Looks like a win but article says they lost?
QNDHW make a mistake here?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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It was a mistake. The Raiders lost.
Details details details.
And despite their success, the subtitle says they haven't beat a state ranked team in two years. Scheduling seems to be the key to success.
Thermal Inversion.
Not the only error in that picture. Look above.... the Red Sox are playing the Angels, not the Indians.
Nice catch bg! Where is there editor?
Hilfrink's pussy was chaffed by all the tampons he has to place inside it !
So he took a sick day & had cramps
QNDHW? I dont think any of the hw sports guys were @ QND for school.
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
3-36, I like the way the "big 3 " in the Cubs line-up hit!!
Way to go, Aramis, what were ya, 0 for 11 or 0 for 12?
Funny how the crowd was booing the crap out of the home team Saturday, thought it was supposed to be "friendly confines". LMAO Funny as phuck!! Can't even blame this one on Bartman, or Durham.
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Did I mention that the Cubs suck?
so does Green Bay.
And the Cardinals were home watching after the Cubs spanked their asses 11 out of 16 games this year.
Win your post season games, Bartman.
The Cubs are better than the Cardinals and you have no arguement over that. Plain and simple, the Cubs kicked the Cardinals ass, face it.
Get out you recording of Jack Buck singing the seventh inning stretch just like the lame-ass Busch Stadium does. Can't they do better than that? Get some atmosphere there for once!!!
We (Cards had atmosphere October 27, 2006.
Ask me what it's like to have your team win the world series, I'll tell you all about it. You'll need me to.
Go win a World Series in your new stadium, you know, the one that was built in freakin 1911!!!
Dreams you'll never see, should be the Cubs theme song, stead of Blow Cubs Blow!!!
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