Monday, March 30, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks

I Think Pundit calls these Springisms:

In the fictional universe of Star Wars, a Jedi mind trick is a Force power. Jedi who know the power can, by using the Force, influence the actions of other "weak-minded" sentient beings.

Jedi typically perform this ability with a wave of the hand and a verbal suggestion. If the trick is successful, the victim will reply by restating the suggestion and will immediately think or do whatever the Jedi suggested.

The hand wave may not be required to use the power.

Spring said the incident involving the conviction was "15 years ago" and stressed he didn't hire Murphy but said, on more than one occasion, he's doing "a terrific job."

Murphy has filed a police report alleging a hack into a Web site on the city's computer server. The FBI is
handling the investigation of the Web site hack.

IT director job responsibility's:

Oversees the implementation of network security at the corporate level.

Quincy airport has an average of "50 to 80 planes in and out of the airport" daily

Maybe he meant weekly?

Spring also said Director of Administrative Services Ken Cantrell is back at work but "needs to watch himself."

Gough: I have never misquoted you. Spring: twist things'd better watch yourself.

SPRING: ................ Call me. I'm in the book. Nobody has taken me up on that.

Spring: I also don't appreciate you call my police chief on a Sunday and asking for my private number. (Stresses on the MY's)

We like to be as transparent as we can requested Spring's travel information on Jan. 22 and did the story last week.

Updated 4/1/09 ( April Fool's Day )

Right now if three of these were up and running, it would produce enough electricity to electrify, not only every home in the city of Quincy, but Adams County. This is going to produce a great deal of power," says Spring.

True statement? If all the dams were producing at 100% capacity this would be a true statement.

Problem is, that the river conditions that will produce 100% designed power only occur 12 % of the time. Don't know about you, but I enjoy my lights being on more than 5 mins every hour.



Friday, March 27, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quick Study

Pool 21 level: 17.23
Tail water : 17.10

Total head for this photo:

00.13 feet

Total head needed for power:

> 2 feet

Total power produced in this photo:


Congressman Phil Hare, please send $200,000 for this study to:

Porkbarrel Projects
c/o Quincy Fire

(only one person was employed during this study)


Saturday, March 14, 2009


Just got my Comcast bill and my Broadband 10.0

just went up 10.00 dollars?

HELLO ATT.......


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mayors' Things'

The main purpose of an apostrophe is to show ownership or possession of an object.


Mayors' Cell Phone
Mayors' Chief of Police
Mayors' Newspaper

If you haven't read the JRG Blog for 3/10, you need to click on over there and read it.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

If this isn't a classic, most arrogant display from a public official to a member of the press, I don't know what is.....

First of all, thanks to Bob and the QNO team for allowing the public a rare peak of the transparency of the current city administration. I have absolutely no reason not to believe this event didn't happen.

Too bad Ed and Doug over at the Mayors' citys' paper don't have the stones to ask a question, yet even think of a question that concerns the finances of the city that led to this event. Sorry to say that I will be ending my paper subscription as the weather has turned warmer and I don't need the kindeling and I don't own a bird.

Spring: I also don't appreciate you call my police chief on a Sunday and asking for my private number.

Sorry to say mayor, unless you produce evidence that YOU PERSONALLY pay for that cell phone, it's not yours' it the TAXPAYERS!

Which brings up another point....

Of the several multiple cell phone that the TAXPAYERS of this city pay for, which ones are made public? Every alderman has one, yet when the public needs to contact one, where are these funded numbers listed?
