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QND Seniors cruise past QHS Freshman
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QHS Sweeps QND 8-0
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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..and if you advertise your food store in our paper, you kids get their pics in to boot.
Wasn't the top story about some QHS kid going to Illinois to play golf?
What about the Harold Rag running a lead story about "QND enrollment is down, they are going to close it down, she sky is falling at 10th & J". Did any of you pussy- ass "HW favors QND" whiners see that story? How was that for bad pub? They got QND in as bad as shape as QU, for God's sakes!
Quit whining about QND, they do a lot more for a lot less than your inflated black-holed defecit-riden sued whorehouse of a District 172.
You protestants, go pray to your 900 foot Jesus statue, you know, the one alongside I44 outside of Tulsa, OK, next to Denny's, that you had to donate for or the world would come to an end....
Go to any event at 10th & Jackson, close your eyes and imagine that fine institution wasn't in existence. Really work that in your mind. Our community would be in deep poop and I'm not sure the "free" market would respond to that poop in as useful a way as the QND Board Already has. It is an awesome place, made all the more amazing by how it does what it does with limited resources.
Is it perfect? Of course not. But it is special.
I agree, well put. The 9:11 reference was for Sam Kinison, God rest his crazy soul. Protestants are good people, too.
What about Blago sueing Maddy, do we even want to go there? I know local dems would say no.
Yeah, go to QND football games, tailgate and drink your tail off. The taxpayers paid to remove perfectly good, old established trees along ninth street so the high and mighty tail-gaters could see a high school football game. So much for Quincy calling itself a Tree City.
Let's see, I think the alderman of that ward is or was in maintenance at QND.....where he use to take his garbage from home to dispose of it to avoid paying for trash stickers.
I thought the main story was about Guthrie. I had the chance to play w/ him at a very young age and he was extemely good then. Im sure he'll be playing on the tour someday. Thats all
132-sucking the taxpayer dry is the family business for that janitor
I agree way too much with 4:13
Amen brotha amen
Anyone know how much money is held in the QND Foundation? Do they just raise the million plus every year, then spend it and start all over?
Why has tuition nearly doubled in just 10 years?
According to Guidestar.org, the QND Foundation raised $1.2 million in 2005 and donated $1.1 million to QND. With operating expenses, it actually dipped into its $4.4 million endowment a bit. So the answer is yes, they have to raise that amount every year. 2005 is the most recent year for which Guidestar has figures.
I'm sure that the $1.1 million helps keep tuition down somewhat. But as anybody who runs a business can testify, it's pretty darn expensive to run an operation that size. And without taxpayer dollars, that money has to come from somewhere.
What's the $4.4m for? How has that grown over the last say 25 years?
Thursday's paper has front page Sports stories on QND football and soccer.
Imagine that.
Chalk another point up to QND.
I pulled up along side a 700 foot Jesus outside of Tulsa, OK!
That has to be a real eyesore. I will make sure I stay away from there.
I mean 5:39 that too has to be a real eyesore in Tulsa. 12:32, that is an eyesore in QNDHW.
QND is 1 - 0
QHS is 0-1
I never read any Soccer articles unless it starts with " Soccer player eating by Lions "
Why doesn't QND ever play Carthage in Football? I think they would get it handed to them in a big way!
Why not kick the crap out of teams like Central, Maywood, Fall Creek, Mendon, and Payson.
It gets the front page in the QNDHW.
Remember, THEY WIN !!
QND and QHS superfans are never satisfied. The inferiority complex is astounding.
Let them play in WB6. See how many games they win each year
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