Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Talking Trash

Fair Trash Idea


First off, the recycle program was started to reduce garbage to the landfill. Less garbage, less cost to the city. The Garbage stickers were to help fund the recycle program. This service was provided by the city as a service that was part of the property taxes we pay. At no time was the sticker program intended to fully fund the recycle program. Until just recently, the city received zero dollars for recycled materials.


Both plans the mayor have offered are from private businesses that have no interest in reducing garbage to the landfill. Everyone is charged the same amount regardless of the waste you put out. Where would the incentive to recycle come from? If you recycle or not, same price each month.


A new idea


After searching the Internet, I think I have found a concept that could be useful here. The fairest way to do this would be a pay-as-you-throw program. Here is a great example HERE. This is a fair system for everyone. Carts would be available in different sizes. Dump fees are based on sizes. Collection schedules are set. New trucks that are purchased would have the collection arms and RFID equipped. Recycle is collected in the same way for free. Manpower is reduced in half and automation almost eliminates work comp claims. Everyone wins.


More info:





Sunday, March 31, 2013

Springs Credits

take credit for something :

to allow people to believe that one has done something praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually done it.
City Council gets thrown under the bus for the Hydro disaster, yet Hizzoner takes credit for the following:
Feel free to name ONE thing he has done to make ANY of these event happen.......