77% of visitors here say that the QPD seatbelt tickets are excessive.
Heres another states view.
North Dakota Supreme Court Slashes Traffic Ticket Profiteering
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Just put on your damn seatbelt. I agree its a horrible law but stop bitching that you got a ticket because you were to lazy to put on a seatbelt. Wear the belt and use the energy you safe from bitching to fix the problem. Children ask "but why" all the time. Are you a child?
It was a poll taken. It asked if YOU thought seatbelts tickets were high.
Who was bitchin?
Can you read?
I can read and for months this junk has come up on this board.
When the seatbelt tickets are some 20 times higher than the Illinois average and you call it junk?
Whats your badge number?
It's called Profiteering.
Plan and simple.
Or the anon could be from the QPD/city government public relations department located at
5th and Jersey.
i've never got a seat belt ticket. could it be because i wear my belt?
I always wear my seat belt . I think we are a bit extreme on the tickets .
I did get a radio volume ticket , but we know how that ended .
How bout slingin Caine in plain view of an alderman? Why does it appear we can do that?
QuincyNews.org site show another 12 seatbelts violations on the blotter for Tuesday 8-26
Why not get the jaywalkers or illegal parkers? If you don't like to read this junk then why are you on here officer?
Meanwhile, the gangs have taken over the Northwest part of Quncy, drugs are being dealt in plain sight there and what is being done? They even have their own nightclub they run in the street down there. The residents down there are paralyzed w/ fear of the gangs, they know who is really in control.
Quit writing junk
Moveif you dont like it. If you know all the drug dealers are out there or if see them why dont you write down there names, addresses, birthday. WHy dotn you go ask the residentsyourself what s going on the same answer always, nothing you r harassing everyone.
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