Sunday, October 26, 2008



If you read this blog regularly you know I don’t pick sides or try to influence anybody when it comes to politics. I believe in an open mind when it comes to voting and nobody can tell me or influence me on how I vote.

In fact, if you are a Registered Republican or Democrat you might as well stop reading this right here. I seriously think that if your candidate committed murder in the town square at high noon in full view, you would still vote for them. Sorry, I do not believe in someone committing their vote to a dedicated party.

First of all, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THE MEDIA TELLS YOU. With that being said, let me get this out of the way. I have no love for the media. You can’t tell me that the news is unbiased when advertising money is being shoved into their back pocket. The press today picks and chooses what it wants its audience to see or hear. They are as guilty of reporting news it wants you to know about as well as what it does not. Most media outlets that do business for a profit are going to swing their audiences in the direction of what the owners decide. Television, newspapers, internet and radio have more influence over election results than any group of voters. Current stats show that both presidential candidates have spent close to a BILLION dollars. Where do you think this money goes? Almost a third goes to the media outlets. Why? The media helps to sway voters a certain way. The more money a candidate has, the better his or her chances are of getting elected. I get my information from various sources. I do not believe to share or impose those sources on others.

Second. GET EDUCATED ! If you hear or read something a candidate says that maybe does not sit well with you, go check it out. The internet has a wealth of information. What media to trust and who to believe? You have to make that determination on your own. “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

Third, VOTE FOR YOURSELF. I heard some of the dumbest things this election season. First up, “I must vote for X candidate, that’s what my union told me to do”. Well God forbid that the union starts losing membership income and tells you to go door to door and start selling Tupperware. Seriously. Act like you got a pair and vote for yourself. Last time I voted, it was me and a piece of paper. Only one person is allowed in the booth.

In second place for the dumbest thing I heard was “I’m voting for X candidate because I think he is going to win” WTF? This ain’t the 3rd race at the Belmont Stakes! If you want to profit financially off the election go here. This election will determine the leader of the free world. For someone to treat it as pick-the-winner is beyond me.

Third place goes to the generation guy. I had to restrain myself from shoving dog do-do in his pie hole when he said this. “My grandpa was an X, my Dad is a X, so I am a X”. You can insert the party of choice in for the X for this one, but it is much more fun if you substitute the word moron.

And Lastly, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND VOTE. Trust me. Nothing pisses me off more than to haul my carcass into the local voting place and use the same technology that has been in place since Washington was elected. And don’t feed me the crap about how the internet is not “secure” enough.

See you at the polls.

Please Vote !

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wild Fire

Think I'll wait with QNO for more news on the servergate issue.

Started a clock on the right here to watch.

Meantime, what burns your ass?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Going Once.....Twice.....

The city of Quincy is cleaning out its

.......Furniture items include 10 metal
headboards and footboards for single beds
that were used by the Fire Department.

Any slightly hacked used servers up for sale?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


What I can Do on the Internet:

Get the tax forms you need from the IRS, Do you taxes online, Perform many of your U.S. Government services online, Prepare free customized legal documents online, Pay bills online, Do your banking online, Buy items off of Ebay, Send money through Paypal, Use your credit card for purchases, Manage your 401K, Find your friends and neighbors arrest records, Watch video of your traffic violation, Fight or pay your ticket online, Who gave and how much to you local elected officials, How much did your neighbor give to the presidential candidates, Book a hotel reservation, Buy a theater tickets, Buy books, music, movies, and games, Buy your U.S. postage stamps online, Buy those "As Seen On TV" products, Check your car's Blue Book value, Check U.S. flight conditions and delays, Check out businesses and their practices, Check out your prospective medical care provider, Check the appreciation rate of your home, Check to see what pollution, hazardous waste and such are in your neighborhood, Check the value of your neighbors home, Check your local weather report, Check Worldwide weather, Watch weather radar real time, Locate earthquakes in your area, Find live cams worldwide, Choose a good movie before you go or rent, Compare digital cameras, Compare gas prices, Compare long distance and cellular phone plans, Compare travel insurance plans, Compare mortgage lenders’ rates, Compare or research products and services on the Internet, Find a celebrity's mailing address, Find a date, Find a hospital in your area, Find a quote, Find a restaurant, Find a recipe, Find a teacher, Find a veterinarian in your area, Find anyone's birthday, Find maps of your neighborhood, Find dumb laws in your town or state, Find old school mates, Find out about that prescription drug or medication before you take it, Find out how secure your passwords are, Find police auctions online, Find WiFi hotspots worldwide, Find symptoms and treatments of common medical conditions, Find the scanner frequencies for your area, Find the value of a dollar, Find your next job, Find a job with the government (not in Quincy), Get information about anyone, Get facts from the U.S. Census Bureau, Get maps and directions for your trip, get an up-to-the-minute traffic report, Get useful data on any U.S. city, Get your own blog, How to protect yourself against identity theft, Keep abreast of bank rates, Learn about the copyright law, Learn about the latest recalls, Learn what nutrients are in the food you eat, Learn which computer viruses are just a nuisance and which can do serious damage, Check the U.S. Department of Energy, Check Symantec's Virus/Hoaxes and Urban Legends, Read Supreme Court decisions, Locate someone who is or has been in the military, Locate the nearest ATM, Make free conference calls, Rate your Doctor, Recover your stolen computer, Stop Telemarketing Calls, Scan your system for spyware online, Scan your system for viruses online, Search for a name on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall, See who's polluting your community's air and how badly, See a map of the United States of America, Send a FAX to anyone, anywhere, for free, Send a gift certificate, Surf the web anonymously, Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian, Take an I.Q. test, Track down phone calls, Track your packages, Track web traffic on yours or any other site, Use free encrypted e-mail, What did the presidential candidates really say.

What I cannot Do on the Internet:



Not secure enough.

This is Quincy Fire and I approved this message.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Oh Oh, We know the answer to this one....

" ... I don’t know why people spend time tarnishing the city’s reputation and just trying to hurt people in the city.”
-Mayor Spring

1. Five fired ex-city employees and a demoted firefighter might ask you the same question?

2. Don't have no tarnish, won't be no tarnish.

3. Seatbelts, Seatbelts, Seatbelts.

4. Puppygate.

5. City job hiring process.

6. Nepotism.

(please continue in numerical order)