City Investigation | | |
Six Quincy city employees have been put on leave pending an investigation. Paid leave I'd bet Several reliable sources have confirmed the investigation to WGEM news. ( are they Anonymous sources? Anon is Weak) The sources tell us three of the suspended staff are on the Quincy Fire Department--that includes an assistant fire chief and two lieutenants. The investigation reportedly involves improper use of city equipment and violations of city policy. ( there's a policy ??) Quincy Mayor John Spring told WGEM News that an investigation is underway into personnel issues regarding city employees, but he had no further comment. The mayor says such matters are handled by the city's human resource department. He told WGEM News he would be the only official source handling the release of personnel policy issues. (Translation: I tell you what I want you to know.) |
Yeah, you're totally right. If they're anonymous sources, none of them are reliable, and the public is better off being totally left in the dark. Right?
Well, since we have no concrete information and it doesn't appear as though much will be forthcoming, let's speculate. Is the equipment computers?
This is shocking, SHOCKING I tell you. City employees using city equipment for personal use, unheard of here in Q-Town.
I hear USE of Computers........
I would check Central Service computers .........over the LAst year I know a certain someone "who had to add his $.02 to fight us REPUBS .......
I won't name names but on the FAMILY tree ...he's up there pretty far !
I didn't realize this was already being covered over here, but I posted something too.
My question is if any of the suspended happened to be driving around a city pickup on Sunday, with a mud-soaked 4 wheeler in the back. What other perks does that guy have? I wonder....
I'd love to know the names and what they did.
I bet there are many more than just six!
Nice to know our city is as screwed up as Hannibal. Whole thing reminds me of their recent "Police Chief" fiasco couple years ago. Maybe Quincy will do as good as job with covering it up as Hannibal tied to do.
Citizens deserve to be informed.
Hey Tookie, maybe you didn't hear the decree handed down by King Spring. He will be the only official source handling the release of personnel policy issues.
An IT audit of city computers would be a fucking hoot.
The alderman COULD demand an Audit !
when I feel better I will call some !
Let me say, too, that it is "okay" to blog about this subject. Been a lot of discusion lately about what can and can't be put into blogs, but we have the right to discuss this issue. Kudos to
Fire for addressing it. Don't let em tell ya what you can and can't communicate about.
And BG, and give me a mulligan on the discussion sp. UMRB!
The information is staring to come in. Rank and file secretaries at central services and the use of emails to firemen. More coming.
Our man Rodney is on the case, go Rodney!
Good !
I know others at Central services that use their computers .......
The City needs a better IT man/woman !
How about a supervisor the employees are not related to. Who's watching these nepotites.
"paid administrative leave"
You got to be F'ing kidding me?
Fucking nepotites! They'll probalbly have a pension if/when they get fired, too. Bastards.
No shit. Sounds like heavy involvement at the QFD. Shouldn't the commission be the official voice.
Spring is a dinglenut.
My Sources tell me it is someone INSIDE the Bunker known as Central (adams county democratic party HQ) Services .
Man just makes me think back to good times at Under ground when people would BITCH about Ghost workers.
I just wonder .........
( Or I know ;) )
Word is the city hall six are no longer employed at the city.
What could they have done that is so "bad"?
Is this classic hamp vs maine St. Dem passive-aggressive tattleing, or D vs R payback ( one asst chief is a card carrying R)?
I hear that it is a weeeeeee bit more serious !
But since there is president ! I would have EVERY single City Computer checked for WRONGFUL actions .
But that is just me .
Not that any supervisor would Post rants on blogs from a City computer ????
I am sure some could help an IT investigation with freely giving IP hits and locations .
Some of us are pretty savy and don't use a PETTY program like BLACK ICE watch .
But freely giving those things up is just too TIT for TAT for me .
All I can say it is YET another Brick in the wall of a City Machine running amouk and the start of the train wreck .
Who is that HIGH wheeling Chicago Lawyer the City brings in for UGLY stuff ?
I would say find his name and play connect the DOTS !
Why is it okay to talk about this, and not the other thing? Where are the memebers of the good old boy's club whining about the poor, poor family?
No one's talked about anything, no names no details, no nothing.
#1 these are PUBLIC servants USING Public Computers .......
#2 the one we do not speak about involves a private Company and 2 folks I call FRIENDS !
If I wanted to bury my Hatchet with City Hall I could .......
The question at hand is what PUBLIC good does that Hatched do ?
One must weigh options before dropping NUKES ~
I am a great Chess player !
Weird how that Twice as Mad dude disappeared about the same time as the city computers were getting seized.
ding ding ding!!!!
King Spring will be on AM 930 WTAD's MG show at 9:15 am Friday, tune in then.
There's got to be more to it than just running a blog from city computers? It surely didn't take 6 people to churn out that garbage?
Just because a source is not named that does not mean that it is anonymous. I can assure you that Lester Sachs would not run with a story unless he had credible sources.
You are correct. Especially a story pin pointing corruption at City Hall.
Corruption? Is it really that bad? I think Spring (self-designated Comes From Me Only Guy) needs to specify exactly why public safety may have been compramised by sitting 3 fire dept staff on the sidelines.
Well KHQA reported in their
fact finder segment that Chief
Walker said safety was not compromised.
Of course that was not from the
official spokesman, maybe his analysis
is needed.
Safety not compromised but our pocketbooks were. Paying fire fighters time and a half to make up for the guys on suspension. You might be shocked at how much OT goes on even if you subtract out the actual "Fire Fighting" OT. Or as they like to call it "Hire Back".
"Anonymous said...
This is shocking, SHOCKING I tell you. City employees using city equipment for personal use, unheard of here in Q-Town.
10/30/2007 07:16:00 PM"
If one only knew how bad it really is !
But is this something really worth putting people on leave for? I have no idea, but I have my doubts. Seems like it may be much to do about nothing.
Depends on who you are I suppose. I doubt the QFD union will stand for this too long.
Are he asst chief & Lt's in the union? I wouldn't think so, jr.
So go on with your "big bad union's gonna get you..." jive.
Are he asst chief & Lt's in the union? I wouldn't think so, jr.
So go on with your "big bad union's gonna get you..." jive.
Well then, if they are not in the big bad union, they should be a whole lot easier to shit can. Thanks for the info teatsucking union fag.
Well then, if they are not in the big bad union, they should be a whole lot easier to shit can. Thanks for the info teatsucking union fag.
You know what you get when you allow ANONS to post?
A bunch of A bunch of A bunch of stttttttttuttering morons that don't know how to click the "publish your comment" button ONCE.
Great comment. The second stutter was on purpose, get it?
Know what else you get when you require approval of all comments?
No comments.
And no interest.
Whole scandal is a bunch of crap, anyway. A bunch of assholes likely got caught in the wrong bedroom, that's all.
The Desk discusses an investigation underway in Quincy. Reliable sources confirm six city employees are on paid leave during an investigation into reported violations of city policy. Mayor John Spring's only comment to date has been to confirm that a personnel review is underway. The Desk says this isn't enough. We firmly believe the Mayor will have to be more forthcoming. The rumor mill and the blogs will have a field day in the absence of official comment.
Live blog to start on Fire, Oracle, Tookie City Desk in 30 minutes. Get your radio on! Get ready! This is the we roll round here!
Or do we wanna have it on just one blog? Somehow, I don't think it UMRB will be hosting it! LOL
I am live blogging off Oracle ...
Just out of principal
What is ridiculous is the amount of money it will cost to replace these idiots. The people are waiting in line to take these jobs, they know who will be the next fireman. "But the training will cost a fortune." That is the argument that you are hearing from fire fighters. Here is where they are mistaken. These 6 folks will all retire someday and they will have to be replaced anyway. We would just speeding up the process by getting rid of a handful of people that think it is okay to jack-off on the job. The amount of money saved on retirement and health benefits alone will offset the cost of new hire training. Is it sad for the families and friends? Yes. But if they get fired justly then it is a step forward, from the cloak and dagger cronyism that plagues Quincy and and many other municipalities
20,000$ of taxpayers money (likley) to bring down an Atty from the Chi to deal with this mess? Now I know where my taxes go! Why can't they put the wonderful ABC on the case, he supposedly specializes in/around this area of law? Or that flunky Staff? What the hell they doin, pimpin ho's out of the firehouse?
If I were one of them, and they were going to tell the public they were going to fire me for using a fucking computer for personal emails and claim it violated some unenforced policy of not using city equipment, I'd start singing.
No shit $58k/yr with bennies, what the fuck does the legal dept do over there? All told they suck at the teet of the taxpayer for nearly $500,000 and they need to call in an outside guy to do the stuff that actually requires lawyering skills. Can any one say GHOST JOBS?
That fucken UMRB, let him get this crap sorted out. Thinks he knows everything, let's see him white-wash this disaster. HaHa
Fellow anons who may have had their anon feelings hurt: I don't care.
And I am not moderating the comments posted. Anyone can post..... as long as you've got a name to go with it.
You fellow anons *don't* have to have a blog to have a name. Stupid anons.
Again, couldn't care less that no one wants to go to my blog because the anons can't poke someone in the back and run anymore. Haven't you silly little anons figured that out by now?
I think it's funny that we don't really know who "bg" is anyway. Sounds pretty anonymous to me.
Yeah, I guess that is kinda funny since the majority of you anons thought the "BG" stood for Bob Gough. Think I'm kidding? Look through the archives of my blog. There you'll see all sorts of comments directed as shots against him when he had ZERO involvement.
So do you actually believe the man known as Tookie is his REAL name?
As for my "anonymity", that's pretty naive. My name is all over the three other blogs I run. (rolling eyes)
BG ..has his fricken names and pic on his blog with damn near an entire life history including old shit hole apartments he lived in .
Rams didn't lose Sunday!!LOL
Hey bg,
since you don't have to spend alot of time reading comments on you 4 blogs, why don't you trot your sweet ass over to City Hall or whoever covers the City these days at your news group, and get us an update on this city scandal.
Yes, bg, do that, or Rodney Funion, there may be a Pulizer Prize hanging on this one!!
Oooh, I hate not knowing!!!
Do you think Rodney knows why these six are on paid leave? If so, why not tell the public? Most know by now anyway.
Pay me.
I don't get paid to write, and I don't live in Quincy. I do what I want, when I want.
Will probably never be a taxpayer in that place again. I feel bad for everyone that does live there because there needs to be some serious rage against the machine. Yes, I went there.
But the town is shit. I'm only in q-town for the paycheck, and until it comes with your name on the bottom, I ain't doin shit for you anons.
"Oooh, I hate not knowing!!!
11/06/2007 11:26:00 AM"
Then YOU get off your ass and find out. Like I said, I don't live there, and I've got better things to do. You all know the town is corrupt, yet you want someone else to do the work. Then when they DO the work, you bitch and moan about it.
Kiss my ass, it ain't me.
Try Prozac, or Zoloft, or St. John's Wort, or getting laid once in a while.
bg 2:19
How much, Nancy?
100 MG DAILY, Bonnie.
Right then, names, now we're getting somewhere. What did they do to earn WHORE title?
Did they officially get fired?
3 non-union, fired, 3 union, not fired.
I personnally like the suggestion someone had of pulling of the city's computers and doing an investigation, bet you wouldn't find much activity these past three weeks, would ya? They're all scared shitless because they're all guilty. Someone must have had a target on their back and you can bet nepotism wasn't involved or they wouldn't have been fired. There are so many "untouchables" out there doing the same damn thing.
I know these six individuals personally and none of them did anything that any other City employee doesn't do. As a matter of fact, I know many City employees who have done much worse. These six employees have been targeted and this is typical City politics. All six have perfect work histories and have never caused any problems in their work places. So they used email to email each other, so what! Were they getting their jobs done? Yes! They were all employees who stepped up to the plate when things needed to get done. That's what should be concentrated on. They didn't even get a warning. If they fired everyone who worked for the City who sent personal emails, dirty jokes, talked on the phones, etc. there would be hardly anyone left to run the place. This is ridiculous. Think of all the money wasted on bringing Spizzo in from Chicago, hiring back firefighters, etc. I can think of many employees that work for the City that have zero skills in the positions they hold, but they are still there collecting a paycheck. As far as I know, all six were employees not related to any of the political leaders that play God with peoples lives. Step up to the plate Mayor Spring and make things right. Quit jacking with peoples lives and start targeting the people that really aren't doing there jobs. I really didn't think you were capable of stooping to this level of firing six people with zero warning. Shame on you!
Good one. Wonder how many toes are hurting from that one.
Wow. An anon makes compelling point. My thoughts exactly.
I'm sick and tired of all the rumors floating around about these people. Haven't heard a true one yet. This has really affected them and their family's. Then to have their names displayed on television and in the paper as if they were criminals. Give me a break. Just another reminder of how desperate Quincy is for news. Do you know how many qualified people there are to fill positions in the City of Quincy, but they don't have a shot because they don't have the right name or right connection. The six people that were targeted actually had skills that fit their job descriptions and they actually did their jobs well and were much appreciated by the people who knew them. I personally know they took their jobs seriously and would have never jeopardized their jobs on purpose. I can not believe City Government is wasting tax payors money on something this petty. If the citizens really knew all the real crimes that happen within City government, they'd be up in arms. Some of the charges brought up against the six can't even be substantiated. When several of them asked for proof of the charges, they were denied. So,they are having their names drug through the mud for what reason? Why? They deserve answers. They are treated like they have no rights. Thought we lived in America. Hmmmm! Scary if you ask me. Makes one realize that they can't ever feel too comfortable.
You might want to tell your friends that when all this stuff actually comes out, they may not want to be around Quincy any longer. What they've been accused of is NOT what most people do. And the proof is in the hard drive.
I know the contents of their emails and they were personal between them. They didn't offend anyone and no one complained of harassment. They were friends and spoke to each other in confidence. What they shared between each other is no ones business. They always acted professionally in the work place. Have you ever heard the story about living in a glass house? You may want to start cleaning your windows.
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