Thursday, August 25, 2011

Show Me the Money

The QSD spent around $700,00 and installed the new field at Flinn Stadium.

You can see pictures here.

The City spent $6.6 million on a Hydro dam.

You can see picture here.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Whig Weekly Wordsearch

Word and Point Values:

Transportation - 5
QND - 1
Quincy Medicial Group -1
Blessing Hospital -1
Spring -2
Downtown -3
Hydro -3
Intermodel -4
QPD -2
Bevelheimer -3
guitar -4
The Local Q -1

Weekday Multiplier:

Sunday - 1 They can usally fit these all into a Sunday Edition

Monday - Saturday - 5 Hard to get in any of these on 4 page editions.

Tuesday - Friday - 3 These are feel good story days.

Wednesday - Thursday - 2 Filler days preparing for Sundays paper.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Editoral BS

I like how the Sunday Whig editoral leaves the reader with the fear that if any federal programs are cut, Meth use and production in the midwest will skyrocket.

This is typical Democrats using class warfare and scare tactics to shirk responsibility and engage in theatrics.

Yet, there is a fear that the meth trade will revive
and thrive and communities will continue to
be contaminated if the federal government is barred
from helping the states and the states can’t do it on
their own. For many communities in West-Central
Illinois and Northeast Missouri, meth continues to
be a primary concern as law enforcement tries to
protect the citizenry.

Do you want a program to cut ? Try the S.T.E.P. program.

S.T.E.P. involves a combination of increased enforcement and community education designed to raise public awareness and compliance to all traffic laws. It is funded through a grant from the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The grant is administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety. Here's some stats on how the program "saves lives" (wastes money)

This is a BS Federally funded slush fund that more or less gives grants to local law enforcement agencies to pretty much....................wait for their JOBS!

Enforcing traffic laws is part of the job of law enforcement, does it really need Grant money to survive ?

so glad I don't pay for this sh*t.
