Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Breaking News....

Palmer told us there is no definite timetable for when a decision will be made.

...the clock keeps on ticking.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Define " Future"

When asked how long it will take for a decision, Palmer said, "Hopefully within the near future."

The three firefighters, all men, will be paid more than $50,000 combined while on administrative leave before the investigation is finished.

Good Job RH on keeping us informed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stone Age Wing Ding

Was toying with the idea of entering the Hannibal Wing Ding, but after reading the rules, I have to say WTF?

First of all the rules weren't posted on their web site until about 2 weeks ago. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to let them out.

Second, NO ELECTRIC ? What the Hell is with this? What is this some kind of science experiment? How is someone gonna keep 40 lbs of wings at the required temperature of 165 degrees?

Hoping Rob at the OLCC can scrape up the dirt from the rodeo and come up with some kind of modern version of this. (with electric)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Makes You Wonder...

What kind of a POS would intentionally pump 29 BB's into a poor defenseless animal is beyond me.

My only wish for this person would to be caught, jailed and the same treatment used on them.

If you have any information, you're asked to call the Quincy Regional Crimestoppers Hotline at 228-4474.

There is a reward available.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Handy Piece of Equipment

We have one of these at work. If there's every a problem, just load up the spreader and drive around the building. This way everyone get a little blame.

Truck and plow also come in handy during snow storms.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


From Mondays City Council Meeting:

Awarded an $8,225 contract to Richards Electric Motor Co. to repair the internal gears at Quincy's water treatment plant.

How much would it cost to repair the internal gears at Quincy's City Hall ?

Monday, January 07, 2008

January Tornado Warning ???

WTF is this?

Tookie, stop pissing off GREDF !

In other non-threatening news, I have added two new links in addition to removing the ones that have been idle for some time.

If I missed someone, let me know.

Thanks for the links.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cleaning House

I will be updating links this week sooooo......

If you are linked here and haven't been blogging for a while, I may delete the link. If I delete you in error, let me know.

Just take a moment here and thank my fellow Bloggers for the links and thank everyone who stops by to read or post.

In the new year if you start up a blog, add a link to Quincy Fire and I will return the favor!

Thanks again.
