Tuesday, May 04, 2010
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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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What?You must not have been at the Dogfish Parade Saturday.It was great! Wave after wave of almost goose-stepping union difference sheep was awesome!No one smiling but the guys throwing candy!It was as if they didn't want to be there!It was 15 minutes of WTF!Little kids all around asking their parents when the green shirts would be over?Thank God for the carnies selling junk to keep us awake!
Anonymous rebuttals welcome.Don't use your initials,it may give you away.
Green shirts were UD? thought that was the kids olympics?
Hard to tell the (union) diffenence with all the whining and candy.
Regarding the problem with the sign at the Adams County Health Department---why doesn't the county make the architect pay for correcting his/her mistake?
Instead of throwing out candy the unions were throwing out tax dollars
On the street = one time at band camp...
Seems we're supposed to make things easier for the recycle crew, they want to get done even earlier so they'll have more time to play CB tag & hang out in parking lots.......
Is the QHW gonna report everyone's job complaints? Seems they ought to be happy to have a job.... Gotta love the local nepotism network.... big babies.
So, it appears the architect responsible for the health department sign gets a free pass!
How can the city in good conscience permit a sign to remain in place when know that it is dangerous..
Would that not make the city responsible
in case of an accident?
What is a "green shirt"??
Quincy police responded to a call of a possible meth lab on 14th and Cherry street near Berrian park at 6 p.m. Tuesday.
One unit was pulled of seatbelt duty on Broadway and the other off speeding duty on Broadway.
It was decide that the MFFT was not needed for this.
Anon 6:45- Pretty sure they mean the "Union Difference" shirts.
Union Difference green shirt lazy fucking do nothing and collect higher pay and tell non-union people they are suckers for working for their money. Union Difference maggots on the corner of 7th and Maine taking smoke breaks from doing nothing.Union difference puppets walking in the parade looking like pissed zombies.Union Difference paid-off pickets at 12th and Broadway whining 'cuz they priced themselves out of the market again.Get a clue,fuck-sticks.
Hey! The hydro's back! The wind farms look like they will be coming also! Life is good in Adams county!
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