Not necessarily.
I'm also NOT ready for some football if this is the way ESPN is going to present it.
What the hell has happened to MNF? Holy crap!
The F in MNF stands for football, not fun, frivolity or fluff.
This used to be the premier game of the week. Top teams from the schedule were picked out the best way possible and given an exclusive night. I remember when the schedules came out you would always look for how many times your team was on MNF for the season. The more times your team was on, the more bragging rights you had. Now when the schedule comes out, I pray that that my team is not playing at all.
Now we have Larry, Curly and Smoe putting on what seems to be a combo of football, game show, sports show and late night talk show! Hell, there is so much crap going on, that the game seems to be something to show when the stooges run out of something to say.
Who the hell came up with the "guest" stopping by the booth and then the game cuts away to what and who ever comes next? They get so engulfed with the guest that they sometimes forget what they are actually there for.
Tony !! Take a hint. Shut the hell up! I would rather listen to me scream while I circumcise myself with a dull clamshell rather than hear your lips flap in the breeze. SHUT UP PLEASE !
And what is up with the "ask tony" segment? Here's a question Einstein, Who the hell died and made you an expert at answering questions? I could give a rats ass who asks you what and your silly ass answer is.
This trio is a joke. What was ESPN thinking when they slapped these idiots together? It's so bad that even if you mute the TV, you still can't watch the game because they are cutting in and out to focus on the guest, clips from their movie, highlights of their career, or cutting to the booth to get yet another shot of the jerks who are distracting you from watching the game.
I know Disney is the parent company of ESPN and ABC, but couldn't you put on a better program than this Mickey Mouse show you have going on here ?
I agree BUT ............
We got not one BUT two mfering games last night and both were good ball games .
p.s. : Toss me a fly route right into that cheesecake pic ....I will put the "ball" in the End Zone
Fire I love you in a NON-Ghey way for this post and that pic .
Senor --that pic is worth of a deposit in the SPANK BANK !
A picture says a thousand words. Finest SPEAK ever...
That is a great pic...
Love the pigskin...
How's everyone doing with pulling in the new digital ABC 7.2? What kind of antenna ya's using? Any thoughts? This comes as a blessing to Dish/Direct's that can't get a waiver from John Wise, Chief Engineer at KTVO, who doens't respond to emails. ABC at last, good god almight, ABC at last!
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