Monday, January 01, 2007

Smoking In Quincy Survey Results...

A survey conducted in December by Quincy Fire showed 51 percent of the 362 registered internet users said they support "Let the Owners Decide" and feel smoking should be left up to the individual business owners to decide.

Here are the results of the Poll.


Anonymous said...

Good job, way to stuff the ballot box! You all voted early and often! Are you from Chicago?

Anonymous said...

Don't smoke, but don't like ultimatums either.
Remember when the seat belt fiasco
The "smokers" better get organized.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of thousands of deaths a year from smoking and we are having this argument? Ten kids get their head caught in their cribs and the goverment stops the production. Guess what I'm trying to say is it seems like a "no brainer" but then I'm arguing with the addicted. Well, better get to installing my carbon monoxide detector before the state takes me away.

Anonymous said...

In 2005, over 43,000 people were killed in traffic accidents. Did the goverment stop production of the automobile ??

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I don't give a rat's ass if you smoke yourself to death. I'm not against smoking,you can smoke in your car, your house, your yard, your boat, outside and any other place you own but not where I share space with you including bars and resturants. Smoking wouldn't be a problem if smokers had manners but most don't. They have no respect for their fellow man or themselves.
But it won't be long before all the resturants will be smoke free. springfield did it and it's coming this way. The sooner the better. so puff away, my friends at Duker's need the business!!

Anonymous said...

A local healthcare provider to a butt sucker smoking near the facility: "Get your bitch ass off the sidewalk, and take your cigarettes with you!".


Anonymous said...

The orgins of the term white trash may come from a racially segregated past, but modern usage of the term places emphasis on the word "trash" or the labeling of someone as socially worthless. It is often used by lower class white people to stigmatize others within their class who are perceived to be more backward than the norm for their class. "White trash" are perceived as having crude manners, abnormally low moral standards, and lack of cultured behavior and/or education. Swearing, smoking, promiscuity, drunkenness, overly loud and animated behavior in public, and gambling (especially the copious purchase of scratch-style lottery tickets) are examples of "white trash" vices. The label might be applied to a household that, for example, lives in a decrepit apartment or trailer, has a large family, lacks indoor plumbing, and has a yard strewn with debris or perhaps a non-functioning vehicle.

Anonymous said...

Our school system gives our children:
Prozac, Ritalin, Morning After Drugs,
Condoms & instructions on their use,
but Katy Bar The Door if caught with
an aspirin, no seat belt or cigarette

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