Could Illinois become the latest state in the country to ban smoking in most public places?
Lawmakers are in the early stages of banning smoking in places like restaurants and bars.
This looks to be an issue that divides many people.
We checked in with one local business tonight to get its thoughts on the issue.
Smoking or non? You might have a choice now, but that may not be the case much longer. An Illinois House health care committee has approved a bill banning smoking in public places. And some aren't too happy about it.
Illinois is not alone. As of January 2004, five states including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and New York have passed laws prohibiting smoking in almost all workplaces, restaurants, and bars. Supporters say smokers shouldn't inflict their smoke on employees and other customers. But opponents say customers should be the ones to decide by choosing whether to go to places that allow smoking. Some bars and restaurants have outside patios for smokers, but Richard McCauslin doesn't think businesses should have to resort to that.
We also talked with some supporters of the ban who say they're concerned about children's exposure to secondhand smoke. One customer who had asthma says she always sits in the non-smoking section, but the smoke still gets to her. Regardless of what lawmakers decide, Manager Cathy Miller doesn't think a ban would hurt business.
A few months ago, state lawmakers decided to let individual cities decide whether to ban smoking...a move that Chicago has taken advantage of.
Opponents say the state should give that process more time.
The smoke-free legislation now heads to Illinois' full House.
Totally ridiculous. I thought this was the "land of the free".
On another note, keep up the good work. We need more blogs like this.
Real nice, feel free to sign up for public aid & bankrupt public funds to pay for your iron lung. I guess this is the land of the free, the smoking free-loaders who jack up everyone's health care costs because the eventually can't pay for their self-destructive habits & pass the costs on to someone else. Keep smoking!, just do it in your own home, don't subject others to the sight & smell of your suicide!
What I think this comes down to is people taking themselves way too seriously. Yes people pay to smoke. But I will surly not ask the government to pay for my iron lung or whatever treatment Mr. Anonymous from the 50's perscribes. Smoking is a choice that comes with consequences and it should be the smokers responsibilites to pay for those consequences. But people make bad decicions all the time, should they be further subjected to this harassment. I personally don't like breastfeeding in public, or crying babies when I am enjoying a meal. I however am not willing to send those people outside because they hamper the quintesential dining experience. I show some tolerance, some understanding and realize that I am not the only person on this planet and that I have to put up with certain behavior in order to get any enjoyment out of life
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