Must be a damed slow news week.
What burns my ass is what all started this "front page story".
Let's see if I can keep this straight.
Packets for Aldermen that are mailed out Friday afternoon fail to reach them by Monday nights city council meeting.
Let's just say for this story that the USPS does deliver the packets Monday on time. Most mail delivers in the afternoon. Barring any non-working aldermen, most would read their mail sometime after coming home at 5 pm. This gives them a maximum time of 2 1/2 hours to read the packets before the 7:30 council meeting. The taxpayers pay a minimum of $.41 for each packet mailed for this service and reliability is about nil.
First question that comes to my mind is that is it worth $.41 cents each to mail out packets that aldermen will receive a whopping 150 minutes before a meeting? Unless some railroading tactics are used by the aldermen to give a short notice to pass something quickly, couldn't they just be handed out before the meeting?
So let's see, the next brainstorm the city officials can come up with is to hand deliver the packets to the 14 alderman.
Late breaking news from the YOU-GOT-TO-BE-SHITTING-ME newswire:
We pay a city employee $12.oo a hour to drive around Quincy in a city wheels using $3.00+ a gallon gas to hand deliver 14 alderman packets ?
I know, I'm using a lot of assumptions here.
1. The city employee only makes $12.00 an hour.
2. Only 1 employee is used to deliver these packets.
3. The packets are delivered Friday afternoon vs. Monday afternoon.
The think tank of Quincy Fire which consists of myself, two dogs, a 30 pack of beer, beef jerky and the remote has a better suggestion:
Cost: $0.00
Delivery: Instant
Reliability: High