Monday, May 09, 2011

Two sides of Gas Prices

Don't like linking You tube videos here but had to do this one.


Sassenach said...

These are the same people, bear in mind, who look down upon "breeders" with more than 2 children.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to show me all the savings retained by taking 30 minutes to drive into West Quincy to buy gas at 20 cents/gallon less.

Assuming I live in the heart of Quincy (24th & Broadway), I will be driving about 3 1/2 to 4 miles round trip.

Let's assume my car holds 22 gallons of fuel and I will be filling up by buying 20 gallons and thus will be saving myself $4.00 (20 gallons times 20 cents/gallon savings). Let's also assume my car averages 20 miles per gallon. So it's costing me a half hour of my time and a fifth of a gallon or 80 cents to drive to Missouri to ultimately save $3.20. Not a real savings under the perfect conditions I have outlined and even less of a savings if I only need 3/4 of a tank of gas.

Why not buy some groceries at HyVee and buy your fuel for 10 cents a gallon less thereby paying only $2.00 more to buy fuel in Quincy and not having to pay 80 cents to get to the station. Thus your real premium paid to buy gas in Quincy, Il is actually closer to $1.20.

Why does anyone actually drive from Quincy to West Quincy thinking they are saving money when the fuel spread is only 20 cents?

In order to make the numbers justify the trip, the spread needs to be about 50 to 75 cents or you need to have a 100 gallon fuel tank.

JDH said...

Anon 6;26, tobacco is also $1 a pack LESS, so if you are a smoker(I'm not)you save a lot,and then you get a break on gas. Also, some folks, like ME, just like to stick it to the man(Illinois)'cuz they don't get the road taxes which they will divert to social programs to buy votes.

Anonymous said...

If it takes you 30 minutes to drive 4 miles you are driving too slow.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's more like 7 miles round trip from 24th & Broadway plus the challenge of 20 intersections with stoplights.

Good luck buddy beating 20 minutes.

roadkill said...

This DS video clip should make it to El Rushbo. Imagine the 'Dumocrat' carving he can do with this factoid. And the citizenry should realized we got 'fooled' by the dems again.

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