime to provide security? LOL
We are having one .........
But annons aren't allowed !
p.s. : Funions are playing
Only if you clown Mike Paul for getting shot by his dad
hahahaha You know I will
This anon's amp will be there, though!
I got in, I'm going as Sean Heager's alt life partner!
does your Amp go to 11 ?
just a thought, i mean we have a pretty big base of people....i think we could definately make our collective voices heard!
How big?
400 votes MAX
Hate to burst the bubble again
UMR claims over 1000 unique hits per day.
1000 hits but when I have my IP spoofer on I could be 50 of those hits add Mr Heeger and your looking at 500 unique hits
I honestly have no idea how many votes, quite a few people though who don't want more of the same to cotinue...
Then Look up the Young Republican Web site . Call Kyle and help out. I am a very very very LIBERAL Republican . But what we got here is a very dysfunctional Political machine .
The Current Local Government is cancerous . They have catch phrases like " GREDF" or " this is a great move for the citizens"
Most of the time it is for some sorta inner circle gain .
Look at the mayor's latest D2 forms he had to file . If you need help < I can guide you ( it's back in NOV under " Call me Richard aka Dick " on City Desk)
Then file an FOIA form and look to see who got City Contracts .
Donations + contracts = that grey area of pay to play .
Demand that Ellington , Riverside , and Mellrose townships get annexed .
Right then the Vote base of the city will CHANGE forever and our population base as a city will grow.
Radical change is what is needed FOOD for thought .
Tookie, you know I respect you, but I live in Melrose township and I DON'T want to be annexed into the city limits. I live more than the 2 mile from the city boundries thus anytime I do any work I don't have to buy no stupid building permit, or be required to have a licensed plumber/electrician do my work form....
QHS are a bunch of sissies, they were the ones that didn’t want to play the game over the years, for fear of losing, which they did, in an oh-so-choking manner! QHS is supposedly the “basketball powerhouse” of the area, yet with it’s multi-million dollar Big 172 taxpayer overly fueled budget, they can’t even beat an charity funded “annual fund drive” school (whose coffers are stretched by opportunistic queer-baits who wanted it anyway filing frivolous lawsuits)! Put that in cause I know what’s coming.
Just goes to show you throwing money away mindlessly does not necessarily get you the result you want. Look at the scoreboard from Saturday night, after OT.
Listen dickheaded makeral snapping moron. ND just got their 5th win in the 50th contest between the two schools. Wow, they reached a whopping 10%. Any given team can win on any given night. ND went 7 of 14 from 3 point land while QHS went 0-10. That was a major contributing factor that just happens. QHS has one it's worst teams in 30 years and QND can barely beat them in OT. Honestly, I think high school basketball in Quincy is at its worst right now. Neither team is worth a shit this year.
As for QHS not wanting to play QND all along there is a simple explanation. When the IHSA had a 2class system and QND was 1A and QHS 2A what did QHS have to gain by playing Notre Dumb? If they win they gain nothing come sectional seeding time. If they lose though it is held against them at sectional seeding time.
You are a complete moron. I will take QHS nine out of 10 times if these schools meet every year over the past 30 years.
Go ahead and say QND kids are smarter and I am going to say, when is the last time QND's quizbowl team won anything???
Sissies you say??? Let's talk about the wrestling matches between the two schools that QND's coach decided to forfeit because he thought they were over matched by QHS. Bring it on Sissy and talk about it. He didn't want to hurt the spoiled little rich kid egos. Where was QND's best wrestler, one of only 2 who got to wrestle that night, from? Maywood, MO is the answer. No, QND doesn't recruit.
The Barnes girl who is one of one person stupid enough to transfer from QHS to QND list an address of Mendon just like the Spohr kid who hit some 3's for Notre Dumb. No, QND doens't recruit.
Last question, when was the last time a QND boys basketball player played college basketball at a D-1 school? I have been around many years and can't think of one.
You are a mental midget with no clue.
By the way, the bulls lost 10 games to worse teams when they went 72-10.
that was pretty good 6:45
Truth hurts.
Wow. Lots of anger from someone who probably graduated from high school 20 years ago.
If you want to talk about something that really matters, why not discuss which school has an environment that has fewer attacks and pregnancies?
Wow Ray Heilman.. Identify yourself next time! At least id yourself as Mike Barton.
Nice "recent star" sitting in Adams County jail now! Or, I forgot he gets work release, excuse me! There's a class act! Or what about your getting of your papa-don coach for messing w/ cheerleaders and getting DUI'S? Great stuff, congrats! Nothing like holding on to the memories of 25 years ago, or more! Here's a tip, dip shit, hire Fr. Badtouch to run your school district, he can succeed, and you won't have to pay him a hundred grand to leave town, he'll relocate himself, he's good at that, on a shoe-string budget.
You guys would loose to the home school team this year! Do us a favor, home school the whole district, you're wasting the money.
Put Mike Barton in charge of Big 172, could he do any worse?
Give Mike a hundred grand or so, and say "see ya".
I went to QHS but love QND football games .
HS bassa-ball really who cares ? I mean someone does , but it isn't me .
And the Mike Barton , that is priceless . He is Q-Town's version of RADIO .
Great stuff .
p.s. : I coined the Phrase Father Badtouch
What a bitch, "the sawed off piss ant that had the game of his life and beat us was recruted". A 5'2 guard from sticksville hands you your ass, and you say he's a recruit? What a pissing and moaning little bitch? Did ND recruit their waterboy? Better check into that!
Nice "Quincy Pride", any good 2nd string guards from Pittsfield coming your way lately?
Support QHS football too! It's a program that is coming around, slowly but surely! QHS lost to ND, QHS basketball is dead in the water, obviously.
Mike Barton for school board!
Let's settle this badtouch thing once and for all. If you went to parochial schools had any sense, you kept your distance from collars.......
If you got nailed,it was likely you wanted it, and now your a little sue happy bitch.
They wanted it & loved it !
QHS would have been better suited to Hire Coach Guns . They would have got a History teacher , a wrestling coach , a Varsity football coach , a track asst , and some one young enough & flat out vocal enough to do what Wild Bill does at QND .
I think that point guard was from West Pike . But I will say there are Petty boys getting leg hair soon , if a school was going to recruit ..........
Get a Petty !
Sherriff Paul was flat out awesome !
"And the Mike Barton , that is priceless . He is Q-Town's version of RADIO ."
That might be the funniest damn thing I've seen on a local blog this year, except for the new blog who said hail as big as Pam Anderson's cans.
"Here's a tip, dip shit, hire Fr. Badtouch to run your school district, he can succeed, and you won't have to pay him a hundred grand to leave town, he'll relocate himself, he's good at that, on a shoe-string budget."
So are you saying Friars are only good at math and pedophilia?
"Nice "recent star" sitting in Adams County jail now! Or, I forgot he gets work release, excuse me! There's a class act! Or what about your getting of your papa-don coach for messing w/ cheerleaders and getting DUI'S?"
How about the QND kids a few years ago breaking into their own school and vandalizing the shit out of it? Why? Because one of them lost his spot on the baseball team to a underclassman whose family has WAY more money. Oh, wait, QND kids never do anything wrong. There are no drugs at that school, never been a fight and no pregnancies....MY ASS! I would say most pregnancies at QND end with abortion because the self proclaimed high and mighty families couldn't take the embarrassment of their high school aged daughters having a baby. They are the typical hypocrites who follow only the parts of their religion that are convenient to them.
The competition at QND is more about whose daddy bought them the nicest car and whose daddy have them in the nicest close at school than anything else. The "I'm better than you" attitude is so much greater at QND than anywhere else. You poeple think your QND kids are perfect but they aren't. They are a bunch of spoiled punks who were born on third and think they hit a triple!
Also, I happen to know a tall freshman who is a good player from across the river whose dad has been approached by Heilman and Connell both about sending him to Notre Dumb. Don't get me wrong, Ray and Bill did not go out of their way to contact him but saw him at a game and mentioned it to him in general conversation. Actually, I like Ray and Bill both, they are both great guys.
I never said QHS didn't recruit, but I constantly hear QND doesn't. The West Pike guard who came here had to establish residency in Qcy District while kids can live in Missouri and play for QND, that is bullshit and is also why the IHSA added the multiplier.
QND should change their name to Quincy AREA Notre Dame.
You guys can bash QHS all you want, but the fact is that if a kid wants to learn they can learn more at QHS than they can at QND. The curriculum is broader and their is more cultural diversity. Kids actually learn that the less fortunate aren't always bad people.
By the way, whoever called QHS sissys never addressed the foreiting of the wrestling matches by QND. What gives mr. high and mighty?
I think all High School kids do what High School kids do . I think it's great that we have a choice of High Schools .
I went to QHS , had great friends that went to ND . Sports wise Wild Bill is doing great .
You said Ray .......wow there is a guy who does an OUTSTANDING job. Great man who cares . It would be great if QPS got a Super who was 1/4 as devoted as Ray is .
Ray is the type of guy who would fill in for the lunch lady if she got sick .
8:32 here
Tookie, I totally agree on Ray and Bill both as well as the rest of what you are saying. Just tired of the arrogance of most. Like anything else, there are the good and bad.
Hell frankly I don't care . I get QPS jacking my taxes & QND sending me fliers for cash .
Pretty much both of em want your cash and won't even give you a happy ending .
Just leaves a fella "blue"
that ain't NO shit!
Anyone read this?
Is was the #7 most emailed story through the StL Post-Dispatch.
If the link doesn't work, go to stltoday.com, article title is "Quincy, Ill., looks to the mighty Mississippi for power"
click here
This one will work.
Tribune had about the same story a couple months ago
they used to say OFM = out for money.
Or Order of Fat Men
Who cares, wrestling is training for wanna-be bull queers.
There's your reply. Are you happy? Then get your fat ass out and vote yes in Feb, DA.
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