Do you really think ex chief doellman will be okay with Bigelow keeping his job after all this mess. I doubt it. This is far from over folks. STAY TUNED
Q-Fire Turn the clock back on. This isn't even close to being over. RH keep that financial tally going and soon you'll be like Jerry Lewis telling them to "Roll Those Numbers".
3 on paid suspension. Suspension! These guys were paid but I can assure you it was no vacation. To have to spend 100 + days thinking about the unknown future, not hardly a vacation. It is easy to say they were paid, where’s the punishment but I believe that is defined as punishment on the city website. Be realistic, the guys wanted to go back to work and then have their fate decided. You should ask the families of the employees involved and see what they say about the 100 + day vacation. A pretty expensive vacation compliment of the City of Quincy. What I really want to know is the firemen’s side of this. From what I have read we are hearing one side of this. Knowing two of the three involved I can say the public is missing a vital piece to this puzzle. You may never hear their side because they are going to appeal this decision and anything said will probably be held against them. It was interesting to read the Mayor put the decision off on the Commissioners as it is their job. These commissioners couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag and anybody who personally knows these two can attest. This was controlled from the Mayors office the whole time and the one sided mock trial held last week strongly reflects that. Yeah, they still need to be punished.
If I were a commisioner I would have a problem with the position the city put them in during this whole mess. It was all Springs decision and he laid it on the 3 stooges (2 after Wentura backed out) What a joke. There will be way more to come of this people!
Truly believe that if the affected personal were put on UN-paid leave this thing would have moved faster that a load of Free NASCAR jackets at WalMart.
This could prove to be enough to prevent Spring from getting a second term...if he decides to run...which he no doubt will. You can bet your sweet ass their stories will be told come mayoral election time.
It would probably be helpful to actually have a candidate. This blatant display of arrogance on the part of this administration, when all the Springer had to do was do nothing and not piss anyone off. He could've walked into a sweet pension.Now he might just have opened the door for the right person. Or I could be completely wrong and Durbin money will buy him another term regardless of how incompetent and self absorbed he proves himself.
I wonder if Durbin will open the pocket book as freely this round . It will be interesting .
If we had an Admin change I wonder who would stay on .
If I was Mayor , I would keep Kenny on staff . Kenny is really easy to work with .
Chuck B -- would not change a thing in his dept except raise his budget and get more people . That Dept does a ton , with very few .
I would prob even keep Robert Copely ( f*ck that hurt to type)
Two of the thee Fire/Police Commissioners would be RETIRED !
Steincamp would stay , never switch engineering EVER .
Legal : UMR would stay
When you sit down and really map out who does what , we do have some quality that works for the City . There are a lot of turds also , but that is the fault of too much nepo hugging .
I often in theory wonder if the City Work force would not excell under just a switch in Leadership .
They may be politically different ( cough cough ) but I think many are highly motivated .
tookie- That's just a tiny bit naive. Clear out ALL the politicos, disinfect the place and start fresh. Promote from within the ones who were overlooked for promotions because of nepotism for some continuity. As far as motivated...motivated to collect a fat pension maybe. They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.
Kind of like Coups in Africa , the ones that work usually don't chop off the heads of the guys who run the power plant and water plant .
We can take Rummie's De-Bath of Iraq ........
Pretty much Rummy made the Insurgancy himself . So by De-Demmin City Hall , would you not get the opposite effect ?
Way I see it many of these folks are pretty bright . there are Turds , and YES i would flush those turds hard . But the one's I mentioned above are all pretty sharp .
I have been very pleased with the Stratgic planning meetings and Kenny, Chuck , and Jeff's efforts .
All Three of these guys would bust their balls for any boss . UMR knows as much about City laws as anyone in the damn City , why would we get rid of a guy who has shown time and time again he can work ( and golf ) with Repubs ???
I would think the new Admin would have a harder time if they De-Demmed City hall , than if they did a very good evalue of what folks could fit in where .
I don't think they could have put them on unpaid leave. I don't think that's allowed. Like cops and teachers, there's an enormous union backing firefighters, with a ton of rules and regulations. I'm sure unpaid leave would have equaled a giant lawsuit.
Also I have been way too nice these day about QPD . I think I get a wee bit harsh on them , but somedays I think they drop the ball .
In General we have some cool Officers at QPD . I HATE saying that Robert is doing a pretty good job , I mean I really hate saying that ........but he actually is .
A few of his higher Officer's are going to win personality awards , but maybe they are one's Robert trusts .
I think QPD could do a far better job of putting a more FRIENDLY face to local Law enforcement .
I think easing back on the Radar hunts and maybe just patroling with a smile on would do wonders .
But all in all Quincy is a real safe place .
I have been impressed with Officer Kelty . He has been f*cking great !
I also love Miller when he works HQBD events , he's got the ear to ear smile & diffused stupid people with out having to taze them or cuff them .
City employees can expect a higher awareness of Internet usage in the future.
Quincy Mayor John Spring says, "The policy has been in place for a number of years and I think you have to use common sense. If it wasn't of serious nature-- if there weren't things totally unbecoming of a city employee to be engaged in, we would not have pursued this. So, I would hope that people would trust that we were not on any kind of a witch hunt."
"Quit honestly-- there have been some pretty outlandish rumors as far as what was exactly going on and the reality of the situation is much more mundane than some of the imaginations of some of some of the people who have been on some of the Internet sites and blog sites and whatnot." Chief Walker goes on to say it's an honor to be a firefighter and with that respect comes high expectations.
"The system worked-- we did hold our people to a higher standard-- we did investigate aggressively and when there was found to be wrongdoing the commission acted."
Chief Walker will contact the Quincy Fire and Police Commission within the next week to request promotions and hirings.
If the six were unbecoming to the public or in the workplace, that would be one thing, but they weren't. They exchanged emails with friends. Friends are usually not unbecoming to each other. So, Mayor Spring is talking out of his ass.
Chief Walker is full of shit and is one of the biggest known liars around. Talk about Unbecoming as a Human Being! Boy, the stories that could be told about him while at work! Give me a break!
Grow some ball King Spring! You played with peoples lives. Why you picked these six to begin with is unbelievable. There are many more deserving individuals of your axe.
Apparently Mayor Spring only has one ball. That could explain a lot.
Anyways, come on people, wisen up! Do ya really think these were the first six people to use the email and phones for personal use? Oh, and the first ones to send "inappropriate" emails? Do ya really think they are the first people to be labeled as "unbecoming"? And, why this? There are complaints made all the time. One biggy is Chief Walker using his Secretary to type up all of his papers for his Masters Program. This masters program does not benefit the City in any way, yet he continued for the past three years to have his Secretary type his work and store it all on City computers. This is okay? Come on people! How did Grussenmeyer go from working at the Drivers Bureau and then go right into a high paying job as the City's Risk Manager. By all accounts, that is part of the Human Resourse guys job, but they ushered Grussey right in to a cozy job sitting on his *(*&9 butt all day bringing his girls a drink or snack.
This whole thing is so ridiculous that it's ridiculous!
None of the six should have been fired or demoted for such a ridiculous thing. They created such a mess and drug these people through the mud. Yep, you guessed it, I know several of them personally, and they are good people who were made an example of. Well, congratulations City Hall. Hey, I got an idea, why don't you go after the employees who are really doing bad things now, like stealing time, taking naps, bringing their girlfriends in to visit while working, blah blah blah blah blah! Hopefully we will get a totally new administration in a few years who will treat ALL employees equally and not just a chosen few.
Spring's own son got preferential treatment while an employee of the city getting second and third chances. It's a bit disingenuous of him to now take such a "moral" stand.
You are absolutely correct! That is a fact! It is also a fact that other City employees have been warned for similar "violations" as the six were. Why were they given preferential treatment?
Half the stuff I get through email from family and friends could be construed as "inappropriate" by outsiders. Who gives a crap. They should've been given a warning and then moved on. That's what I and many don't understand. Why was there never a progression of discipline?
The Board of Fire & Police Commissioners are nothing but a BIG F*CKING JOKE! Those old men have no business deciding who becomes a city police officer or a firefighter. They have no background or knowledge of the fire service or law enforcement field. There constantly f*cking with the hiring lists, picking and choosing who they want to hire. Recently they have messed with fire departments lieutenants promotional list. Ask any firefighter how many times that list was revised before it was final? They do as they please and will continue until somebody raises hell! How professional is it for a commissioner to fall sleep when discussing a guys career/life?
Morals.... who the hell said you needed morals to be a city employee. I think having those would be the last thing to get you a job in this town. Walker says it was a moral issue. Bull@#$%!!! That joker is the biggest rule breaker around. Ask Unmisig about all the homework she has done for him. Lynn Doellman too. No those gals are unemployed! Hey Walker, are you still enjoying your Maxim magazine subscription that is delivered to Central Fire Station. There are some morals for ya!!
Talk about the punishment not fitting the crime. There are drug dealers in this town that get less of a sentence than these guys. Folks, they didnt kill anyone! Slap them on the wrist and let there spouses worry about the rest!Can you say power trip. I hope the city gets there asses sued off for this #@$% up! These we decent people who lives and the lives of there families have been changed forever. Very unnecessary Spring. I hope the saying is true, what comes around goes around. You too Walker. What a loser. How do you all sleep at night??
How about all the crap Spring's brother-in-law did on City time. Let's see, hmmmmm, D.U.I., chick on the side, taking the Civic Center and driving into the ground. Ohhhhhh, the Mayor's son and his screw ups, but he just gets transferred to another City job. Hmmmmm, let's see, Walker's brother-in-law Grussey, and all his nieces and their husbands working for the City. Let's see, oh, and there was the time years ago when Howard Scott Walker got a few days off for falsifying over time records. No, that can't be true, because in his own words, "It is an honor to be a Firefighter, and we hold them to certain standards." Practice what you preach you big fat (literally) liar. Hmmmmm, and the beat goes on..........
Okay, then you have six employees who have never once been disciplined and have only helped their departments succeed, and they...... "Oh my, say it ain't so, the six people did what? They used email for personal use? and phones too? No way, no City employee would ever do such a thing. No City employee would ever say "inappropriate" things to each other! Give me a break!
Spring, Olson, Walker, and all their goonies are hypocrites.
I was told by a police officer friend of mine that at least on one occasion when Spring was a commissioner,he also used his position to intimidate a young officer into not giving his son a ticket. Double standards seem to be the norm in this corrupt administration.
Yep, that's true that Walker is a contender for that new position. Isn't it nice that the City tax payers paid for his Secretary to type all of his Master's homework on city time, and then his goof ball supporters, cough cough Spring and his goonies help him move on to another high paid position. Well, that's what you get if you don't care who you stomp on to get there. No wonder he didn't support his Secretary and his Firefighters in this whole mess. A few years ago, he sure didn't fire a firefighter for going out of town on training and while on said training toted a prostitute around in a Fire Department vehicle and then showed up with her to a meal with other firefighters. Guess it was okay since he was out of town. Hmmmm, pondering this one!
Yes, it is true about Spring intimidating a young officer over a ticket for his son. No wait, that can't be true, the soft spoken, perfect hair, perfect Mayor would never do anything like that because he said he was raised to tell the truth and everything would be fine. Hahahahahahaha, what a hypocrite!
Something else that's a fact is Walker many times made the statement that he is "the devil himself". Okay, I guess he does tell the truth sometimes.
My god, the stupidity on this site is fucking mind-boggling. Nothing like a bunch of mental defects banging on a keyboard without an ounce of common sense or knowledge about what truly went down. Give me a fucking break you idiots! Are you really so stupid that you believe these people didn't deserve to be fired? The fact is, they got what was coming to them, and the only thing disappointing is that one of the sleazy six actually saved his frickin job. As for you fucking morons that actually believe this was something as simple as a few harmless emails, quit listening to right-wing babble from the likes of Rush Limbaugh all day, and go out and get a goddamn job.
So please tell all of us "idiots" what exactly did happen genius. Back it up with facts and your anonymous post doesn't help your credibility. You have explained yourself in your own post until you truly identify yourself. Until then keep thinking you know what happened and maybe the "three stooges" will call for your help. U couldn't screw it up any worse than they did. Oh and your choice of profanity only makes you look like a child playing on daddy’s computer. Shouldn’t you be in school?
Hey, I guess I'm an idiot for thinking the six got royally railroaded, but at least I can think of more intelligent things to say than F this and F that and also to use the Lord's name in vein like that! Shame on you!
I agree, get your butt back in school Mister! I can only assume you are a guy because girls don't talk that way. :-)
Come on now guys. The City certainly hires and promotes based on politics first and ability second. However, to think that 5 of the 6 employees were fired for simply sending or receiving personal emails and phone calls is naive.
The City has in the past practiced progressive disciplinary action and the unions make sure that the punishment fits the crime. The only time when termination is considered is when a violation is very very significant. Personal emails or personal calls does not fit as being significant.
Unfortunately there is no information as to what actually happened and there probably never will be. The employees certainly aren't going to rat on themselves and the City can't say due to privacy and personal issues. Although the girls were not represented by a union there is still a due process procedure in place. The firefighters are obviously represented by a union and at least to date they have not challenged the Board's ruling. If they thought it was unfair, they would definately challenge the ruling.
The City and it's administration are not perfect, but even they would not want to subject themselves to extended litigation and expense and time involved.
Sounds like you are throwing stones. Also doesn't sound like you care about what is right and what is wrong. Actually you sound like someone who is a trouble maker.
Does anyone think that employees should get fired for having affairs? If that's the reason they lost their jobs, that is wrong. If the City is going to play Moral Police, then they should be letting go a lot more employees.
Actually, I am not a trouble maker. The general tone has been that the employees did nothing serious and were fired without just cause. I am just saying that there are two sides to every story and unfortunately we will never really know the whole truth.
I am however guessing that there is much more to what actually happened that what the employees or the City will ever say. We should not jump to any conclusions about what the employees did, nor should we jump to the conclusion that the City was totally wrong in thier firings. We will never know "the rest of the story".
What due process? None of the six saw this coming and that is a fact. None of them were warned in any way. That is a fact. None of them were ever warned and given the opportunity to quit using email for personal use. That is a fact.
Please explain what due process any of them were given, especially the three women. Please explain why some City employees are given a warning and then these six were not? There have been many substantiated violations made by City employees, yet they have all been given warnings or overlooked. Why now then did these six employees not get the same courtesy?
What about the way another fire department assistant chief fired a gun at the airport. they covered up a federal offense because of who he is related to. or the last mayor that was involved in a gambling ring. that wasn't in the papers.
Well, fuck 11:10. That's what Spring said it was. Oh, just trust us. We always do the right thing for City of Quincy. Well some of us are just fucking tired of it. Spring and his band of idiots are going down in the next election. I gotta get back to Rush now. Thanks for the forum. Fuck off Walker.
I listen to Rush nearly everyday, and I definitely don't think it was just emails. they deserved it.
Well heck, that must be what happened. Pretty bold or should I say stupid assuming and really not knowing a dam thing. Nobody will ever know what truly happened and the one side we are hearing “the city” is not real credible. Spring and Walker, ha, look who we are talking about. If you watch closely you will see their noses grow as they talk. Somebody said Walker will run the Kroc Center. Now that’s fitting with the name and all. What a Kroc!!! Listen, this whole deal will die down and in a year or two when the appeal is held we will be back here again saying "well they got their jobs back and two years of back pay but they still deserved it." So intelligent! RH run your city calculator and tell us how much money down the drain that will be. VOTE SPRING!!!!!!!
Mayor Spring is using his power to enforce his moral beliefs. He didn't do anything when his son or brother-in-law ever did anything wrong repeatedly while on the City payroll. I mean, they actually did criminal things.
These six never did anything criminal. The "violation of email policy" is just a smoke screen for his "moral" beliefs. He's a hypocrite. Zero respect for the guy.
They didn't have hardly anything on him. Yes, he may still have a job, but look at the price he has paid. I can assure you that he is not jumping for joy. The whole thing is a sad situation for all.
Update!!! I can say for sure one of the loser cheating fireman deserved to get canned! Dean has told so many lies I can't see how he possibly kept it all straight! I knew it would take some time for the truth to start surfacing but eventually it does. Looks like Dean is going to need to look into further legal counsel. Wonder if O'Hara will sign on to try and help him out with his latest screw up! What a @#$% up!
Question, Mr Fire, ; Why do you care since you live in Arizona now?
ReplyDeleteKHQA's 5 newscast said ALL THREE were fired. Then they changed their story in time for the 6.
ReplyDeleteWhen accuracy matters.
ReplyDeleteAre you John Mccain ?
I would bet this is far from over and much more money will be spent. Someone is getting sued, you can bet your ass on it.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think ex chief doellman will be okay with Bigelow keeping his job after all this mess. I doubt it. This is far from over folks. STAY TUNED
ReplyDeleteQ-Fire Turn the clock back on. This isn't even close to being over. RH keep that financial tally going and soon you'll be like Jerry Lewis telling them to "Roll Those Numbers".
ReplyDeletestill not getting something.
ReplyDelete6 people involved.
5 terminated
1 demoted + 30 UNpaid suspension.
you've been on PAID suspension for over 100 days.
where's the punishment?
It's funny the one guy ex chief tries to get fired ended up keeping his job.Instead he gets his wife fired.
ReplyDelete3 Fired Immediately.
3 on paid suspension. Suspension! These guys were paid but I can assure you it was no vacation. To have to spend 100 + days thinking about the unknown future, not hardly a vacation. It is easy to say they were paid, where’s the punishment but I believe that is defined as punishment on the city website. Be realistic, the guys wanted to go back to work and then have their fate decided. You should ask the families of the employees involved and see what they say about the 100 + day vacation. A pretty expensive vacation compliment of the City of Quincy. What I really want to know is the firemen’s side of this. From what I have read we are hearing one side of this. Knowing two of the three involved I can say the public is missing a vital piece to this puzzle. You may never hear their side because they are going to appeal this decision and anything said will probably be held against them. It was interesting to read the Mayor put the decision off on the Commissioners as it is their job. These commissioners couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag and anybody who personally knows these two can attest. This was controlled from the Mayors office the whole time and the one sided mock trial held last week strongly reflects that. Yeah, they still need to be punished.
I have heard from not one , but many that the two commissioners took "naps" during the trial .
ReplyDeleteNow I am not sure about you , but sleeping does not equal a fair hearing.
If I were a commisioner I would have a problem with the position the city put them in during this whole mess. It was all Springs decision and he laid it on the 3 stooges (2 after Wentura backed out) What a joke. There will be way more to come of this people!
ReplyDeleteTruly believe that if the affected personal were put on UN-paid leave this thing would have moved faster that a load of Free NASCAR jackets at WalMart.
ReplyDeleteThis could prove to be enough to prevent Spring from getting a second term...if he decides to run...which he no doubt will. You can bet your sweet ass their stories will be told come mayoral election time.
ReplyDeleteYes ,I am sure they will , but first should not the Repubs FIND someone to run ?
ReplyDeleteI am still shocked that Mike M didn't light up Hilfrink's "batphone" and kill this story .
ReplyDeleteMaybe Mike's writing Hilfrink's Sunday "Editorial" this week .
tookie 128
ReplyDeleteIt would probably be helpful to actually have a candidate. This blatant display of arrogance on the part of this administration, when all the Springer had to do was do nothing and not piss anyone off. He could've walked into a sweet pension.Now he might just have opened the door for the right person. Or I could be completely wrong and Durbin money will buy him another term regardless of how incompetent and self absorbed he proves himself.
I wonder if Durbin will open the pocket book as freely this round . It will be interesting .
ReplyDeleteIf we had an Admin change I wonder who would stay on .
If I was Mayor , I would keep Kenny on staff . Kenny is really easy to work with .
Chuck B -- would not change a thing in his dept except raise his budget and get more people . That Dept does a ton , with very few .
I would prob even keep Robert Copely ( f*ck that hurt to type)
Two of the thee Fire/Police Commissioners would be RETIRED !
Steincamp would stay , never switch engineering EVER .
Legal : UMR would stay
When you sit down and really map out who does what , we do have some quality that works for the City . There are a lot of turds also , but that is the fault of too much nepo hugging .
I often in theory wonder if the City Work force would not excell under just a switch in Leadership .
They may be politically different ( cough cough ) but I think many are highly motivated .
ReplyDeleteThat's just a tiny bit naive. Clear out ALL the politicos, disinfect the place and start fresh. Promote from within the ones who were overlooked for promotions because of nepotism for some continuity. As far as motivated...motivated to collect a fat pension maybe. They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.
Well I was thinking Big Picture :
ReplyDeleteKind of like Coups in Africa , the ones that work usually don't chop off the heads of the guys who run the power plant and water plant .
We can take Rummie's De-Bath of Iraq ........
Pretty much Rummy made the Insurgancy himself . So by De-Demmin City Hall , would you not get the opposite effect ?
Way I see it many of these folks are pretty bright . there are Turds , and YES i would flush those turds hard . But the one's I mentioned above are all pretty sharp .
I have been very pleased with the Stratgic planning meetings and Kenny, Chuck , and Jeff's efforts .
All Three of these guys would bust their balls for any boss . UMR knows as much about City laws as anyone in the damn City , why would we get rid of a guy who has shown time and time again he can work ( and golf ) with Repubs ???
I would think the new Admin would have a harder time if they De-Demmed City hall , than if they did a very good evalue of what folks could fit in where .
ReplyDeleteI don't think they could have put them on unpaid leave. I don't think that's allowed. Like cops and teachers, there's an enormous union backing firefighters, with a ton of rules and regulations. I'm sure unpaid leave would have equaled a giant lawsuit.
tookie 316
ReplyDeleteI'll answer your question(s) with a question. How many R's work at City Hall?
R's at City hall ???
ReplyDeleteThey say Charlie is an R .......
They had Hoffman ......
Purchasing Dept was an R .......
Shit every example I used made your point .
I think we have zero R's at City Hall
Also I have been way too nice these day about QPD . I think I get a wee bit harsh on them , but somedays I think they drop the ball .
ReplyDeleteIn General we have some cool Officers at QPD . I HATE saying that Robert is doing a pretty good job , I mean I really hate saying that ........but he actually is .
A few of his higher Officer's are going to win personality awards , but maybe they are one's Robert trusts .
I think QPD could do a far better job of putting a more FRIENDLY face to local Law enforcement .
I think easing back on the Radar hunts and maybe just patroling with a smile on would do wonders .
But all in all Quincy is a real safe place .
I have been impressed with Officer Kelty . He has been f*cking great !
I also love Miller when he works HQBD events , he's got the ear to ear smile & diffused stupid people with out having to taze them or cuff them .
ReplyDeleteChecked out the Firemen's Disciplinary Act And didn't find any info that says that they must be on PAID leave.
Maybe UMR can shed some light here?
...and Damned Tookie has turned this post into politics !!!
You may hate politics just a HAIR less than I hate having JLB "know" your identity & us Web warriors NOT
ReplyDeletePisses me right the Phuck off
ReplyDeleteYou have a point.
"After Friday's decision came down WGEM News contacted one of the employees who was fired. Tammy Unmisig explained how this has affected her life.
ReplyDeleteUnmisig says she was a good employee with a good record."
Honestly would anyone admit otherwise?
Why was 5 fired and 1 not?
ReplyDeleteCity employees can expect a higher awareness of Internet usage in the future.
ReplyDeleteQuincy Mayor John Spring says, "The policy has been in place for a number of years and I think you have to use common sense. If it wasn't of serious nature-- if there weren't things totally unbecoming of a city employee to be engaged in, we would not have pursued this. So, I would hope that people would trust that we were not on any kind of a witch hunt."
"Quit honestly-- there have been some pretty outlandish rumors as far as what was exactly going on and the reality of the situation is much more mundane than some of the imaginations of some of some of the people who have been on some of the Internet sites and blog sites and whatnot." Chief Walker goes on to say it's an honor to be a firefighter and with that respect comes high expectations.
"The system worked-- we did hold our people to a higher standard-- we did investigate aggressively and when there was found to be wrongdoing the commission acted."
Chief Walker will contact the Quincy Fire and Police Commission within the next week to request promotions and hirings.
If the six were unbecoming to the public or in the workplace, that would be one thing, but they weren't. They exchanged emails with friends. Friends are usually not unbecoming to each other. So, Mayor Spring is talking out of his ass.
ReplyDeleteChief Walker is full of shit and is one of the biggest known liars around. Talk about Unbecoming as a Human Being! Boy, the stories that could be told about him while at work! Give me a break!
Grow some ball King Spring! You played with peoples lives. Why you picked these six to begin with is unbelievable. There are many more deserving individuals of your axe.
ReplyDeleteThe interview with Spring that WGEM has online covered this. He didn't answer.
Apparently Mayor Spring only has one ball. That could explain a lot.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, come on people, wisen up! Do ya really think these were the first six people to use the email and phones for personal use? Oh, and the first ones to send "inappropriate" emails? Do ya really think they are the first people to be labeled as "unbecoming"? And, why this? There are complaints made all the time. One biggy is Chief Walker using his Secretary to type up all of his papers for his Masters Program. This masters program does not benefit the City in any way, yet he continued for the past three years to have his Secretary type his work and store it all on City computers. This is okay? Come on people! How did Grussenmeyer go from working at the Drivers Bureau and then go right into a high paying job as the City's Risk Manager. By all accounts, that is part of the Human Resourse guys job, but they ushered Grussey right in to a cozy job sitting on his *(*&9 butt all day bringing his girls a drink or snack.
This whole thing is so ridiculous that it's ridiculous!
I think it's hysterical that decent, average people would ever begin to believe everything they hear. Especially from the Spring Team!
ReplyDeleteNone of the six should have been fired or demoted for such a ridiculous thing. They created such a mess and drug these people through the mud. Yep, you guessed it, I know several of them personally, and they are good people who were made an example of. Well, congratulations City Hall. Hey, I got an idea, why don't you go after the employees who are really doing bad things now, like stealing time, taking naps, bringing their girlfriends in to visit while working, blah blah blah blah blah! Hopefully we will get a totally new administration in a few years who will treat ALL employees equally and not just a chosen few.
ReplyDeleteAmazing that it's not just the local Repubs that are seeing the light .
ReplyDeleteQuincy forums
ReplyDeleteForum Stats:
We have 444 registered users
Our users have posted a total of 4130 articles
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The newest member is tookieblows hahahaha
Spring's own son got preferential treatment while an employee of the city getting second and third chances. It's a bit disingenuous of him to now take such a "moral" stand.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct! That is a fact! It is also a fact that other City employees have been warned for similar "violations" as the six were. Why were they given preferential treatment?
Half the stuff I get through email from family and friends could be construed as "inappropriate" by outsiders. Who gives a crap. They should've been given a warning and then moved on. That's what I and many don't understand. Why was there never a progression of discipline?
Anon ,
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day I would sum up this entire cluster f*ck as political in nature . Someone had to be PUSHING this .
Someone pushed the King into action ,
Post that I would say Murphy and his Laws have shown them selves along with Peter & his principals .
What sucks is NONE of these 5 got a DWI in a CITY car , but got fired .
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Blaggo can find a made up job for these five ?
*rolls eyes
Oh Snaps !
ReplyDeleteCharlie Doan was involved in OVER looking the DWI , but boy he brought the hammer down here .
Ironic Huh ?
Doan's an idiot.
ReplyDeleteSomebody wake Ayers up, he is going to get bed sores!
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is a joke! What a bunch of monkeys running the show.
ReplyDelete"I think we have zero R's at City Hall"
ReplyDeleteCome on Tookie, you know better????
I can't honestly think of one R at City Hall .
ReplyDeleteHelp a brotha out
The Board of Fire & Police Commissioners are nothing but a BIG F*CKING JOKE! Those old men have no business deciding who becomes a city police officer or a firefighter. They have no background or knowledge of the fire service or law enforcement field. There constantly f*cking with the hiring lists, picking and choosing who they want to hire. Recently they have messed with fire departments lieutenants promotional list. Ask any firefighter how many times that list was revised before it was final? They do as they please and will continue until somebody raises hell! How professional is it for a commissioner to fall sleep when discussing a guys career/life?
Couldn't agree with you more! The Fire & Police Board are a joke and have been for years.
ReplyDeleteMorals.... who the hell said you needed morals to be a city employee. I think having those would be the last thing to get you a job in this town. Walker says it was a moral issue. Bull@#$%!!! That joker is the biggest rule breaker around. Ask Unmisig about all the homework she has done for him. Lynn Doellman too. No those gals are unemployed! Hey Walker, are you still enjoying your Maxim magazine subscription that is delivered to Central Fire Station. There are some morals for ya!!
ReplyDeleteTalk about the punishment not fitting the crime. There are drug dealers in this town that get less of a sentence than these guys. Folks, they didnt kill anyone! Slap them on the wrist and let there spouses worry about the rest!Can you say power trip. I hope the city gets there asses sued off for this #@$% up! These we decent people who lives and the lives of there families have been changed forever. Very unnecessary Spring. I hope the saying is true, what comes around goes around. You too Walker. What a loser. How do you all sleep at night??
ReplyDeleteNot only do we need a new/younger and healthier board, wouldn't a womans presence there be a good thing. Whadaya say ladies?! Any takers on that.
ReplyDeleteHow about all the crap Spring's brother-in-law did on City time. Let's see, hmmmmm, D.U.I., chick on the side, taking the Civic Center and driving into the ground. Ohhhhhh, the Mayor's son and his screw ups, but he just gets transferred to another City job. Hmmmmm, let's see, Walker's brother-in-law Grussey, and all his nieces and their husbands working for the City. Let's see, oh, and there was the time years ago when Howard Scott Walker got a few days off for falsifying over time records. No, that can't be true, because in his own words, "It is an honor to be a Firefighter, and we hold them to certain standards." Practice what you preach you big fat (literally) liar. Hmmmmm, and the beat goes on..........
ReplyDeleteOkay, then you have six employees who have never once been disciplined and have only helped their departments succeed, and they...... "Oh my, say it ain't so, the six people did what? They used email for personal use? and phones too? No way, no City employee would ever do such a thing. No City employee would ever say "inappropriate" things to each other! Give me a break!
Spring, Olson, Walker, and all their goonies are hypocrites.
Someone told me Walker is retiring. he will be appointed as the director of the new Kroc Center. WTF?
ReplyDeleteI was told by a police officer friend of mine that at least on one occasion when Spring was a commissioner,he also used his position to intimidate a young officer into not giving his son a ticket. Double standards seem to be the norm in this corrupt administration.
ReplyDeleteYep, that's true that Walker is a contender for that new position. Isn't it nice that the City tax payers paid for his Secretary to type all of his Master's homework on city time, and then his goof ball supporters, cough cough Spring and his goonies help him move on to another high paid position. Well, that's what you get if you don't care who you stomp on to get there. No wonder he didn't support his Secretary and his Firefighters in this whole mess. A few years ago, he sure didn't fire a firefighter for going out of town on training and while on said training toted a prostitute around in a Fire Department vehicle and then showed up with her to a meal with other firefighters. Guess it was okay since he was out of town. Hmmmm, pondering this one!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is true about Spring intimidating a young officer over a ticket for his son. No wait, that can't be true, the soft spoken, perfect hair, perfect Mayor would never do anything like that because he said he was raised to tell the truth and everything would be fine. Hahahahahahaha, what a hypocrite!
Something else that's a fact is Walker many times made the statement that he is "the devil himself". Okay, I guess he does tell the truth sometimes.
Something else that's a fact is Walker many times made the statement that he is "the devil himself".
ReplyDeleteWhat does that mean?
My god, the stupidity on this site is fucking mind-boggling. Nothing like a bunch of mental defects banging on a keyboard without an ounce of common sense or knowledge about what truly went down. Give me a fucking break you idiots! Are you really so stupid that you believe these people didn't deserve to be fired? The fact is, they got what was coming to them, and the only thing disappointing is that one of the sleazy six actually saved his frickin job. As for you fucking morons that actually believe this was something as simple as a few harmless emails, quit listening to right-wing babble from the likes of Rush Limbaugh all day, and go out and get a goddamn job.
ReplyDeleteRush Limbaugh is talking about the Quincy 6?
ReplyDeleteSo please tell all of us "idiots" what exactly did happen genius. Back it up with facts and your anonymous post doesn't help your credibility. You have explained yourself in your own post until you truly identify yourself. Until then keep thinking you know what happened and maybe the "three stooges" will call for your help. U couldn't screw it up any worse than they did. Oh and your choice of profanity only makes you look like a child playing on daddy’s computer. Shouldn’t you be in school?
ReplyDeleteI was listening to Rush today. He said John McCain is not a conservative and these six city employees were railroaded but a bunch of dumbasses.
ReplyDeleteWas Rush high on his painkiller meds AGAIN?
ReplyDelete2/04/2008 03:52:00 PM
ReplyDeleteNo idea. See, that's the beauty of it. Even on drugs, Rush is right.
I love Rush Limbaugh.
ReplyDeleteHey, I guess I'm an idiot for thinking the six got royally railroaded, but at least I can think of more intelligent things to say than F this and F that and also to use the Lord's name in vein like that! Shame on you!
I agree, get your butt back in school Mister! I can only assume you are a guy because girls don't talk that way. :-)
Dearest 1:13 p.m.
ReplyDeleteYou sound very angry and disgruntled. If this upsets you so, then why must you read these blogs? Are you related to Mayor Spring?
Come on now guys. The City certainly hires and promotes based on politics first and ability second. However, to think that 5 of the 6 employees were fired for simply sending or receiving personal emails and phone calls is naive.
ReplyDeleteThe City has in the past practiced progressive disciplinary action and the unions make sure that the punishment fits the crime. The only time when termination is considered is when a violation is very very significant. Personal emails or personal calls does not fit as being significant.
Unfortunately there is no information as to what actually happened and there probably never will be. The employees certainly aren't going to rat on themselves and the City can't say due to privacy and personal issues. Although the girls were not represented by a union there is still a due process procedure in place. The firefighters are obviously represented by a union and at least to date they have not challenged the Board's ruling. If they thought it was unfair, they would definately challenge the ruling.
The City and it's administration are not perfect, but even they would not want to subject themselves to extended litigation and expense and time involved.
Well they better get ready. It's coming. They don't call them fire"fighters" for nothing. They don't take things lying down.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they did take things lying down and that is why they were fired.
ReplyDeleteDearest 8:11,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are throwing stones. Also doesn't sound like you care about what is right and what is wrong. Actually you sound like someone who is a trouble maker.
Does anyone think that employees should get fired for having affairs? If that's the reason they lost their jobs, that is wrong. If the City is going to play Moral Police, then they should be letting go a lot more employees.
ReplyDeleteActually, I am not a trouble maker. The general tone has been that the employees did nothing serious and were fired without just cause. I am just saying that there are two sides to every story and unfortunately we will never really know the whole truth.
ReplyDeleteI am however guessing that there is much more to what actually happened that what the employees or the City will ever say. We should not jump to any conclusions about what the employees did, nor should we jump to the conclusion that the City was totally wrong in thier firings. We will never know "the rest of the story".
I think people are pointing out the hypocracy of the whole thing .
ReplyDeleteCharlie while at the OLC slept while the last "director" nose dived the place.
The Mayor saying one thing to the TV crews , but turning a VERY VERY BLIND eye to his Nepo cronies ....
Ayers talking " Da Holidays"
The whole thing smells like a steaming Turd sunday with nuts ....
ReplyDeleteClose friends and family will continue to comment here defending them to the end.
Without the true facts, they will continue until this dies.
If the facts came out, they will cry lawsuit for someone releasing the information.
It's a win-win situation for them.
They all had due process and were terminated for violating city policy.
ReplyDeleteSo how about all the others violating city policy?
ReplyDeleteWhat due process? None of the six saw this coming and that is a fact. None of them were warned in any way. That is a fact. None of them were ever warned and given the opportunity to quit using email for personal use. That is a fact.
Please explain what due process any of them were given, especially the three women. Please explain why some City employees are given a warning and then these six were not? There have been many substantiated violations made by City employees, yet they have all been given warnings or overlooked. Why now then did these six employees not get the same courtesy?
ReplyDeleteYou are correct.
Close friends and family will continue to comment here defending them to the end.
Without the true facts, they will continue until this dies.
They're still going.
UUUMMMM, one of these womens family member is fairly connected and respected by those in power. It seems not to have helped her.
ReplyDeleteBut I am neither a close friend or family . I do question how fast these 5 got the axe when it took years for Jimmy G or kevin S .
ReplyDeleteIs it because of their Machinist status ?
Also to have tainted spokes men , is real hypocritical . Actually is about makes me puke with force.
Also the anon sure does seem to be taking the role of Mouth Piece of City Hall .
ReplyDeleteI wonder what Dept anon works in ?
Fire has the IP tracker like me I am sure .........
I'm hoping this post dies before I do.
ReplyDeleteFire ,
ReplyDeleteThis is a SNAFU of the largest manner . Does anyone think that the City handled this in any way good ?
After 12 plus years of turds running amouk , the City has a change ?
My rational mind questions that
I just want some City F*ck to expalin the Double standards to me . We just blew what $250,000 K ????
ReplyDeleteI want to know why this one was worth that , yet we BLIND eye others .
Companies usually have two set of policy violations. Major and Minor.
ReplyDeleteMinor violations are dealt with a verbal or written warning. Repeated violations can lead to suspension and eventual termination.
Major violations are dealt with suspension or immediate termination.
Smoking in the building would be a minor violation.
Smoking pot in the building would be a major violation.
Taking a fork from work would be a minor violation.
Taking a fork truck from work would be a major violation.
Emailing friends from work would be a minor violation.
You figure it out.
Emailing friends from work would be a minor violation.
ReplyDeleteYou figure it out.
2/04/2008 10:06:00 PM
What about muddy 4 wheelers in trucks ?? Major or Minor
What about changing commercial signs ??
major or minor ?
What about Jos A Banks Pants
Major or minor
How about a DWI in a City plated & insured CAR ???
Major or minor ?
What about pulling over motorists while having ZERo Authority to do so ???
major or minor
Your turn
What about Publically claiming accurate weights for an 18 year old program , yet The items have never been weighed nor .
ReplyDeleteWhat if those weights were damn near 3 times what was CLAIMED as dead on accurate ?
Major or minor ?
I think Fire and Tookie and the Blogs are changing the way information is reported.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the way another fire department assistant chief fired a gun at the airport. they covered up a federal offense because of who he is related to. or the last mayor that was involved in a gambling ring. that wasn't in the papers.
ReplyDeleteGambling ring ???? I have heard them all but that one I think is from way left field !
ReplyDeleteMaybe in Lagrange. Mo but the last Mayor here hates gambling .
I listen to Rush nearly everyday, and I definitely don't think it was just emails.
ReplyDeletethey deserved it.
Well, fuck 11:10. That's what Spring said it was. Oh, just trust us. We always do the right thing for City of Quincy. Well some of us are just fucking tired of it. Spring and his band of idiots are going down in the next election. I gotta get back to Rush now. Thanks for the forum. Fuck off Walker.
ReplyDeleteI listen to Rush nearly everyday, and I definitely don't think it was just emails.
ReplyDeletethey deserved it.
Well heck, that must be what happened. Pretty bold or should I say stupid assuming and really not knowing a dam thing. Nobody will ever know what truly happened and the one side we are hearing “the city” is not real credible. Spring and Walker, ha, look who we are talking about. If you watch closely you will see their noses grow as they talk. Somebody said Walker will run the Kroc Center. Now that’s fitting with the name and all. What a Kroc!!! Listen, this whole deal will die down and in a year or two when the appeal is held we will be back here again saying "well they got their jobs back and two years of back pay but they still deserved it." So intelligent! RH run your city calculator and tell us how much money down the drain that will be. VOTE SPRING!!!!!!!
Mayor Spring is using his power to enforce his moral beliefs. He didn't do anything when his son or brother-in-law ever did anything wrong repeatedly while on the City payroll. I mean, they actually did criminal things.
ReplyDeleteThese six never did anything criminal. The "violation of email policy" is just a smoke screen for his "moral" beliefs. He's a hypocrite. Zero respect for the guy.
I wonder what role the guy that got to keep his job played in the investigation?
ReplyDeleteThey didn't have hardly anything on him. Yes, he may still have a job, but look at the price he has paid. I can assure you that he is not jumping for joy. The whole thing is a sad situation for all.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the illicit pictures included Spring with a sheep.
ReplyDeleteCome on, let's get this up to 100 comments!
ReplyDeleteUpdate!!! I can say for sure one of the loser cheating fireman deserved to get canned! Dean has told so many lies I can't see how he possibly kept it all straight! I knew it would take some time for the truth to start surfacing but eventually it does. Looks like Dean is going to need to look into further legal counsel. Wonder if O'Hara will sign on to try and help him out with his latest screw up! What a @#$% up!