Oil Prices Continue Their Rise, Topping $78
Oil prices briefly topped $78 per barrel Friday and stayed near record highs as intensifying violence in the Middle East raised concerns of a possible supply disruptions. OPEC tried to reassure the market.
I think that the sun coming up also raises oil prices.....
I think all our ass's are starting to hurt from the high price of Oil.
ReplyDeleteThis time I am pretty sure it has raised due to speculation on the Isreal/Hezbollah conflict.
One can only poke those Isreali's so many times before they send in thier airforce and F*** your shit up!
Those excuses aren't worth two sh*ts in hell.
ReplyDeleteI think they use everything as an excuse to raise oil prices, why because they can!
ReplyDeleteWhat I find amusing is when you read that the high gas prices aren't affecting the way we travel. The hell it isn't. It's affecting everything. It’s raising the price of everything, not just gas.
Follow the money. Who gets richer? Bush's oil buddies.
ReplyDeleteThis latest push is price is being caused by speculation in the markets...There is at least a $20 premium in price based on fear.
ReplyDeleteAlso, geopolitically the demand is certainly increasing.
Anyone who blames Bush apparently does not follow geopolitical events.
It's the Dodge Durango effect:
ReplyDeleteIt's all you alls fault. All you middle class "keep up with the Jones" "Monkey See, Monkey Do" my neighbor has a Dodge Durango, I need a Dodge Durango. These hogs consume at least 3-4 the gas as a normal car. Why do soccer moms needs Durangos (or any other SUV/gas hog)? This effect shoots demand through the roof. Remember in the 80's wehn it was cool to have a mid-size import. What heppened then, gas stood pat. No thanks to all you middle calls folks that thought is was so important to stay in vogue, gas is 3 x what it should be. Thank you SUV owners, you played right into the rag-heads hands. Hope you feel it at the pump. Prince Bandar Bush appreciates you, all the way to the bank.
Gas prices, who cares. For years and years the good tax-paying folk of Quincy have coerced and indeed, strong-armed, if you will, by the relentless and over-the-top greed of the teachers union in district 172. They have pervasively asked for unneeded tax increases just to provide a seemingly quasi middle-class though in reality opulent lifestyle for the undeserving members of the teachers union. The union members are not above threats, blackmail, and intimidation techniques in order to support their inflated lifestyle habits. They always will use your children’s education as almost a hostage in order to obtain their inordinate demands.
ReplyDeleteWow, blaming the Dodge Durango owners vs. China and speculators ?
ReplyDeletePlease try to think outside your life, outside Adams County.
Think globally, and please do not buy into the "Bush is evil" thing. It is so juvenille and sounds like it is coming straight from Al Franken.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows the Chinese are bursting on the auto scene,something like 100 million more chinese driving now than 10 years ago. But we're talking US gas prices here, dummy. All you Navigator, Escalade, and Durango drivers really screwed up, mostly out of envy, being covetous, and needing to "keep up with the Jones" It's a monkey see, monkey do" dynamic. And you wonder why gas is high when you shot up US demand so high with your tanks that you don't even need. pay attention to your gas gauge at the stop-light instead of waht everyone else is driving, idiot. I just think it's funny that it hurts you all more than me. I drive I hybrid, and you retards should also, but I know you're pigs and have to consume more than you produce, so I'll let you slide. You're probably a fat-ass American also, if you drive an SUV. We'll talk about that next. Does your SUV and your fat-ass fit through McDonalds's drive-thru, Mr. Super-Size me?
ReplyDeleteI'm better than you because I drive a Hybrid.
Also, switch to Old Mil Light, only beer snobs drink Hiene, your innards will be tougher, and your ass will be lighter, you'll get better mileage, and you'll have Jimmy as a drinking buddy.
Hybrid cars and their owners are funny looking...
ReplyDeleteBesides, if you have a Nav or an Escalade you can afford gas, I know I can.
Heck I would even fill up your little V4 for you if times are that tough or possibly tow you to work for a song.
jimmy who i thought he drank bud light