"It's not a trap, I challenge anyone to tell me why it's a trap," Deputy Chief Ron Dreyer with the Quincy Police Department said. "We're out here in marked cars, the speed limit is posted. And frankly we're not going to ignore the speed limit in the city of Quincy. If people choose to ignore it, we'll enforce it as much as possible."
Directory > Reference > Wikipedia
Speed Trap:
The term speed trap refers to a point where speed limits are strictly enforced by police. It is generally understood as meaning a specific location in which police wait in concealment. For example, a police car might wait behind a bridge or overpass, out of sight of approaching motorists, but has also been applied to locations where a speed camera is posted.
The term speed trap is usually used by motorists, not by enforcement officers. It may be considered pejorative, and use of the term may suggest the appearance of speed enforcement by concealed means or excessively strict speed enforcement.
Speed traps have been used since the beginning of the 20th Century as a means to enforce speed limits, and Britain's Automobile Association was set up specifically to notify members of speed traps.
Cities or road sections become known as speed traps where police have a reputation for writing an unusually high number of traffic tickets, especially speeding tickets. Sometimes the posted speed limits are not easily seen; in other places, the limits might be set excessively low.
Speed traps often are found in small towns, often near major highways, in which travelers are less likely to return and challenge a ticket. Speed trap towns typically have an unusually large percentage of their local workforce dedicated to traffic law enforcement or judiciary occupations. Furthermore, traffic fines make up an unusually large percentage of income for speed trap towns.
You tell us ???
Ron can be a nice guy but right now the words
WAFFEN SS pop to mind.
Ron come on now some of us actually know you and your NOT normally like this . Do you really think your officers want to PIMP Joe Six Pack ?
Does it make a difference to pop Soccer moms in mini vans for 34 in a 30 ?
It appears you read the blogs... so why not take some advice and not C*ck out on the people you SERVE and PROTECT !
Your a far nicer guy than to STOOP to " I dare you because I have a badge"
remember the Quincy on your patches .........
F*** mr. adultry Dryer and his two bit marriage destroying whore wife!
Can't believe QPD was stupid enough to make two members of the same household Lietenants!
Anyone wants to bitch about nepotism can start with thier household!
Case 1997OP42 Last Update 03/03/1997 Last Upload 11/28/2005 @ 04:07
Case Category Civil Case Type - Subtype OP - 205 Order of Protection - Order of Protection
Other Litigants
Role Name
PlaintiffOrPetitioner DREYER, DOROTHY M
Litigant Information
Why was it necessary for his former wife to get an order of protection?????
Is this conduct unbecoming of an officer?
beat a wife become deputy chief!
Improper driving ????
Doesn't that translate to " I have a badge and you won't give me a DWI "
rumor has it that dreyer was in arears on his child support.
Is he still?
OPPS ...........
Spelled O P P S
But I DARE you to drive 32 mph in a 30
Because I am better than you
I hear he was so far behind on support and money that he forced his exwife and FOUR CHILDREN to live in a trailer park for awhile.
Now that would be funny if it happened in the last two or three years with the current laws.
Sorry chief I can't go out an check on officer X because my lisence has been revoked for nonpayment of chidsupport.
Now thats f-ing funny!!!
Lets give him the nickname of DEADBEAT DEPUTY CHIEF!
Hey Ron!!!!!
You might want to think about threatening the public. First they pay your check and second it appears you have a few skeletons that you would rather leave hidden in your closet.
Damn you guys are brutal. I think Copley was sick and tired of taking it on the nose from the general public and Ron either volunteered or was asked to follow up on this. He defeinately appears to be the wrong person for this little pet project.
tell us jen! please give details.
Hey Ron 1000's of tin dusters are in town this weekend. 50 percent have exhausts that violate either state law or local ordinace. I think you can write 1000's of tickets and get a little more revenue for your department.
Acually you should be writing these people ticket since your not going to "ignore" laws!
Did you know that MIZZOU lost to crappy texas A&M
Now that is a reason to FINE and ticket anyone !
hahahaha I laughed all night
I have a question on the Grants both QPD and ISP get.
Is it true that M.A.D.D. issues Grants to Law enforcement? If M.A.D.D. issues money based on DWI arrests and this money is used to pay overtime and to add officers to Entrap enforce DWI's . ISN'T this inherently WRONG?
This is clearly special interest using money in the Grant form to RUN POLICY. If anyone knows anything about this I would like it cleared up. This in itself seems wrong.
Quincy Police step up speeding patrols
By Melissa Shriver
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 10:09 PM
QUINCY, ILL. -- If you're driving down Broadway or any other street in Quincy, check your speed because chances are police will be checking it for you.
It's all part of a new program thanks to a state grant that allows Quincy police to step up patrols to crack down on speeders. According to police logs, in the past two days police have nabbed 23 drivers for speeding and other traffic violations.
"That's our real goal in this...to reduce accidents overall, reduce property damage and make the streets safer for everyone," Deputy Chief Ron Dreyer with the Quincy Police Department said.
One of the reasons that this program is focused on Broadway is because 25 percent of all accidents on this street are caused by speeding. Police say safety is the goal, not issuing tickets.
"It's not a trap, I challenge anyone to tell me why it's a trap," Dreyer said. "We're out here in marked cars, the speed limit is posted. And frankly we're not going to ignore the speed limit in the city of Quincy. If people choose to ignore it, we'll enforce it as much as possible."
Deputy Chief Dreyer says increased patrols have helped other cities reduce crashes caused by speeding. He says the Quincy Police department has also received another grant to fight impaired driving.
KHQA wondered where the money from a $75 speeding ticket goes.
We talked with Adams County Circuit Clerk Randy Frese and he gave us this break-out.
Five dollars of your ticket go to court automation costs and another $5 go to document storage. The County gets $25, while the agency who issues the ticket gets the fine money which adds up to almost $29. Meanwhile, the state takes in about $11 of your speeding ticket.
I be mad as hell. All da 5-0's iz doin', wiff all deez speed traps an' everything, dey iz trying ta set folks up an' stick it ta us all. We need ta all git together an' stand up ta da po-po an' show what crooked muddas dey iz. This has gone on long enough, dey iz just ripping brothas off. Who here has da guts ta stand up ta da n#g an' his shameless antics! It'sda system o', by an' fo' da peeps still, ain't it? What do ya say! Let'sgive it back ta dem, then they'll know how it feels. They iz just doin' it ta rip us off o' money, anyway. you know das right!
Does anyone really believe that speeding is the main cause of accidents in Quincy? If so, they haven't made a left turn at 36th & Broadway beside some idiot that uses both lanes, or uses the center turn lane as a driving lane for about a block before turning out in front of another driver. How about right turns on a red light right in front of another car and then drives about 20 miles under the speed limit. Do I really need to go on??
I think Drew hit it on the head .....
Drivers from the State of Mo are the cause !
lets ban or fine them !
Go on wiff yo' bad self, straight shooter. I wuz rollin' in muh ma fuckin nice convetible Buick 225 wiff muh ma fuckin whitey wall tires, had muh ma fuckin ladies in da back, an all o' da sudden, out o' nowhare, I hear 5-0's behind me. They arrested muh ma fuckin fo' speeding, invalvid registration, nahh `64 insurance, pandering, uh few o' muh ma fuckin ho's had nahh licences, muh ma fuckin gal had warrants out fo' her ass, muh ma fuckin rotweiler didn't gots his tages, da deuce an' uh quarter wuz stolen, muh ma fuckin whitey walls wuz worn too thin, muh ma fuckin drivers license had expired, da nig I tole thae `64 from had let da registation lapse like uh dumbass, an' now I be in jail. slap mah fro!
once again We know us Repubs are accused of alot .......
but the anon Ebonics poster is not one of us !
Can you believe they're gonna hire 12 new traffic enforcement officers? You can see the details here.
I'll be voting fo' Judy, Lootie instead o' Jil, Andrea Z (my gal), muh ma fuckin real McCoy brudda, an' old Big Red. If dat iz not uh Republican, what do it make me? You may not like me, but ya gots ta accept me! I be uh proud negroid person! Don't even try an' distance yourself fom me an' muh ma fuckin n@gs, ya sucka, We ain't playin. ya'll is mad stupid.
They picked up muh ma fuckin baby'smama Friday night fo' speeding when we's doin' da ole kid exchange,ain't dat uh beeotch. Guess who'sgonna gots ta end up payin fo' dat one, one way or another. Me. Ain't dat beeotch. Now she ain't gonna wants ta bring our kid over anymo' fo' visits.
Irony about dis here iz, it'strue! in the hood
6. Fighting Tickets
This section contributed by
National Motorists Association
Join the NMA!
Web Page For the NMA Email nma@genie.geis.com
For anyone who gets a laser ticket, we encourage you to fight it. That in itself isn't news, (we encourage everyone to fight all speeding tickets) but lasers are not on judicial notice in New Jersey. In fact, they're not on notice in 95% or more of the country's courts. The prosecution teams around the country are glad you don't know that.
What's "judicial notice" mean? When something has been given judicial notice, it means that the theory of operation has been proven to the court and expert testimony to prove that is no longer needed. Radar is one such example. Aircraft speed traps are another.
Laser, however, has not been proven to the courts, so the prosecution will have to fly in expert testimony to prop up their case and new toy) to prove that their latest gadgetry actually works as advertised.
As it so happens, we at NMA keep a list of experts for our members, and one of those categories just happens to be radar and speed measurement devices. ;-) (Sorry, access to the list is for members only)
Laser -cannot- be used while the cop car is rolling. The vibrations would scatter the beam everywhere. I've only been ambushed by a laser trap once, and the setup had one officer doing the laser, another next to him radioing the to the chase vehicles, and 4 or 5 chasers. So, this is hardly a valuable use of scarce police resources!
In cases of aircraft tickets, if someone contests one, both the arresting officer and airplane spotter (or pilot, if the same) have to be hauled into court to say that yes, that driver was the one we stopped. Theoretically the same should happen with laser traps, but don't count on it until someone says something. ("Shhh. It's our secret. Don't let the public know" kind of stuff) One of our members in Texas has been fighting a laser ticket for 2 years now. He's only asked for one or two continuances (extensions) the rest of the time has been the prosecutions fault. Still no outcome. This works to his advantage. Since laser isn't on judicial notice there, they had to fly in experts.
[Also from nma@genie.geis.com, some info on lidar in New Jersey, and who is paying for lidar guns]
State Police based in Morris County have begun using 23 of the $3,800 LTI 20-20 Marksman laser guns. Newspaper accounts say that the new units will be distributed to other parts of the state when a municipal judge convicts a driver of speeding with a laser (i.e., no judicial notice yet). The initial group of units was purchased with a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. New Jersey is the 15th state to adopt lasers.
6. Fighting Tickets
This section contributed by
National Motorists Association
Join the NMA!
Web Page For the NMA Email nma@genie.geis.com
For anyone who gets a laser ticket, we encourage you to fight it. That in itself isn't news, (we encourage everyone to fight all speeding tickets) but lasers are not on judicial notice in New Jersey. In fact, they're not on notice in 95% or more of the country's courts. The prosecution teams around the country are glad you don't know that.
What's "judicial notice" mean? When something has been given judicial notice, it means that the theory of operation has been proven to the court and expert testimony to prove that is no longer needed. Radar is one such example. Aircraft speed traps are another.
Laser, however, has not been proven to the courts, so the prosecution will have to fly in expert testimony to prop up their case and new toy) to prove that their latest gadgetry actually works as advertised.
As it so happens, we at NMA keep a list of experts for our members, and one of those categories just happens to be radar and speed measurement devices. ;-) (Sorry, access to the list is for members only)
Laser -cannot- be used while the cop car is rolling. The vibrations would scatter the beam everywhere. I've only been ambushed by a laser trap once, and the setup had one officer doing the laser, another next to him radioing the to the chase vehicles, and 4 or 5 chasers. So, this is hardly a valuable use of scarce police resources!
In cases of aircraft tickets, if someone contests one, both the arresting officer and airplane spotter (or pilot, if the same) have to be hauled into court to say that yes, that driver was the one we stopped. Theoretically the same should happen with laser traps, but don't count on it until someone says something. ("Shhh. It's our secret. Don't let the public know" kind of stuff) One of our members in Texas has been fighting a laser ticket for 2 years now. He's only asked for one or two continuances (extensions) the rest of the time has been the prosecutions fault. Still no outcome. This works to his advantage. Since laser isn't on judicial notice there, they had to fly in experts.
[Also from nma@genie.geis.com, some info on lidar in New Jersey, and who is paying for lidar guns]
State Police based in Morris County have begun using 23 of the $3,800 LTI 20-20 Marksman laser guns. Newspaper accounts say that the new units will be distributed to other parts of the state when a municipal judge convicts a driver of speeding with a laser (i.e., no judicial notice yet). The initial group of units was purchased with a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. New Jersey is the 15th state to adopt lasers.
The SpecterGuard Laser is easy as installing a license plate cover...
How do laser guns work?
Laser guns work by emitting a laser beam which is bounced off a flat, reflective surface on your vehicle. Your license plate is the preferred area of the vehicle that a laser is pointed against by the operator. Most conventional laser detectors are ineffective. Even if you do detect the beam, its too late. You're caught!
How does SpecterGuard Laser work?
This specially designed cover works to absorb and diffuse the incoming laser beam. This significantly shortens the effective distance of laser guns.
You know what would help, no RESPECT!
Say QPD gets the grant to run speed patrols on Broadway. Well explain it to us the citizens. Lay out the grant and the equipment. Tell us how part of the deal is you must enforce the laws in certain areas.
Treat us with some respect. We aren’t all Perps’. Hell lay it all out. Hold some public forums around the city. Do some Q&A with the people. I am 100% sure the people would listen, voice some concerns, and then SUPPORT you like we always do.
That itty bitty dash of RESPECT mixed with laying out the incredibly tough job of Law enforcement would be enough. Hell lets do a “Meet the officers” in the Whig. The guys and gals I know are GREAT people and citizens as well as QPD officers.
Instead of everyday we read the paper and one face is laid out for us of QPD, lets show the other side. I recall my Exchange club days where QPD guys were FUNNY as hell at Friday lunch. Instead of “challenge”, use different wording. Why be confrontational to the public?
Maybe some that read this will pick up some ideas. I think we can make QPD even better than it is. But in every debate I have learned one main thing ……
“Or maybe I am wrong”
"Challange" is an iron ore town in the south part of Missspellakstan, in South Asia. Lovely place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
On a more serious note, what do the personal issues raised here have to with the merit of D/C Dreyer is saying? Why not just take them on and skip the personal issues.
Dryers down with OPP!!
The credibilty of our chief deputies should be drawn into this issue. If he is not credible when it pertains to laws (civil or criminal) and is in charge of enforcing laws we as a community have a major problem.
I have no I.P. logger, just the counter at the bottom there. Don't really care who posts here just as long as is clean and sparks good debates. Anon posts I feel have much better info than trying to "track" someone.
Same here on the spoofer. I log on here from several diff wi-fi spots !!!
Anon 1432,
Attacking credibility is permissible and useful if it's based on either untruths or deceitful behavior. Filing of an OP is no evidence of untruthfulness, as to anybody. Some anonymous alllegation that somebody is behind in c/s has nothing to do with credibility.
It sounds like you're making the allegation that all people who divorce and find a new partner are not credible. You've got about three toes on a slippery slope there.
Both things are just personal attacks and have nothing to do with the speaker's credibility.
Your missing one very important point that you yourself should know very well.
Why was this OP issued and What has to take place for an OP?
An Order of Protection is a document issued by a court to help protect an individual from harassment or abuse.
An Order of Protection can only be ordered by a judge.
Do I have a problem with having a deputy chief that has been issued an OP at some time in thier life??
Your damn right! This community does not need a deputy chief that a judge has found to be involved in either harassment or abuse.
What a stellar example to the community this sets!
Interesting topic of conversation.
I have a couple questions though.
Had this gentleman been a republican candidate for Sheriff, would your opinion be the same?
Knowing you, I think you would be quite creative when it came to creating an TV/Radio ad or a letter in regards to the matters raised by the above posters.
In general,
Who's job is it to review such matters? Who recommended this person for this position?
just some thoughts.
hello I am here.
Does anybody honestly think that
a few speeding tickets will "fix"
all the traffic problems on Broadway.
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