Flat Rate Garbage vs. Pay Per Dump
Flat Rate Pickup:
Fixed income. Every household fixed rate.
Easy Billing. Bill added to water bill quarterly.
No incentive to recycle. Same bill each month.
Variable dump fees. (less recycle, high dump fees)
Higher fuel cost. (less recycle, more trips to landfill)
More Employee hours (trip to landfill)
Encourage people to recycle (less trash, lower dump fees)
Lower fuel costs ( more recycle, less trips to landfill)
Lower employee Hours (less trips to landfill)
No Fixed Income (Income varies with recycle vs. trash)
RFI computers installed on trucks.
New billing system implemented on water bills
4 new trucks all automated.
All computerized with RFI readers installed.
May look at HPNG conversion for trucks.
Waste Bins:
32 Gallon, 64 Gallon, 96 Gallon bins. All with RFI chips installed. All paid for by city. May ask for deposit from homeowner.
96 bins no RFI chips for recycle
Everyone will have 95 gallon bin for recycle.
no charge to recycle.
Pay per Dump Fees:
$3 - 32 gallon
$5 - 64 gallon
$7 - 96 gallon
New trucks fully automated will reduce workman comp claims, reduce manpower per truck in half and speed collection. Bins and trucks equipped with RFI readers and chips. Truck
Computer records time and address for billing. Trash picked up on a weekly schedule. No Trash bin out = no bill. Recycle will all have 96 gallon containers. Recycle collected on 2 week basis. No cost to recycle.
Problem with Homeowner paying for Garbage bins is have you ever drove down the street after the recycle crew has dumped the bins? Looks
like high winds have hit the area. Think if the city owned the containers, more care would be taken on them. Although the recycle bins are owned by the city, I have not found any information on the current replacement costs
but I'm sure it's pretty high.
Another thought that would save $$ from the landfill. Glass is the second highest weight of recyclable waste behind magazines. Maybe
have once a month Glass only dump pickups. Less weight to the landfill more savings.