I usually don't bother with the Whig on a Saturday.
I can sports in a gazillion other places and the dead tree is nearly as thin on Saturday as it is on Monday. Take out sports scores and the real estate listings and there's not enough left to cover the bottom of the birdcage. Maybe if you took Saturday and Monday's papers and put them together...
But I wanted to see how they would cover a story about a local hero, a Purple Heart winner in PFC Kevin Gerding.
I should have known better, but even I didn't think the Rag was this bad. They ran a picture on Whig.com of Aaron Schock handing Gerding his medal, but the story was all about Schock. NOTHING on Gerding and what he went through as he earned that medal defending our country.
Doug Wilson can pick up the phone anytime to talk to Schock about issues. I'm sure they have him on speeddial to badger him about highway bullshit. But the story started off with how all of the Chamber of Commerce crowd laughed at Schock's witty banter over tea and crumpets and, naturally, there was the obligatory part about highways that the Obama administration has put off some transportation plan until next year.
Really? Why not build more roads? Get out the credit card. We're flush with cash, bitches!
Nothing in that story about Gerding. These fuckers suck off every politician in the country every day but they can't give any column space to a real local hero? My God, even the TV stations got this right.
Some might give The Whig credit for at least running a photo because they are so used to their mediocrity, or they are just shills for them.
And we're glad to see the boys read Fire. The city is really having trouble finding someone to write them a check for about $70 million for hydro when they don't have a license? Shocked. Fire pointed this out a couple of weeks back.
If you haven't already sworn off these asshats, now would be a great time.