Increased Water rates....
City Council...
Department Raises...
Where does one start?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Hey Duesy, glad to hear the recession doesn't apply to city workers! Must be nice! You're all a bunch of kept mice.
don't you mean pigs at the trough?
23 more laid off at Quincy Compressor, maybe they should give the mayor and dept heads a bonus too.
"This is a great opportunity for a man who has worked his way up the department," Spring said.
Compared to the normal "Friends and Family" hiring practices the city has used for years, yes it is!
Can someone at the Whig PLEASE pull STEVE EIGHINGER lips off of Tony Rhinbergers ass!
Hey Duesy, these people won't be getting the "they've done a good job year round, need to be rewarded" speech/mutual back patting session:
Prarie Farms
Qcy Comp
T Wheel
Just to name a few.
Your timing really sucked, Duesy.
Duesy doesn't understand. He has a cushy state job at the Vets home. Guess what? He's not a Vet. He's getting himself a raise too.
NTN Bower adds 55 to the Douchederhouse list.
Maybe all the folks who are unemployed can hold a bake sale to raise the money to pay their tax increases so IT Director Jim Murphy can have his much earned raise.
Then they could have a garage sale to raise the needed funds to give Walker the raise he deserves for his outstanding performance during Firegate.
Perhaps a lemonade stand would provide the means to acquire the money to give Utilities Director Kent his much needed pay hike for his outstanding leadership in misrepresenting the sewer/water/tax increase. and holding the information until after the election.
For the first time in more than three decades Social Security recipients will not receive a benefit increase, formally known as a cost of living adjustment (COLA), in 2010, federal forecasts show, The New York Times reports.
Maybe John Ohnemus Director of Transit Lines could provide bus service for SS recipients to go door to door asking for donations to help them pay their increased taxes to make sure he gets his over $21k in sick pay buy back.
Maybe the city legal dept could cough up all the documents denied to QuincyNews.org in FOIA requests and give them the recently laid off folks from Quincy Compressor and the soon to be laid off folks at Shottenkirk. They could hold a silent auction of the mayor's automobile logs to make sure the Airport Director Marty Stegeman gets his much deserved pay bump for the outstanding job he's done with the airport.
James Spizzo and Mike Klingner could pool the interest on the nearly $1m they received from Spring and donate it to the 200 laid off employees at Knapheide so they can pay their taxes to make sure the Central Services Director Mike Beebe and his alderman sons assistants the Reis boys get their raises for their outstanding supervisory skills during Firegate.
Quick, someone translate this into smoke signals and send it to the Democrats on the city council.
I missed Quincy in the Illinois Getaway Ad in Sundays paper. Hummmmm
I see another shameless plug for racing in Sundays paper by the Mr. Steve E again.
No money for that kind of ad. It all went to raises.
Nascar sucks, and Mike Hilfrink is an asshole.
Open wheel baby, that's were it's at!! Indy & the Prin.cipality this weekend!!! Set your DVR.
"The Quincy City Council,for ex-ample, approved a budget April 27 that includes a 3 percent pay in-
crease for non-union employees and department heads. In doing so, aldermen followed the traditional
pratice of matching raises given to union employees." You better check again HW editor. The union employees got a 4 percent raise.
It's going to sound like I'm defen-ding, but its more like a devils advocate. Its not a water/sewer tax increase. Its a rate Increase. Ameren and Comcast have yearly increases, gasoline seems like daily. Soda and milk bi- monthly. Water/Sewer rates haven't increa-sed in Quincy in 5 years. You will now have to pay for the 12,000 gals you received for free every year and I imagine the same people that are complaining about having to pay almost $2.00 for 750 gals of city water are the same people that go to the Mini Mart every day and pay $1.49 for a 16 ounce bottle of it.
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