Ya Know...Nothing this week really burned my ass. There fore I'm opening it up to what ya' all think. I have nutin' ta bitch about, as you can see in the last two posts. So Let's see if I be missing something ??? Rules apply: No Politics, No Rumors, just the facts:
People who are not funny ! That burns my @ss !
I mean come on laugh some hell laugh at yourself. I still crack up when I see someone fall up stairs. A well timed fart may be the single best feature Mother Nature gave us. Mom Jokes.... I have never out grown them.
And the whole "Rick James" skits on Chappelle show used to crack me up .
Has anyone besides me ever been on a crouded elevator and around one floor before your stop CUT loose Bio weapons of mass distruction ?
I do that ALL the time in Chi Town !
How about No DSL west of 30th street??? Whats up with this ?
10 mil ???? Who the hell is putting this together ?? Sounds like our 911 members.
Yea. well SBC keeps telling me next month, next month. I have just about had it with those guys. No one there can give you a direct answer. Either your gonna have it or not. Make up a true story.
How about a 16-cent difference between the price of gas in West Quincy and in LaGrange and Canton? Monday, May 15, gasoline in WQ is 2.89, but only 2.75 in towns north (2.73 if you buy the 10 percent ethanol). No possible claim of a price difference because of tax differential--the only possible reason: gouging, pure and simple. Not just gouging but price fixing--that mysterious mechanism by which all the stations in West Quincy raise and lower the prices on exactly the same day.
I have a question, What the Hell is going on with the police Chief in Hannibal? The news people keep talking about a trial and an investigation but "details have not been released". What does that mean? If this guy is a public offical that has done something illegal that pertains to his job, why don't they release some details?
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