Tuesday, March 22, 2011

City's Brass Balls

You've pissed away Millions on a Hydro dream that's on the verge of failure.

You have another 6 million to piss away on a new choo choo station.

You pay 100% of your employees healthcare.....

And you ask for your broke school district to split the tab on crossing guards ?


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Whig Free 3/15/2011

QHW wants you to know that the city
is ready to renew the city employees healthcare insurance.

QNO wants you to know that the city
is ready to renew the city employees healthcare insurance and gives you the details that the employees pay NOTHING towards their healthcare.

Maybe the Whig didn't think this was a big deal.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Whig Free 3/13/11

With a bit more practice, I think he can get NASCAR, Quincy Raceways and American Idol all in the same sentence.

Shake and Bake.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Post Topics

Hello bloggers.

I am Quincy Fire and I was a Whig-aholic. I have been Whig-free for about 8 months now. Although I still read the paper every now and then, it is now strictly for entertainment value. Therefore I anytime I do read something odd, I'll blog about it under “ Whig Free

Also as I wonder around this metropolis, I frequently ask myself “who is footing the bill for this and how much is it?” So those will be listed under “ Who Pays For This?”