Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jobs at IDOT!

IDOT crews will be busy replacing the greeting signs coming into Illinois Friday!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Times Up, Pencils Down

Poll Results:

Should the city spend hundreds of millions of dollars in the pursuit of hydroelectric power if it means having to cut back on other services, such as infrastructure?

70% said No (70 of 93)

Should Quincy mayoral and aldermanic candidates take campaign contributions from city employees, people who do business with the city, PAC's or unions who represent city employees?

80% said No (76 of 94)

But don't let polls like this affect your vote,
City Hall does listen......


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Independent Poll

Waaayy to much pissing and moaning over at QNO about how unfair the poll taken Sunday night. I for one was not home and wished they would be calling back.

So, I sought some advise today on exactly how to word this so no one would offended, pissed, accusing each side, and maybe to see if the numbers do indeed change if it was worded differently.

First, some background. I am neither a republican nor a democrat. I vote for the best person regardless of party affiliation.

Second, I have made my thoughts about the Hydro project, you can read them here. I think it is a high cost, high risk, with returns dependent on Mother Nature.

Third, the only two answers here are Yes and No. Not "I don't know". No "I don't understand the question". No "Maybe". Just 2 available answers.

or NO.

Will run this for 10 days.

Thanks 4 Playing.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some get it, Some don't.

Quincy engineer Mike Klingner says the time may be right to consider building a major new tourist attraction on Quincy's riverfront. Click Here.

The group envisions a $40 million to $50 million center overlooking the river. It would feature an elaborate aquarium along with a series of educational areas offering insight into a wide range of river-related topics and issues.

From QNO 11.2.08

The $20 million riverfront condominium project, which the city considers the cornerstone of a riverfront renaissance, is on hold while developers wait out the nation's economic downturn.

Sheila Morgan of Shortridge Construction confirmed Friday morning that the project has been delayed indefinitely.

"It's just on hold until after the financial mess straightens out," Morgan said. "We would be hopeful late winter or early spring (to resume), but it depends on how long this thing drags on."

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 1 Year Smoking Ban

Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced Tuesday that a new campaign will highlight the success of the Smoke-free Illinois Act. He said there will be ads on television and radio about how the smoking ban has improved lives.

“People in F*****g Illinois no longer have to put their F*****g health at risk while at F*****g work or when they go out to a F*****g restaurant, F*****g bowling alley or other F*****g public place,” said Blagojevich.
