Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily Delusional

We believe (as always,WE know best) brings value to our (shrinking) audience and to the (QND Fans) community, value that should be reflected in our pricing structure.(Lube up subscribers here it comes) That value has increased (seriously?) over time with investments in technology (new coffee machine) and personnel (now hiring?) that are enabling us to provide more news (email it to us please), real-time coverage (mayor Spring & city hall) of breaking news,(AP) and coverage that incorporates video.(We bought a new video camera and have learned how to use it) The new (increased) price structure, in line with policies at a growing (shrinking) number of large and small newspapers, (justification for price increase) will ensure that we can continue to provide the kind of quality journalism (again, seriously?) across all platforms (well, the ones we choose) that the community has come to expect. (same shit, higher price)

FYI: before you shell out the addional upcharge for the "Black Friday" edition for the QNDHW, you can visit each local store "on-line" and get the ads early and most let you make a printable shopping  list.  Go Green !


Monday, November 14, 2011

CVN 9.9

Watching the POTUS aboard the USS Carl Vinson I tried to imagine what the USS Barack Obama would look like.