I offer a question to anyone supporting bans. The bar and restaurant business is fiercely competitive, and the people running venues are smart enough to do everything they can to increase their bottom line. If banning smoking really were good for their business, wouldn't they have discovered it by now, and wouldn't that make laws mandating bans unnecessary?
Is Quincy City Council Ready for this ?
In a rare display of honesty, anti smokers admit their real motivation behind banning smoking. It has nothing to do with peoples health, It's about using any means necessary to eliminate smoking completely.
55 bars and several restaurants in Minneapolis have closed since the smoking ban was implemented. 1400 jobs have already been lost in the hospitality industry. At 227 days into the smoking ban this equals one bar/restaurant closing every 4 days.
If the smokers give TEAM KRIEGERS a vast sum of cash ..they will get Mr Spring's 9 rubber stamp votes to kill the ban .
But the smokers must give in cash and in the pockets
Enough already with the Nazi comparisons. It's getting old. So the Nazi's restricted smoking, big deal. You gotta look at why they did it. They wanted to keep people ALIVE and HEALTHY (albiet to build a master race and to fuel an oppresive war machine, I know. But they wanted their citizens to be ALIVE and HEALTHY.
Interestingly enough, they let the Jews in the concentration camps smoke, what's that tell ya?
Pick on the grammar,if nothing else!
Who's driving this ban?
That would be the Adams County Health Dept, and rightly so! Let's give them credit and thanks for fighting for a great cause! Especially since it helps the kids.
RE: Them
They can CHOOSE not to smoke and stay inside.
Ellen Vonderheide, an employee of the Adams County Health Department.
Guess things are slow at the ACHD.
Everything looks brand new to those who don't know any history. I'm always amazed at how fast Americans embrace the idea of fascism in this country.
Team Kriegers supports the ban
Except at Kriegers and the Harrison pub , then only cheap menthol smokes are allowed.
Especially since it helps the kids. ??
WTF ??
How does a smoking ban help the kids ?? Take your kids to the bars and bowling alleys ??
Teach your kids not to smoke !!
A list of places that banned smoking and seem to be doing pretty well.
Kids are welcome to smoke at Kriegers as long as they smoke cheap menthols and play our video games
Ever hear of monkey see, monkey do, you dumbass? If the kids don't see adult idiots smoking, they won't feel the need to do the "big shot" thing and smoke.
Also, yes kids should be able to go to a bowling alley and inhale clean air. I'll be bold and go that far, jeez. What kind of asshole are you that says a kid shouldn't go to a bowling alley, and if the kid does, the kid should have to inhale carcinogens?
Also, is McD's a bar? Jerks like you are the reason a ban is needed.
Likes kids
We want all kids of alderman to get life long city jobs.
Team kriegers wants to teach kids about the OLC and cheap menthols .
Team kriegers is pro kids .
At least JJ doesn't smoke at the PUB.
A major problem with the smoking issue is that smokers have been cowed into believing they're doing something wrong. I say bullshit. Cigarette smoking has always been an acceptable part of American life, but not in modern America. But look at the kind of moral filth, once unacceptable, that has become part and parcel of modern America. Actors can commit any kind of indecent behavior on screen, but only if they light up will there be a protest. Our youngsters use foul language, engage in lewd conduct, have babies out of wedlock and engage in unspeakable violence, and we worry about whether they smoke. Hey libs, suck it!
JJ can smoke whereever he wants . He is a walking God to us at Team kriegers . We worship at the alter of JJ .
Team kriegers says all kids should grow up wanting to be a JJ .
Ban cell phones.... period. We lived without them for years.
Also, yes kids should be able to go to a bowling alley and inhale clean air. I'll be bold and go that far, jeez.
If enough kids don't go bowling because of the smoke, the bowling alley owner will most likely change his policy. Not when assholes like you want to decide for him. Dumbass!
Buy your own bowling alley and you can do what you want with it.
JJ has a bowling alley in his pants and smoking is banned
Hey, I'm not the asshole that's gonna decide for them, it's the city council that will do that.
What a freakin turd, just goes to show you how flawed addicted thinking is. Just make sure you pay for your own iron lung/transplant/O2 tank, and funeral, and don't pass the bill to my state.
We at team kriegers think that tax dollars should be used for all of our expences ! We feel that if the state is willing to give JJ a job then all bets are off.
God bless the tax paying people who support our drinking habbits .
What a freakin turd, just goes to show you how flawed addicted thinking is.
I don't smoke. That's not the issue. That's why you are a dumbass.
MSRP $85,000
Team kriegers would like to thank ourselves and Sen Sullivan for letting a certain person rape and rob us , then take his "Grant" and drive it around.
This is the team krieger award of 2006
Ever hear of monkey see, monkey do, you dumbass?
Yes, I have.
If you can't teach your children between good and bad, please keep them locked up until they are adults. TV and Life might lead to undesirable effects of something they might "see".
All you f@ck-heads, when pinned own, claim falsely to be non-smokers. You wouldn't give a shit if you didn't smoke. Just the the Judas you are. "But I'm not a smoker" You pussy. Stand up and fight for your fellow butt-suckers like you got a pair.
Stand up and fight for your fellow butt-suckers like you got a pair.
You post anonomously calling people cowards. Go fuck yourself, Nancy.
We are for F***ing one's self
We are for cowards
We are butt suckers (that's kiss asses isn't it?)
We are pro kids , as long as they play our video games
We are very Pro Jos A Banks and their fine pants
I am not a smoker. I don't especially like smoke, but I am not in favor of bans. I am not usually a civil libertarian, but this is a case where I think I feel that it is a civil liberty issue for smokers. In fact it is also a civil liberty issue for non smokers, if people don't want to be around smoke, then the answer is simple: don't go to places where you will be around smoke.
I am also not normally a free market capitalist, but I think if that patrons truly wanted smoke free restaurants, then restaurateurs would have offered them by now. If it was economically viable then it would happen without a government mandate.
In addition, I have a friend who is very active in the smoke-free movement. One of his arguments is that it is a occupational safety issue for restaurant workers. .that government has protected workers in many industries over the years and that this is an extension of the American impulse to protect workers. I counter by saying that many jobs have occupational safety issues that workers accept. In fact, every bartender I have ever talked to says they would not do what they do if they minded smoke.
These are just some of my thoughts on the subject.
Join our E club
You can see that we are pro kids because we will give them a FREE smoothie and they eat free on Tues
Too many times, anti-smoking activists aren’t satisfied with a reasonable accommodation and push for an all-or-nothing plan that leaves smokers and property owners out in the cold. Doing so infringes on the owners’ right to use his property as he sees fit. And if we allow government to limit property rights in the all-powerful name of protecting health, where will it end? New York City has already banned trans fats from restaurants; will other cities and states hop aboard that train? Or will some ban trans fats from pre-packaged foods on store shelves? Enacting bans in the interest of protecting health removes individuals’ freedom of choice and responsibility for their own well being. It’s a slippery slope, indeed, and it starts at our own front doors.
All you f@ck-heads, when pinned own, claim falsely to be non-smokers. You wouldn't give a shit if you didn't smoke. Just the the Judas you are. "But I'm not a smoker" You pussy. Stand up and fight for your fellow butt-suckers like you got a pair.
You seem to be the only stupid mother fucker in here arguing for the government to have the right to dictate what people do with their private property. You fuckin pussy.
We like the Gubermint !
They are taking kids from parents in England now that are too fat.
Trans fat is or will be banned banned in NYC resturants.
Smoking will be banned in public places in Quincy, and if you don't like it, that's a tuff titty to suck.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - How many people does it take to change a light bulb? In California, the answer could be a majority of the Legislature
We are banning LIGHT BULBS ! We are even better than Mao and Team Kriegers
You can do whatever you want on your pvt property as long as the public is not involved. If they can say how many bathrooms you have to have in ou joint, and how high the ceiling has to be, etc, they can tell ya not to let people smoke. How do you figure it's happened eeverywhere else.
Boy, If i were you, I couldn't sleep at night knowing how much you value "pvt property, let the owner decide" etc, & how much this is getting shit on all over the place. Seems like pvt property & choice are losing everywhere (& here soon(, I hope you don't have a heart attack, you panty waist!
CHICAGO (AFP) - Animal rights activists and restaurateurs have sought to reheat the debate over Chicago's controversial ban on the sale of foie gras with competing public events.
We ban Goose Liver !
How do you figure it's happened eeverywhere else.
Because of dumbass sheeple like yourself. People who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. Those who believe whatever they are told. Acceptance of government intrusion and regulation is another hallmark of dumbasses like yourself. There are alot of you.
Yes... yes...yes. Senor Badass likes to do a little smoking when he's at a bar. I will freely admit that. They banned it here in Springfield.
I now have no reason to go to a bar. I can fucking drink at home. I cannot smoke at home. This is why my friends and I are willing to pay more for beer when we go out.
I believe in property rights... I believe that bans are stupid and bad policy...
But most of all, I like to fucking smoke in bars while I'm drinking. Smoking is fun. It brings great pleasure. It goes good with beer, food and coffee.
Fuck... I'm going to Thornton's to grab a pack of Marbies right now, fuckers.
It's called following the rules and laws, you chicken-shit cock-sucker.
We ain't talken about bans, we're talkin about ordinances and laws, you cracker-ass bastard.
Just kidding, Senor, fiqured you for Kools or Benson & Hedges. But please try to quit, we want you as a living cracker.
And that goes for all you smokers, please try to quit, your famliy members will appreciate it, it's a victory for all of us when one person quits. Quit for Jr. Senor, if there is one, or Mrs Senor.
Swearing, smoking, drunkenness, promiscuity, overly loud and animated behavior in public, and gambling (especially the copious purchase of scratch-style lottery tickets), and owning expensive cable television packages are examples of "white trash" vices.
That is also our battle cry Mr anon , when we hang out at the mall !
I know, I seen you kriegers guys in action. Who won at CB tag today?
CB tag winner of the month of Jan was my brother-cousin-uncle-brotherinlaw-sister-wife-husband
We rock
Up yours bean town
What is CB tag?
Ever hear of monkey see, monkey do, you dumbass? If the kids don't see adult idiots smoking, they won't feel the need to do the "big shot" thing and smoke.
If you're looking to people sitting in bars and bowling alleys to be roll models for your kid, you might as well kill the little bastard right now. Be a parent, dumbass.
CB Tag is a game teetsuckers play while you are paying them to work.
Why don't you post that proposed Nazi ordinance? Let the people know what they actually proposing. Unless, or course, you're a pussy.
The Moonites RULE
Up yours Boston
breaker breaker team kriegers got your wings on ?
Breaker good buddy got wings on and so dee dones gots no waffles
breaker breaker copy for hpub report
breaker breaker got your pants on
I"ll meet you out back of the city council mtg, after the ordinance goes through. See you there, and bring your O 2 tank too, you'll need it, butt sucker.
And get a real job, pandering to peoples vices is no way to make a living. If you were a real G, you would be a pimp.
Screaming children out to be banned from eating establishments too.
...and midgets.
The proposed smoking ban in restaurants and bars in Quincy should be rejected.
Individuals should not expect their government to protect their health by banning smoking in bars and clubs. They should be left free to make their own choices and take their own risks--and they should be responsible for the consequences. It should be up to each individual to decide whether to smoke, whether to go to a bar that permits smoking, or whether to permit smoking on his own property.
Forcing property owners to adopt a non-smoking policy is a violation of their rights, and of the rights of those who enjoy smoking cigarettes.
Free individuals need government to protect their rights, not to violate them.
breaker breaker good buddy
Got your trucker clock on ?
I want you to lay on top of me , not because I am gay , but out of respect on how I handle my rig
You ain't worth no $3.99 a minute, I'll tell you that right now.
What a dick.
How do explain smoking in public being banned every god-damn where else? Seems like you pvt property "choice" assholes are losing everywhere, you're just pissing and moaning cause you're gonna lose here, too.
Go to your "Freeman" meeting, see if they'll let you smoke there.
It won't pass. Now get some rest. I'm gonna want to supersize my combo tonite after the bars close. Smokin is thirsty business.
"Private Property Choice Assholes". huh? What a fuckhead. I hope your wife is the first one they impregnate with supersoldier babies when the final world war hits.
I'll bet that I can get the majority of people in Quincy to decide that the stupid oak cabinets and Cracker Barrel tacky-assed country bullshit with which your house is most certainly decorated is ugly and pass a city ordinance to...
... sorry, I lost where I was going there. Dumbasses like you piss me off so fucking much it makes my nuts itch. Yeah, the private property rights people are the assholes, not asshats who like you who should just stay home and let the cool people smoke and drink.
Eat that, Sammy Suckass.
One of my greatest pleasures comes from smoking a fine cigar in one of Quincys many bars, i love to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere with my girlfriend. I really hope I dont lose this as it is one of the few times n life where everything seems to be at peace and I can ejoy the moment.
Waht an asshole you are Senor. And coming form Springfield, you should know better! Try to smoke in the Olive Garden, they'll bounce you out on pussy thespian Oklahoma singing ass!
You dumb fucking nutsack. I suppose you probably enjoyed the company of other men in your queer duck blind while I was playing in a band and got paid to drink beer and get hit on by chicks that showed me their tits. I'll stick with the singing.
As for the Olive Garden... I wouldn't eat that trash if you promised to pay for and then cut your own worthless nuts off and bleed to death for my entertainment... well, maybe I would.
Play some Skinard, Senor!
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