Local Quncy Media goes for the hat trick in dragging QHS Sports program thru the mud.
First up KHQA.
Then the Whig.
And following the whig, WGEM.
Kevin Haslam should have called the police on this.
Bet he is scared for life.
Suck it up buttercup.
Go play soccer or try cheerleading.
This shouldn't be called hazing. If the gossip is true, this was rape by a group of boys on apparently multiple victims. If true, they need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
The owner of this blog must have enjoyed his anal rape when he was in High school. That's the only way I can explain the flippant way he dismisses the charges and puts blame back on the victim.
I wagging a weiner in your face is rape, you must have failed sex ed.
The same way Bill Clinton got off...
Don't haze me bro
@ anon 645; rumor on the street was it was forced anal sex
Where would we be withour rumors.
You'd bash them all if they didn't say a word too.
And HOW is this coverage any different from your Messiah's message? Only difference I've found is Bob the Turtle just reported about one hour ago that the victim count is now at three. One of the "Local Quncy Media" reported it at 5pm yesterday.
Quincy Journal's BREAKING NEWS: When Messiah wakes up in the morning.
How about Blown out of Proportion?
One of the local media reported it at 5:00 on Thursday because the kid's dad is 'partnering' with them on information releases.
Bet he lawyered up 10 minutes after the kid informed him of his experience.
Not the "Local Quincy Media's" fault Dad decided to go to one of them instead of QuincyNews... err... QuincyGazette... err... whatever the hell it is this week, is it?
If my kid had been tea-bagged, the absolute LAST place I'd go would be to the media. I'd be having a set-to with the school personnel first.
But hey, that's just me and I'm not trying to make a profit on my kid's situation.
last time I will read your blog. Shut'er down, Clown!
Is that a promise? Can I count on that?
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