Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tax Dollars for Non-Profit

So Rebel Media brought up a good point yesterday. Where does the slippery slope stop ?

Here's my take on it.


Once you allow one, then you open up the door to allow city influence to dictate just who or what get city tax dollars.

Don't get me wrong, each and every non-profit is more that deserving to be donated to, but where does it stop?

The city is in the business of providing a service to the tax paying citizens of the city and should have never got into this in the first place.

I say end it now.


Monday, January 09, 2012


So City Council will vote on yet another bid for replacing traffic signals in town.  Only one company bid on it and was like $125 K which was 40%+ over who someone we call an engineer that works for the city. 

Now a new "revised" quote comes in $1,500 under the last sole bidder and now our engineer says he compared 23 other IDOT projects.

Where did he pull the first numbers from ? His ASS ?

FFS ! You can't make this shit up !