Monday, July 31, 2006

Meth remains an issue in area

This Just In......

The number of area methamphetamine lab seizures might be leveling off, but meth continues to be a major area law enforcement issue.

...and I thought it was traffic safety.......


  1. Isn't meth just white trash cocaine?

  2. Meth ain't the issue, Eth is the issue.

    I know you folks realize that the ethonal plant will bring in 2 mill for the Quincy School district!

    Call your alderman, tell them to halt the Ewbanks zoning effort.

    That would me more money for you all that work in the school district, so maybe you won't have to ask for a tax hike in a referendum (again)! Sorry to be so blunt , but time is an issue here!

  3. Ya, Lootie, like the guy from GREDF said, this is the most important decision the city council has made in 25 years. We don't want to land lock the city
    (the St. Louis example did it for me!).

    Hopefully I'll see you Monday night!
