Saturday, June 12, 2010
No License for you!

Cab License Nazi QPD Chief was quoted Friday by QNO that "Due to new information that has come to light today, I will be withdrawing the recommendation for a license and make a new recommendation one way or the other at a later time"
That new information was anonymously reported to be the story from QNO on Saturday that the Map detail from May 14 to May 29 only netted 2 DUI's. Several people overheard mumbling around city hall that there is no way the department can meet payroll on 1 DUI a week.
QNO News
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O.K. Ted runs the North End Tavern and Bob is an insurance agent.How is this bad?Copley must be being pressured by the cab companies,but why?If Jonathan,or whatever his name is,has the cash for a limousine license,he will probably be doing a ligit business.I can't believe the cops would shut him down so they can make dui arrests.But then again this IS Quincy,AKA Little Chicago.
ONE MORE REASON TO HATE .......wait for it......................... QUINCY AND ALL YOU FUCKING QUINCYIANS, WITH YOUR HIGH TAXES, YOUR state tourn all hand picked soccer team(QND), your GESTAPO POLICE DEPARTMENT , the roadside checks everyday, I thought Hannibal mo was a dump....no wait it is ...quincy isn't far behind...although you do have GREDF and Jim Mentesticles, maybe just maybe , Quincy will get another restaurant with those high paying wait jobs, "way to go jim" you are a fucking hero, PS no safe ride home for you drunks either, SSSSHHHHHHHHH heinrich himmler copley may be listening...........QUINCY SUCKS and so do all of you QUINCYians, bring back chuck scholz at least you know who stole all the money and set him and his family up, damn, so did spring, anyone ...anyone... anyone
Anon 1;13.You seem upset.I would advise you to vote your conscience in the next election,and if things go south for you,get out of the town you hate,and away from people you consider idiots.I plan to stay and fight,and would be happy to have you on the team.We can and will change this town,just as we will change the states' government,and Washington,soon! Onward, the Light Brigade!
Hey you all
Chill Out
God, give Copley
a running start.
Chief is gonna "meat"
Friday with the boys
and straighten you
people out...
The Chief of Police, or his designate, shall in writing report his findings and conclusions after the public hearing to the City Council. Such findings and conclusions shall state, at a minimum, his findings as to the following:
(a) Whether the public is or is not at the time adequately being served by taxicabs;
Like to see the COP hold a public hearing with James Meredith's company. The public is NOT being served by his company!
Roberta can only
type two or
three words per
line and it
annoys the
fuck out of me.
Shouldn't you be at a bridge club game or something?
Jesus Fucking Christ you old hag. Get a hobby, literacy perhaps?
Anon 7:04,
I thought I was the only one that noticed. It'd be different if she was writing clever haikus or something.
If they can't meet payroll maybe they should layoff some of the city workers--people should be happy that there were only two dui's--that means people are being safer--GET RID OF CITY EMPLOYEES!! THEY MAKE TOO MUCH FOR STANDING AROUND ANYWAY ON THE STREETS ANYWAY!
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