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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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The utter lack of follow ups . I think "firegate" and George Schrage were the ONLY stories I can think of that were non stop followed !
Quincy is a City that is asleep .
Name some stories that should have been "followed up" on, tookie.
Here is one :
18 years + garbage stickers + orange buckets = NO data
OLC center a few years back
Not to change the subject here:
ARLINGTON, Ore. — The mayor of an Oregon town who once stripped to her underwear and posed on a fire truck has been stripped of her office.
Bastards !!!
Here's a few more.
$5000 to train a police officer to ride a motorcycle ?
3/4 ton truck and bed to haul a 70 lb animal to the pound ?
A suburban fire truck dressed up like pimp my ride and gets 5 mpg ?
1.3 million for HVAC work on City Hall ?
Hell Ed-Tard could get the wonderful EXCELL "Family Tree" file from me .
I can think of 3 Aldermen who HAVE zero FAMILY members with sweet ass Gov't jobs !
Ed-Tard could ask questions and dig !
Do you know why there are BLOGS ?
Because we common Web Warriors do what PAID "professionals" like Ed-tard don't ...........
Think !
"ARLINGTON, Ore. — The mayor of an Oregon town who once stripped to her underwear and posed on a fire truck has been stripped of her office."
"Stripped" of her office! Hehehehehehe.....
That's hot.
Love the George "Road Trip" Schrage "keep the full amount per diem money & pack a baloney sandwich" "they stole-ed the receipts" reference. Gotta love ole George. Must have been fun blogging that one.
That's hot.
Love the George "Road Trip" Schrage "keep the full amount per diem money & pack a baloney sandwich" "they stole-ed the receipts" reference. Gotta love ole George. Must have been fun blogging that one.
That's hot.
Love the George "Road Trip" Schrage "keep the ful amount per diem money & pack a baloney sandwich" "they stole-ed the receipts" reference. Gotta love ole George. Must have been fun blogging that one.
Shoot,Fire, please delete at least 2-4 of the above, sorry!
Idea for a new thread: What's your choice for the re-naming of Wrigley Field? They are planning to whore the name out to the highest bidder! How's "AT& T Field" sound? How bout "Walgreens Field", Walgreens is big in the Chi area!
I saw that mayor in still photos. That lady had spent some time in the gym! Where are the videos?
Probably on her city owned computers hard drive.
No, wait. Those were just harmless e-mails.
Maybe you could contact the city attorneys to find out what is going on?
No. Damn-it. Wrong again. You hire an outside gun for that.
Actually, it turns out the referendum wasn't about the picture at all. It was about the golf course. That's easy to understand. Remember the dollar surcharge at Westview?
Does Quincy have the recall option for the Mayor? UMR? Not being a smartass, just want to know.
What was anon at 6:55p thinking? Name some stories to be followed up?
The list of fleecing is as long as my arm. The recent spat of one bid/no bid contracts would be a start.
State of the City speech - Spring could've been asked about the blighted downtown, the Methode closing, the ethanol/soy diesel, etc.
Tookie is about the only legit news source in this region.
Where could we find someone who reads the city code for entertainment?
"Tookie is about the only legit news source in this region.
2/27/2008 05:19:00 PM"
Dude I am an avg Joe with a logical brain ! I don't drink the fucking KOOL Aid even though I was expected to .
People not digging this!
Illinois doesn't have citizens' recall.
Shit !
How many pages can the QNDHW dedicate to the QND Girls BB ?
4 freaking pages last night alone and see some more coming out today !
But No, they play no favorites.
See the above ^^^^^^^^^
I tired to make a point that Edtard can write fluff * Doug Che the commie bastard can spin ......
No one gives a shit !
But if DOB & sports guys do something .........
It's a RIOT !
Political blogs are pre school ------ sports folks get down right mean !
p.s. : DOB hates kittens and puppys but has a affliction towards their POO ...weird isn't it ?
God Dayum, help this guy out, the harold rag prints "good luck Lady Raiders" and he pisses and moans for days. What the hell else we got to cheer about?
High gas pices? MF-ers breakin out of jail and getting their trial moved? High Ameren bills? You win the contest for petty-ass bitch of the year. Besides, QND puts out a better product.
When QHS goes to the state tournament, they get the same treatment. It's pretty simple - you win, you get love.
QND got bested by that buzz-saw Chi marshell anyway, so who gives a shit? 32 & 1 ain't so bad.
Dear Fire,
The previous comment was one of the most vile and racist statements ever posted, especially in light of your previous post. I know you don't screen comments and I know you had nothing to do with it.
Rodney Hart
Quincy High School girls basketball parent
I may exercise discretion at any time to delete comments deemed uncivil, off-topic, spam, or inappropriate advertisements. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted.
I don't delete much ...... I too this week deleted one I found went a bit far even for TEAM Tookie standards ( which are fairly low)
Stock suffered their worst one-day losses in more than three weeks on weakness in financial stocks, worries about the economy and the prospect of higher oil prices.
Give Big Oil credit, think they will have us all in the poor house before long! Thanks big oil.
Lemon Declines Superintendent Job
whig.com 8:50 p.m. 2/29
Lemon declines job because the pricks on the Board found a way out by offering a sub-stanard salary. They low-balled Lemon. Not really a Lemon fan but this kind of shit is why district 172 fails to measure up. I expected more from Mays and Bemis but they seem to toe the line when necessary. This board should fucking resign. They have no credibility. Just like the past 10 or twelve. Fucking liars and retards. Dickerson is a fucking snake in the grass. All the high paid positions at the board office is another reason to vote no on any tax increase!!
Lemon turns down job.
Big f'king deal.
Boo Hoo.
What pisses me off is that the board MAYBE decided that the job is OVERPAID and offered a fair value for the position.
If Mr Lemon think he was lowballed, go look for another job elsewhere. For me, someone who walks into this freaking mess and is WILLING to take a pay cut for the position would speak volumes about their intent to turn things around.
Here's a clue for you dumbasses here too. One person is not going to walk in here and change things. As much as some of you like lemon, he still has the board to work with.
Pisses me off to that on one hand everyone bitches about high priced admins but a local boy walks in and attempts to highjack the 172 and people bitch because he wasn't hired.
Good riddance Mr Lemon.
Another 3 pages today on a loss for QND in the QNDHW.
Maybe Sunday they can have second by second coverage of the game and chew up another 4 pages.
Don't get me wrong here. I was rooting for the girls and they deserve credit, but the printed press coverage is a little, no, way too much.
You have to remember, running the schools, is, more or less, comparable to a CEO\'s job. You wouldn\'t expect the guy running Gardner Denver to make under $100k. Lemon also said the position wasn\'t paying much more than he\'s currently making in a smaller district. Seems like the market sets the price.
I also found it interesting how Dickerson made some kind of comment like \"He\'s now removed himself from the running\", when Lemon seemed open to negotiating. It was like they just cut him off.
Why would any potential canidate want to come to Quincy after seeing how this dumb ass board handled the last two canidates.
And the end of the QHS boys' season gets sent back to page 6 of sports.
End of QND boys' season made it page one of sports.
But there is no bias.
What's funny is that you ASSUME that because everyone else makes this salary that you should.
Remember when you parents said "If everyone else jumped off of a cliff would you too?"
Market sets the price. Bullshit. Lower the qualifications a few notches and see who applys. I'd bet the 172 could get a quality applicant for far less.
Honestly, with the exception of starting and running the business yourself, is ANY CEO's job worth what they get paid?
Large corporations go belly up the whole time the CEO is milking the place for millions. (see ENRON )
Every ass wipe CEO/President that is employed by anyone should be on a performance for pay basis.
That's how the rest of the world operates.
So, what do you'all think that the Quincy Superintendent's salary SHOULD be? We know what Leahy was being paid. Most seem to think that that was too much. What should the range be? Let's start there.
The average annual salary in New York State for School Superintendents is slightly less than $100,000.
The average annual salary in New York State for School Superintendents is slightly less than $100,000.
click here
Wow! If that is accurate it is eye opening. If you have an individual who has 20 years experience, a Masters degree or maybe a Doctorate and they are going to take on a monumental task of rebuilding a mess like Quincy's are they worth $120,000? $140,000? More? Less? The other possibility is Lemon was going to use Quincy for a stepping stone and would not have stayed more than a contract, ot two. What then? I'm on no one's side here. Just trying to gauge where you think that Quincy should be. What's reasonable? What's fair? What's affordable?
My god, there are actually people pissing and moaning about the amount of coverage that the QND girls basketball team received this weekend. Could these people be any more immature? These are probably the same low-lifes that swear at high-school athletes and beat their spouses. Fucking pricks!
Don't worry, that's just some anti-QND stooge, he's jacked off, don't pay any attention to him. They must have online access on the 6th floor.
Big 172 screws up non-stop, as they did Friday in the public eye, and this asshole wants to bitch about the charity funded school making the headlines for playing good b-ball.
Surprise Surprise! One of the fired fireman has gotten busted STILL having an affair with one of the fired females from "the scandal" Anyone wanna guys who that is? Looks like more legal counsel will be needed folks. Some people never learn. What a #$@^ UP!! Looks like it was more than innocent email jokes.
So what? They are private citizens. It is their business.
For people to continue this character assault on the blogs in just plain wrong.
And I don't know any of the people involved.
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