Here a copy and paste of one I did on 12/12/06 Link.
Didn't like it then, don't like it now.
(PS. Happy Birthday Servergate)
Denied a request from David J. Peterson for a taxicab/limousine owner's license. Police Chief Rob Copley recommended denial based on the results of a background check. He also said Peterson does not have a permanent address in the city. During a public hearing in November, several representatives from other taxicab/shuttle services said they felt there is not enough business in town to support an additional service.
OK...This burns my ass.
1st. Has anyone read the city code on taxi service ?? It's 12 pages long !! WTF ?? The only thing that this guy didn't have to submit to City Council is a sperm sample !! This is WAY too much for a simple taxi service. Here is Springfield IL Taxicab operator's license and registration. Here is Rock Island city Code. Seem like they are more inviting to a new taxi business.
2. A check with the circuit clerks page shows only one David J. Peterson and has 1 citation. And it's for animal at large ??? Don't seem like a felon to me...
3. "Peterson does not have a permanent address in the city" ?? When did business owners have to live within the city ???? Must of missed this one. Wal-Mart, Sears, K-mart, pack up, you guys are out of here !!
4. "several representatives from other taxicab/shuttle services said they felt there is not enough business in town to support an additional service" Really ??? If you asked current retail stores if Quincy really needs a Sam's store and you'll get the same response.
Is this the way we want to regulate business in the city ??? Hope not.This city could use another taxi service and if there is not enough service..? Let the free enterprise system work. I will have to say, seeing that the QPD is hammering DUI's in this city and when another cab company tries to start up and the Police Chief denies it, it looks bad.What has this city done to free enterprise ???
Definition: Business governed by the laws of supply and demand, not restrained by government interference, regulation or subsidy. also called free market.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Gardner Denvers cuts 40.
Harris lays off 15.
Titan lays of 35.
Knapheide lays off 158.
Knapheide lays off 158.
Huber lays off 15.
Manchester tank lays off 68.
Prince-Agra cuts 5 jobs.
Ameren cuts 55 jobs.
Blue Cross cuts 14.
Broadcast Lays off 10.
Prince-Agra cuts 5 jobs.
Ameren cuts 55 jobs.
Blue Cross cuts 14.
Broadcast Lays off 10.
“This is a great night,” Mayor John Spring said.
Clerk call the roll:
Larry, Curly, Moe,................
Friday, September 04, 2009
That’s the percentage of days that the Hydro project will not be producing any electric.
This information comes straight from the VLF website.
The operating head for this turbine design is between 1.4 and 2.8 meters of head.
Seeing that the Corp of Engineers measures river levels in feet, this translates into 4’7.1” and 9’2.2”
Did some quick number crunching from the COE Rock Island web site on river levels. Take the pool level at L&D 21 and subtract the tailwater at L&D 21 and you get the “head”.
In the last 12 years the level that falls below the minimum operating head pressure design of these turbines would amount to them not operating 39.79% of the time. The worst years would be 1998 of not operating for 177 days ( 48.5% )and the best would be 2006 when they would only be down 55 days ( 15%).
If you want to look at the sheet I have done, let me know and I will paste it up.
Oh....and if this doesn't pass, there's a excellent chance that the city will save 6.6 million dollars.
That's better than the turbine company coming to town........