Another week. Another city council meeting. Another speaker praising the joys of a smoke free city. When will it end? Is this going to be a speaker-of-the week thing?
Bluhm is quoted in the QHW:
"You are in very good company, many communities in Illinois have been or are grappling with this issue."Further goes on: Bluhm said a growing number of communities across Illinois have adopted smoking bans, including Chicago, Springfield, Champaign and Bloomington.
It's less the 10% of the percentage of communities .
Then the real kicker.
She noted how the American Public Health Association declared it would not convene its annual meeting in any city that's not smoke-free. The convention typically attracts 12,000 to 15,000 delegates.Like the city's gonna lose out on hosting this event if we don't impose a smoking ban? Get real. The smoker ban crowd will stop at nothing here.
16 states have adopted laws banning smoking in all public places and workplaces. Duh, lets see, that makes 34 that have not? Majority doesn't count here I guess.
Another thing I dug up this afternoon. Here is a copy of the state smoking ban that is now trying
to be passed by the state. Seems that the "local" do gooders are wanting to enforce a ban stricter than the state.
(please pardon the fonts here, I don't know what happened and I don't have time to fix it)
(410 ILCS 80/3)
(from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 8203)
(c) "Public Place" means any enclosed indoor area used by the public or serving as a place of work including, but not limited to, hospitals, restaurants, retail stores, offices, commercial establishments, elevators, indoor theaters, libraries, art museums, concert halls, public conveyances, educational facilities, nursing homes, auditoriums, arenas, and meeting rooms, but excluding bowling establishments and excluding places whose primary business is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and excluding rooms rented for the purpose of living quarters or sleeping or housekeeping accommodations from a hotel, as defined in the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act, and private, enclosed offices occupied exclusively by smokers, even though such offices may be visited by nonsmokers.
If the state goes smoke free, what new tax will Blogo think up to take the place of the tax monies received from cigarette sales. Surely it will be something as ludicrous as the gross receipts tax proposal.
ReplyDeleteIf the state goes smoke free, what new tax will Blogo think up to take the place of the tax monies received from cigarette sales. Surely it will be something as ludicrous as the gross receipts tax proposal.
ReplyDeleteTo see how much tax money is received from tobacco tax and how the money is used, go to this Illinois government report:
The key here is that "PUBLIC PLACE", though privately owned, is still a "PUBLIC PLACE", and subject to be governed accordingly.
ReplyDeleteI would have gone to Larry's tavern a lot more often if it were not for the smoke, good food, nice people, always had sports on the tube, it was kind of the unoffical battleground for Cards vs Cubs fans (in a good, friedly way). Hard to explain, but Larry's was the kind of place you could take kids too, it was thatuique! Don't know if the new version of Larry's is like that or not. If taverns went smoke fre, you would see possibly see people in them who did not go out before. The one complaint I hear from people cite against going out more often is the smoke
And the problem with non-smokers dealing with 2nd hand smoke is that, to be honest, the more smoking is restricted, the more it seems to bother you when people around you smoke. It didn't bother me years ago, you kind of got used to it, but the more they curtail it, the more you feel the need to reach for a gas mask when folks do light up! That's why I support the ban, just kind of a "go ahead and do it all the way" thing, go ahead and ban it, and get it over with. Can we get an ordinace nominated/proposed, please! Fisk, Rein, Reis, Havermale, anyone! Benny B., my man, be the messenger, present an ordinance, please, we're countin on ya!
ReplyDeleteThis is an example of sheeple:
ReplyDeleteIt didn't bother me years ago, you kind of got used to it, but the more they curtail it, the more you feel the need to reach for a gas mask when folks do light up! That's why I support the ban, just kind of a "go ahead and do it all the way" thing, go ahead and ban it, and get it over with.
ReplyDeleteNo, not sheeple, it's just that when the frequency of the exposure is decreased, it is more noticable and irritating in the instances when you are exposed. Just trying to give insight as why someomen would support the ban! More of a personal experience thing than sheeple. But if sheeple gets the ban passed through, that's cool, bro!
BTW, can we hear from the anti-smoking ban folks at the next city council meeting? Get someone up there, at least? Kind of like going to a ball game and only one team shows up. Prop someone up there next time! I'm in this for the entertainment, damn it!
ReplyDeleteGabe Mc Clean, I'm callin you out! Put up or shut up, or at least show up, next time, you nancy boy, you!
Also, any truth to the rumor the first forum will be at Port's Place?
ReplyDeleteYour statement is pure speculation.
If taverns went smoke fre, you would see possibly see people in them who did not go out before.
This is like saying that women who use the new "Sport" tampon would excel at basketball.
You Really THINK that the non-smokers will make up the losses of the smoking crowd? I agree with Fire here. Let's have some FACTS !
3:55 What I want to hear from the speakers is some FACTS. You can stand up there and "beat the dead horse" all you want on the ill effects of smoking, but how come NO ONE has given the TRUTH about the bars in Springfield yet? Lung lady GREATLY exaggerated the reasons for closings when she LIED to the city council. More business have went under SINCE the smoking ban that any other time in the past 5 years.
ReplyDeleteparts of Springpatch are unincorporated TOWNSHIPS ......Springpatch's Mayor's brother has a bar that allows SMOKING ..smart F*CKER even charges a cover to SMOKE!
ReplyDeleteCha Ching !
And for a fact my Buddy Fraiser 's pad Marley's is down 48% since the law passed .
ReplyDeleteWell boo hoo hoo, the taverns are closing, cry me river!
Like it's a bad thing.
Like the "Pub Industry" in Quincy is something to give a rat's ass about. Give me a break.
Looks like more name calling by the non-smoking crowd again.
ReplyDeleteI can see why they cry "It's for the children". They all act like one.
Maybe if you grow up, you would could visit them.
Have a POINT when you post or shut up.
3:55: Gabe McLean couldn't state a coherent reply in a public venue if you gave him a million bucks.
ReplyDeleteThe pub owners don't seem to be "stand up and fight for our rights" kind of crowd.
ReplyDeleteMy point is the "pub owners" crowd/clan/lobby/interest group should not dictate public health poilcy. They're not the most health-oriented folks, know what I mean? Or do I have to type in out in braille, and cram it up your ass?
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, I'm for the smoking ban, and haven't been inpressed with the pro-ban sleakers, wither, except the gal from lung assoc in Springflield, she was good!
Get Gabe up there though, that would be great! He couldn't do any worse than most everyone else, on both sides! Or get ole Don Heck, and his "case of beer and Tombstone pizza" mantra!
People that sell cases of beer and Tombstone pizza's need money too, you know! They are most likely funding the ban eforts, so quit bitching at the health dept, and bitch at HyVee and Rich Niemann!
ReplyDeleteI saw Polly Welcher wieghed in on the debate! Question is, what to Dan Bastean and Ann Hughes think about the issue, can we really go without their self-proclaimed sanctimoniuos expert advice?
ReplyDeleteFor St Pat's day
ReplyDeleteeveryone SMOKE em if you got em !
Jacksonville is looking at going smoke free! Let's join in with them and get the ban passed! Let's get this ban sheepled in, the end justifies the means.
ReplyDeleteRock on, lung lady, Springfield, and Jacksonville!
Quincy pub owners, you're goin down! Open up a conveniance store!
Fire, what is the prize for having the greatest # of one's posts cut and pasted and replied to, because I think I have won it, hands down!
ReplyDeleteYou should have a "struck the most nerves" prize, or something! LOL
Maybe the prize could be Tombstone pizza.
ReplyDeleteHow about "biggest asshole" ?
You win.
Maybe they could open up oxygen bars where you and the rest of the pussies could hang out?