Thursday, February 11, 2010
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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Life is Good!
Hydro is Good!
A preview? Why can't the Whig just cover the speech?
Remember when the Whig used to write stories about events before they happened and pretend like they covered them?
Oh wait...
Maybe he can explain why the EMC contract is good for his politicial warchest and why they get to re-bid?
Firegate / Central service gate is good
Number of questions Ed will ask mayor = 0!
He is speaking at the Exchange Club meeting on Friday. He is a member of the Exchange Club. Chance of anything other than a foam-ball question? ZERO.
State of Quincy:
A lot of specific party city hiring nepotism, campaigning on the job, teatsuckers sucking money from the taxpayers, using city equipment for side jobs, boinking secs in the "archive room", police reports from central services HQ w/ arrests made, hangin out at 17 & State, shady hires........ Miss anything?
Amazing how the QHW called it a interview. Ed sat like a puppy as Spring told him what to write.
Yes, life is good in Little Chicago.Time to go.
Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
You're welcome Ed.
Is Yoda posting?
EMC SHOW ME THE MONEY In 2009, $1,500,000 was paid to EMC to manage the wastewater plant and operate the sludge removal program.
In 2010, EMC was the only firm af-forded the opportunity to REFINE their proposal for these 2 con-tracts. The City announces that this action has resulted in a savings to the City of $1,000,000 over the next 5 years. EMC's fees will be lowered to $1,340,000, re-duce the number of City employees from 10 to 8, pay 1/2 of the Utilities expense, and cap overtime
at $27,000 per year. I believe EMC already shares the Utility bill up to a designated amount(i.e.If EMCs specific amount is $10,000 month-ly, and the bill is $38,000, they both pay $19,000, but EMC is then reimbursed $9,000 by the City. The 2010 contract is just eliminating the reimbursement check. 8 City employees is the original amount EMC started with in 2002. In 2005, they REFINED their sludge contract bid by offering to lower the cost, if the City would hire 2 more employees to do the sludge work(let's see EMC lowered their quote 50 or 60 grand and the City took on another 100 grand in wages. BRILLIANT) Cap OverTime at $27,000,that is $10,000 less than 2009 and 95% of that was related to EMC use of 5 City employees, not 2 for sludge.
NOTE: Maint. Any repair cost over $8,000 the City pays, under $8,000(which there's not many) EMC pays.
Employee wages include the cost of benefits.
2010 Wastewater/Sludge Major Year-ly Expenses managed by EMC:
EMC Contract $1,340,000
City Employees(8) 435,500
Utility Share 250,000
Maint. 150,000
Overtime 27,000
TOTAL $2,092,000
If the City would contract out the sludge to a company with it's own employees, this would allow a re-duction to 7 or 6 City Employees and allow the hiring of 2 licensed,
wastewater managers.
2010 Wastewater/Sludge Major Year-ly Expenses managed by the City:
Sludge Contract $400,000Licensed City Manager(2) 230,000
City Employees(7) 380,000
Utilities 500,000
Maint. 200,000
Treatment Chemicals 50,000
TOTAL $1,760,000
5 YEAR DIFFERENCE $1,660,000 Most of these numbers are estimat-ed, but in the ballpark, and I know there's allot of variable ex-penses, but not over $300,000 a year.
I guess its all in info that is given out and how its worded. The City says EMC will save them $1,000,000 over 5 years and I say
EMC will cost over $1,500,000 over them same 5 years. That's a spread
of $2,500,000. Where's the money?
where is the money?? In Spring's pocket
Whenever somebody says they will save you money...look out for the fine print.
Somebody did more work on this then Fire did on Hydro. Good Job!
Just watched.2 freaking hours for a cab ride to show up!
UTILITY BILL: Quincynews Feb. 9 in reference to the new EMC contract stated, "The city and EMC will also split the utilities costs at the wastewater plant. Previously, the city had paid all of the utilities." I took this as an example of how EMC is trying to help the city save money. I was wrong was wrong and Quincynews was wrong. The last time the city paid all the utilities cost was the day before EMC took over. There is a negotiated amount each year that EMC will pay towards the cost, anything over that amount the city pays. Splitting the cost with EMC will cost the city more. EXAMPLE: Lets say EMC's pays $250,000.00 and the years cost is $350,000.00. The city pays $100,000.00. Under the new contract both the city and EMC will pay $175,000.00
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