Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

I call Bullshit 11/22/10

"I'd be very pleased if we go through the holiday season without making an arrest for DUI," Copley said.

IMAGE Grants ?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's the upcharge....

on getting some turf like Boise State for some Blue Devil Blue turf at Flinn Field ?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Not the best Dam Investment

QNO reports that the city will be showcasing the L&D 21 hydro project for a potential investor.

River projections for Monday will be 14.7 pool and a 13.7 tailwater.

Good luck on them whipping out their checkbook for a freaking foot of headwater.

Last time the potential for this to produce a single watt of electric was March 8, 2010.


Monday, October 11, 2010

At least we know Brett's type

Sometimes I like eggs for breakfast.

Sometimes I like pancakes for breakfast.

Looks like Brett Favre likes to eat the same thing every day.

p.s. this post is Rocky Cola's fault. :)

Happy Columbus Day, suckers

Just remember while you are working your real job today to thank all of those tireless public servants in city, county, state and federal government who have a paid holiday with your tax dollars.

It gives the bastards who are running for re-election an extra day off to campaign...oh wait...they already give themselves the entire fucking month off to campaign.

My God, even the schools are getting it and many of them are in session today. Of course, that's because they don't want to honor Columbus and they get plenty of days off anyway.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Sun-Times luvs some Sexy Lexi

The Chicago Sun-Times sez...Giannoulias is young, just 34, but seasoned in life and politics. He’s got the stuff to be an excellent United States senator.

He's seasoned like a Kennedy, it looks like. Can he drive over a bridge? How do you say Mary Jo in Greek? Can I get a Hell yeah?!?!?!?!?!!

The Hell yeah is for the broads. I'd go pound some Ouzo and some tail with this dude, but I'm not givin' the Big O another automatic vote in Congress.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Robin, get Durbin on the Batphone

Did you know Mayor John Spring has a flashing light on his mayor's car (that you pay for)?

WTF does he use that for?

Will he use it when driving Durbin around to meet with campaign donors...oops...I mean...when he meets with community and business leaders?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The trough never ends for City Hall

Glad to see the city is flush with cash again so the mayor, aldermen and department heads could spend a few days in a five-star hotel in Chicago.

These conferences are nothing more than taxpayer-paid vacations and people ought to let the folks in City Hall know they are sick of it.

By the way, I understand no Republican aldermen went on the trip.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's all about the children

Are Quincy's teachers gonna strike?

Should they?

Shouldn't they?

What say u?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Under this 40, baby

Ever since I was 20, I wanted to be under a 40. 40 year old or 40 DD, didn't matter which. Although a 40 with a set of 40s...jackpot!

But it's the time of year for the local rag to pick out 20 people who have had their name in the paper or whose company can buy an ad and create a special section.

75 percent of these people work for taxing bodies or not-for-profits. That shouldn't be a surprise as those are the same people who city hall, GREDF and the local media empire believe are the chosen ones.

People who have their own businesses or actually have to produce something for a living are seen as second class citizens because those in power don't want self-reliance. They want you to think you can't get along with out them. Pretty liberal of them, huh?

Also notice that there are three members of Jim Mentesti's Junior Justice League on this year's list.

Can't believe the token QNIer didn't make it this year. I guess the Oakley grandkids still have plenty of years to make it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You're a professional something anyway

So Ines Sainz was offended by a few catcalls in the Jets locker room, huh?

She says she's just a professional trying to do her job. She sure dresses like it.

She also showed up to Super Bowl media days once wearing a wedding dress and asking Tom Brady to marry her.

There are also pictures of her out there riding on the shoulders of football players and feeling their...biceps.

And of course there's the multiple magazine cover shots of her wearing a bikini and a smile.

This is like the chick who shows up with her boobs hanging out at the bar and then acts like Mother Theresa when some drunk walks up to her and says "Nice rack."

If you don't want the attention, keep your clothes on. Pretty simple.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never forget

We didn't burn any Korans before they did this.

Not that we should burn them now, but to say the action might "cause harm"...please. Looks like they already caused the harm.

Try it again, bastards, and see what happens.

And if the dude in the Oval Office doesn't have the stones to carpet bomb Mecca, we'll find somebody who will.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

If you were surprised, then maybe you need to go

From the City Hall/GREDF Gazette, regarding Gardner Denver:

Jim Mentesti, president of the Great River Economic Development Foundation, was also caught by surprise.

“I don’t think any of us saw this coming,” Mentesti said. “It’s hard to always know where everyone is ... but (businesses) are doing more internationally all of the time and we know connectivity to a major airport is important. Gardner Denver is a part of the global marketplace. We are living in a completely different economic climate than we once were.”

Waaaait a minute. We're Quincy. I thought anybody in the world can do business right here in little old Quincy. Isn’t that what Jimmy always tells us?

Perhaps if there had been someone from Gardner Denver on the GREDF board instead of the majority of governmental and non-for-profit glad handers, maybe the region's economic czar might have had a fucking clue what was going on.

During Broadcast Electronics’ 50th anniversary last year, Mentesti said it was rare for a town of Quincy’s size to have a corporate headquarters. Talk about a self-fullfilling prophesy.

Mentesti, your time is up. Go play golf and drink...more than you already do...and get someone in here who can make something happen.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rebuild Him ??

6 million on Hydro.

6 Million on Choo Choo Station.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beating Back the Partners

Knock Knock.

Who's there?

Hydroelectric Equity Partners

Hydroelectric Equity Partners Who?


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Soldiers are heroes, not politicians

I usually don't bother with the Whig on a Saturday.

I can sports in a gazillion other places and the dead tree is nearly as thin on Saturday as it is on Monday. Take out sports scores and the real estate listings and there's not enough left to cover the bottom of the birdcage. Maybe if you took Saturday and Monday's papers and put them together...

But I wanted to see how they would cover a story about a local hero, a Purple Heart winner in PFC Kevin Gerding.

I should have known better, but even I didn't think the Rag was this bad. They ran a picture on Whig.com of Aaron Schock handing Gerding his medal, but the story was all about Schock. NOTHING on Gerding and what he went through as he earned that medal defending our country.

Doug Wilson can pick up the phone anytime to talk to Schock about issues. I'm sure they have him on speeddial to badger him about highway bullshit. But the story started off with how all of the Chamber of Commerce crowd laughed at Schock's witty banter over tea and crumpets and, naturally, there was the obligatory part about highways that the Obama administration has put off some transportation plan until next year.

Really? Why not build more roads? Get out the credit card. We're flush with cash, bitches!

Nothing in that story about Gerding. These fuckers suck off every politician in the country every day but they can't give any column space to a real local hero? My God, even the TV stations got this right.

Some might give The Whig credit for at least running a photo because they are so used to their mediocrity, or they are just shills for them.

And we're glad to see the boys read Fire. The city is really having trouble finding someone to write them a check for about $70 million for hydro when they don't have a license? Shocked. Fire pointed this out a couple of weeks back.

If you haven't already sworn off these asshats, now would be a great time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Contributing Bloggers

If you haven't noticed, the posting here has increased the past few days. I have been quite busy and have slowed down on the things I want to post about. QNO usually covers what the Whig either missed or chooses to ignore so it leaves me limited thoughts to ramble on about......Sooo.... I have asked (begged) a few friends I know if the would like to contribute to Fire and maybe this will keep the activity here going. I still will be adding stuff from time to time and I am currently waiting for the river to drop below flood stage so the pro-hydro people will pull their heads out from (not there) the muddy flooded shorelines and start promoting hydro again.

Thanks for stopping by.

WGAFF: C listers

Now that Bret Michaels is done making the Quincy cougars moist, what will the Local Q have to report on now?

I wonder if they will refer to him in every story about him now as "Bret Michaels, who appeared in Quincy in August, 2010" like they do every other person who ever took a shit in Quincy?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Quincy Fire proudly endorses Scott Lee Cohen for governor of Illinois.

Pat Quinn is a career politician who has been at the public trough for over half his life. Knew Blago was a piece of shit, but rode his coattails. In other words, typical Democrat.

Bill Brady is a career politician who has done very little in politics (at least he has a business background) and says he won't tell people how he'll solve Illinois' budget mess until AFTER he's elected. Dumbass.

Hey we know what Scott Lee Cohen is. He won the Democratic nomination for lt. gov. until the Dems ran him off because they didn't like his background. Have those SOB's looked at their own backgrounds?

SLC also used to hook up with the chick in the pic. Not bad. And look at him biting his lip! It's almost as good as the dude who does Bill Clinton on Saturday Night Live. SLC feels your pain, bitch!

SLC in 2010. Illinois can't do any worse.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Patti likes her men like she likes her juries

Maybe it's because she's a dirty talker.

Maybe it's because she's got a really big mouth.

Maybe it's because her sister is a lesbian and she might have certain tendencies in her DNA.

Regardless, I think Patti Blagojevich is kinda milfy.

Looks like her man be gone for awhile. Not as long as he should have been put away, but still gone long enough she might get lonely.

I'm sure there are some of his old Quincy Democrat cronies who have the Blagojevich's home number. When Rod leaves, would one of you please send Patti's number Fire's way?

Monday, August 16, 2010


We get it. You're not a quitter...even though you quit the County Board.

But, dammit, they are offering you your seat back...again. The judge has ruled and her appeal is going to be upheld. You are toast. They'll drag this out until it is too late for you to file to run in the spring.

Thanks for all of the no votes and we appreciate the martyrdom, but put this whole fucking mess behind all of us and resign. There's bigger fish to fry.

(Photo stolen from QNO)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

So much for the hype

So before the overhyped launch of "The Local Q" (which tells you where the Cheeseburgers are going to play next and when Bret Michaels is taking his next shit in Quincy) the QNI hype machine gave us MidwestAgNet.com, which was supposed to do everything for farmers except milk the cow.

But I saw the pics of the chick who was running MidwestAgNet.com and I'd let her shuck my corn! Notice I said 'chick who WAS running MidwestAgNet.com.'

It looks like the QNI servers only have room for so many Websites, so to make room for Local Q, the farm site is GONE or, excuse me, is on 'indefinite hiatus' as of June 23.

You mean with all of those free TV, radio and newspaper ads this site didn't succeed? Really? Don't be surprised when Local Q suffers the same fate.

Somebody tell the Whig/WGEM gang that people are tired of their take on things. Also ask where Laura Johnson and Tyler Tomlinson went. And how the fuck did you let Nora Baldner go to work for KHQA?

The moral of the story: The next time you see one of the Oakley Mafia telling somebody how their shit don't stink, ask them how the farm site is doing and if the chick who was running it is free Saturday night.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Ah...Do your Job ??

Director of Transit Lines recommending approval of the proposal from Route Match, Atlanta GA, in the amount of $54,052 for a new scheduling system using New Freedom/State Capital Assistance Grant and Federal Grant funds through IDOT.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Illinois does porn

From The Onion

SPRINGFIELD, IL—The State of Illinois acknowledged last week that in an effort to stay afloat during the worst financial crisis in its history, it had begun performing in adult films.

Officials said that since ending the 2010 fiscal year with a record $4.7 billion in unpaid bills, Illinois has been actively pursuing roles in sexually explicit direct-to-DVD features, but is only doing so until it can get back on its feet.

"I want to be perfectly clear on one thing," Quinn said. "Illinois does not do anal. I don't care how many times someone tells us that just one double-penetration scene will help keep the state's homeless shelters open for another winter or put an additional 150 state troopers on the road. There's a line we simply will not cross."

Added Quinn, "Well, I mean, it'd have to be a lot of money."

Sunday, August 01, 2010

2010 Hydro Update

Reading JRG's Blog on the "Wants, not needs" got me back on the Hydro track, well...... that and a morning inside enjoying the AC.

Bob brings up the point " We were supposed to have an equity partner in place by late June, early July at the latest. Guess what? July ends Saturday."

Today is August 1st so let's crunch some numbers.

Here is the information that I retrieved off the rivergages.com for this years thru 7/31/10.

Pool is river level at Quincy Filter plant, Tailwater is from L&D 21 and Fall is the difference between the two. The OEM of the Hydro generating turbines states that the minimum fall needed to produce electricity is 1.4 meters or 4.5'. The Chart here has the results color coded as below 4.5' as red and above 4.51' as green.

As you can see that there has been only 35 days so far this years that the multimillion dollar Hydro project would produce electricity. This is 212 days into the year.

Do the math and this is a whopping 6% operational efficiency.

Maybe that explains why the partners are not beating a path to city hall.

Thinking Michael may add some input ???


Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Future of News

Rest assured with this type of efficient delivery model that you will always be able to rely on the local newspaper to have its pulse on the community.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

GREDF Airport

Date: 9.11.2001

Air Traffic Controller: Air boss we have two confirmed incoming planes headed for the pentagon and the World Trade Center. What should I do?

Air Boss ( who knows EVERYTHING): "This is probably more of a blip on the radar than anything else, This should run its course."


Sunday, July 11, 2010

QPD Irony

Situational irony is the disparity of intention and result: when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect.

Courtesy Rides, a service that provides free transportation to anyone who calls. Most of those who call are intoxicated individuals who need a ride home from a local bar and are grateful they won’t have to get behind the wheel and risk being arrested for DUI.

In an effort to protect the public the city council even changed the city code as to not allow this service to operate. He dropped his attempt to apply for a Taxi license because the Chief of Police had an issue with a $3k forgery bill.

Several of my favorite quotes include:

Duesterhaus said the ruling is about public safety.

"The public has a right to know that someone has checked out the driver and the vehicle," he said. "The licensing process is not so onerous that anybody of good character can do it."

Under questioning from aldermen, Copley said the police department hasn’t received any significant complaints about Courtesy Rides.

Pinnacle Security Systems comes strolling into town, fills out the needed paperwork for solcitors license and starts shaking down city residents under the full approval of the citys requirements.

Now the QPD warns of Pinnacle Security Systems concerns.

But hey, They met the requirements under the city code..........


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My FAVORITE thing about QNI is..........

Saturday, June 12, 2010

No License for you!

Cab License Nazi QPD Chief was quoted Friday by QNO that "Due to new information that has come to light today, I will be withdrawing the recommendation for a license and make a new recommendation one way or the other at a later time"

That new information was anonymously reported to be the story from QNO on Saturday that the Map detail from May 14 to May 29 only netted 2 DUI's. Several people overheard mumbling around city hall that there is no way the department can meet payroll on 1 DUI a week.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Can you remember who signed your high school Diploma ?

......or could you give a rats ass? >>>>>>

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Wild Fire

Just to damned lazy to bitch about......everything!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Local leaders continue to prepare for Obama visit...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In the News.

Good news: Texas Staduim was imploded today!
Bad News: the Cowboys and their fans were NOT in there when it went down.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wild Fire Week

Just too damned busy to post anything.

You pick the subject!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Hydro Cookie Jar

How many more people can the Mayor invite to eat out of the City of Quincys Hydro cookie jar ?

Michael Alexander and Associates as a lobbyist at a cost of $5,000 a month for up to 12 months.

Stoel Rives, LLC for those services at a cost of at least $250,000.

Great River Economic Development Foundation $3,000.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mirror, Mirror.......

Hire fellow co-workers and friends that have zero experience on hydro projects to form a corporation to run the project.

Hire a fellow alderman's brother at 3 x's the going rate to form the corporations.

Appoint the city planner as project manager. Zero experience here too.

Hire Klingners for project planning.

Hire a fellow friend to lobby to acquire funding, mainly to pay for this funding.

Hire a power purchase negotiator for power that has yet to be generated.

"I don't know what political cronyism means"

Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Let's Try Spamguard

Gonna turn the word verification on and see if it will get rid of some of this Spam Sh*t that gets posted.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Place your bets.....

Proposal Review Committee recommending approval and enter into formal written agreement with Environmental Management Corporation, O’Fallon, MO, for the management of the city’s waste water treatment plant and biosolid disposal operations based upon a five-year contract price of: Year No. 1, $717,000; Year No. 2, $734,925; Year No. 3, $753,298; Year No. 4, $772,131; and Year No. 5, $791,434.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

State of Quincy

I bet NOBODY can guess what he will talk about...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Were gonna cut spending right after a word from our sponsor....

Taxpayers to Fork Out $2.5 Million for Single Census Ad During Super Bowl


Just Amazing.

They just don't get it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wind 1, Hydro 0

Global Winds Harvest of Schenectady, N.Y., in partnership with Acciona Energy North America, is considering installing up to 100 generators, or possibly more in Adams County.

If a wind farm were to get off the ground, it could have a big economic impact on the county. Zellman said a wind farm would create 200 or more construction jobs and 15 to 20 permanent jobs upon completion. These would be high-paying jobs offering between $50,000 and $70,000 a year.

An array of wind turbines would generate significant property tax revenue for local schools and other governmental entities.

Where does this private company get off by NOT spending MILLIONS of taxpayer money investing in something that might work?

Why are there not MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars being spent on studies and engineering fees?

Create 200 or more construction jobs and 15 to 20 permanent jobs upon completion?

Glad it will create tax revenue for our governmental entities so we can piss more money away on our Hydro project.......


Tuesday, January 05, 2010