Wednesday, December 28, 2011

QPD Fundraising

Although I differ in opinion with the Strawman, Reading thru the Blotter looks like to me that the QPD made some money on north 12 street this week.        I say good deal.      Don't like it, don't speed.

I'll leave this post open for anyone to leave any tips for the QPD on areas around Quincy that you would like to see more patroled for violations. 


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Media Monday Funday

Sucking City Halls ASS:

First snow turns icy: several cars slide off roads, two rollovers occur

Sounds better than : Central Services gets caught with pants down not prepaired for first snowfall.


“We’ll have to do the best we can with what we’ve got.”

Pissed away $6 million on your dream hydro project.  Get used to it.
