Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New !!!! City Hall Sugestion Box

Alderman Steve Duesterhaus, city Democrats and the Mayor have installed a new suggestion box at City Hall...

After all the mayor says.....

I want to hear from you on how we are doing, and especially on how we can do things better here at City Hall.

Feel free to let us know what you think anytime. This Mayor and City Council are looking forward to hearing from you.

John A. Spring

Fire took a photo of it:


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another Circus in town.....

Like the School Board and City Council wasn't enough.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Comment moderation has been enabled.
All comments must be approved by King Deusterhaus!
"If I Want Your Opinion, I'll Give It To You"
Meanwhile, watch me piss away
10 million dollars into the Mississippi

Friday, July 10, 2009


SO.... I need one measly stamp.
I stop buy the post office on 36th street about 6pm only to find out......
They don't sell stamps from the machine anymore.
Vending machine is gone.
No stamps.
So, if you need stamps after hours, don't go there.
That's Bullsh*t !

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Feedback for the City

Republican 3rd Ward Aldermen Kyle Moore and Paul Havermale have started a new Website for 3rd ward residents.

Third Ward Quincy

Not to be outdone, the Mayor, Corporation Counsel, and the city's democrats have posted their own web page for feedback.

Feedback for Quincy


Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Don't think this is enough to stop the clock yet.


It has been determined that at sometime somebody somewhere used something to do something to this server.
270 days for this?