Tuesday, October 30, 2007

City Investigation
Six Quincy city employees have
been put on leave pending an investigation.

Paid leave I'd bet

Several reliable sources have confirmed
the investigation to WGEM news.

( are they
Anonymous sources?
Anon is

The sources tell us three of the
suspended staff are on the Quincy Fire
Department--that includes an
assistant fire chief and two lieutenants.

The investigation reportedly involves improper use of city equipment and violations of city policy.

( there's a policy ??)

Quincy Mayor John Spring told WGEM News that an investigation is underway into personnel issues regarding city employees, but he had no further comment. The mayor says such matters are handled by the city's human resource department.

He told WGEM News he would be the only official source handling the release of personnel policy issues.

(Translation: I tell you what I want you to know.)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Invention !

I found a new product the other day that would save money on electricity cost.

It called a Photo-eye.

It automatically activates and turns lights on at dusk and turns them off at dawn.

No seasonal adjustments needed.

Not affected by daylight savings time.

Maybe someone from Central Services could swing by the Amtrak station and install one so the lights at the Station and in the Parking lot are not on at noon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Many Carrots Does It Take ?

  • City financed improvements to the tune of +$600,000
  • Real Estate tax abatements for up to 5 years. - ($471,000 X 5 Years= $2,355,000)
  • Exempt from city and state sales taxes for building materials.
  • 50% discount on building permits.

.....for 55 - $300,000 condos ???

Thursday, October 11, 2007

BEARS / RAMS= ln( (1+(1+z 2) )/z ) = ????

Ya think someone over at WGEM/FOX/QNI could give the public some indication of what formula is used to which games are going to be on come Sunday ????

I was told last year that the games would alternate when both teams played at the same time.

Two weeks ago BEARS and RAMS played at the same time. FOX/WGEM carried the RAMS on TV. The local radio stations were carrying the CARDS, CUBS, and the RAMS. Closest radio station with BEARS radio was a station out of Iowa.

Last week, BEARS played on Sunday night, so that week should not count.

This week, the BEARS and RAMS both play at noon and WGEM/FOX has the Rams listed on the TV Guide at noon.....


Central State Tap

10/09/2007 Order Of Possession filed.

It is ordered that Central State Bank's Motion For Possession is granted, the Court awards immediate posses- sion of the subject property to Central State Bank. Order filed. Cause continued until October 30, 2007 at 1:00 pm for entry of formal order and status.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A rare Apology and Delete....

In the previous post (now deleted) I was simply asking what happened to a local blog that just disappeared from existence.

I had no knowledge of anything happening , was just asking what happened to it. So many Blogs pop up, go like hell, and then usually hang around without adding anything for months, but stay up. ( hint, hint fellow bloggers)

This one just vanished.

I enjoyed reading it and had added it to the links and thats when I found out that it was gone.

After reading some of the comments left here, I can assume something may have happened that I do not care for me or this Blog to be involved in.

I started this Blog for "poops and giggles" and enjoy everyones comments on current posts, but reserve the right to delete posts and comments if it gets personal.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Who Won ??

Looks like a win but article says they lost?

QNDHW make a mistake here?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Deal or No Deal.......

$750,000 for a single owner of a 240 room motel or.......

$2,500,000 for a partnership of a bar with a few windows.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Bidding will end for this item.

(Reserve Not Realistic)

Bar in Quincy Illinois for Partneship Investment

7 brand new energy efficient airconditioners
5 brand new energy effecient heaters

(will require payment to local power company to operate)

all licsences included with partnership as in liquer zoning and ect

( will require re-instatement from ILL liquor commissioner)

2nd and 3rd floor can be converted to health and fitness center and loft apartments

( will need to install windows currently missing for climate control)

One of largest nightclub in 3 states

(state of inebriation, state of insanity, and state of disbelief)

this building is also a tourest attraction

( from an eyesore point of view)

Yes UMR, I did cut and paste...