"I'd be very pleased if we go through the holiday season without making an arrest for DUI," Copley said.
IMAGE Grants ?
The Hell yeah is for the broads. I'd go pound some Ouzo and some tail with this dude, but I'm not givin' the Big O another automatic vote in Congress.
From the City Hall/GREDF Gazette, regarding Gardner Denver:
Jim Mentesti, president of the Great River Economic Development Foundation, was also caught by surprise.
“I don’t think any of us saw this coming,” Mentesti said. “It’s hard to always know where everyone is ... but (businesses) are doing more internationally all of the time and we know connectivity to a major airport is important. Gardner Denver is a part of the global marketplace. We are living in a completely different economic climate than we once were.”
Waaaait a minute. We're Quincy. I thought anybody in the world can do business right here in little old Quincy. Isn’t that what Jimmy always tells us?
Perhaps if there had been someone from Gardner Denver on the GREDF board instead of the majority of governmental and non-for-profit glad handers, maybe the region's economic czar might have had a fucking clue what was going on.
During Broadcast Electronics’ 50th anniversary last year, Mentesti said it was rare for a town of Quincy’s size to have a corporate headquarters. Talk about a self-fullfilling prophesy.
Mentesti, your time is up. Go play golf and drink...more than you already do...and get someone in here who can make something happen.
Here is the information that I retrieved off the rivergages.com for this years thru 7/31/10.
Pool is river level at Quincy Filter plant, Tailwater is from L&D 21 and Fall is the difference between the two. The OEM of the Hydro generating turbines states that the minimum fall needed to produce electricity is 1.4 meters or 4.5'. The Chart here has the results color coded as below 4.5' as red and above 4.51' as green.
As you can see that there has been only 35 days so far this years that the multimillion dollar Hydro project would produce electricity. This is 212 days into the year.
Do the math and this is a whopping 6% operational efficiency.
Maybe that explains why the partners are not beating a path to city hall.
Thinking Michael may add some input ???
Why are there not MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars being spent on studies and engineering fees?
Create 200 or more construction jobs and 15 to 20 permanent jobs upon completion?