Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What did you sign us up for?

Didn't know WTF our Mayor signed us all up for in all this Tiahrt Amendment/ Mayors against illegal guns crap so I did some info check.

When a mayor commits his city's loyalty, I would expect he sought some public input into what he was getting into. My phone never rang so maybe my input was not important.

After about a two hour search, I can't see a single reason that he would commit the city's name to such a amendment. Maybe to get trace the background of this LEGAL gun owner pictured here..........

First of all, This amendment did not block any law enforcement agency from getting trace information provided they were conducting a bona fide criminal investigation. The language clearly allowed law enforcement to do its job, but prevented rogue politicians or anti-civil rights groups from conducting vigilante fishing expeditions.

Second, What it does do is let anti-gun politicians use this information for their own agendas. The trace data is only useful in direct conjunction with a criminal investigation. Any other use would not yield viable results because of the nature of the data. For example, a trace might be run on a firearm that had nothing to do with a crime, such as to verify a firearm isn't stolen. This would yield a false positive if attempting to use the data out of context on a witch hunt to try to find problems that don't exist.

That is all I could find. Two hours, two facts, and you slapped our city's name to this?

How about getting the city's IT department to create some kind of interactive public input/ feedback page that could gauge the "citys" true voice and go from there?

Oh, that's right, hackers could break in and skew the information.

Tick, Tick, Tick.


Friday, February 06, 2009

Wild Fire

Been preoccupied with major changes in my life and mind has been else where.

Only thing that keeps on ticking is the servergate clock.....

So it's time for your input.

What burns your ass?