Thursday, June 28, 2007

Speaking of Wasting Money...

It's time to feed the cash cow.

First Property Tax Installment to the Adams County Collector is due 7/6.

Late payments will delay:

$1.3 Million HVAC work to the Crystal Palace, better known as City Hall.

$10,000 to teach two Officers on how to ride a motorcycle.

Gas for the 12 MPG QPD SUV to cruise the city streets.

New Hi-tech light light bars for the city patrol cars.

QMG appointments for healthy Firemen.

Please. Give till it hurts. Operators are standing by.......

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What burns my ASS...

  • How long does it take to demolish the old RTD building out east Broadway? Ever heard of a wrecking ball?
  • Why does every vehicle that the Fire Dept. or QPD owns have to be dressed up like "Pimp My Ride"?
  • How many people in the city STILL don't know how to use the double left hand turn lanes in town?
  • Why during a murder, missing person, or other crime does the local law enforcement hold a press conference and then not answer any questions?
  • Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has spent $76,000 on taxpayer-financed flights between Chicago and Springfield since late May. Hell, for that price IDOT could have hired 2 gardeners for West Central Illinois.
  • How many rules and regulations can members of the city planning department, city administration, and city attorneys add to building a Beer Garden to make it totally impossible for bars to build one?
  • Wanted: Airport Manager. Qualifications: TBA. ( We'll pick out the best ones off your resume and later tell everyone that's what we were looking for.)
  • Ohio State law forbids public officials from hiring close relatives either full or part time or influencing their employment. Holy Crap ! Who do they hire? The best person qualified for the job?
  • Insight vs. Comcast vs. ATT - this can't be good news.
  • Sodium benzoate found in many soft drinks and various food products has been found to damage the mitochondria in DNA. Lesson here? Before committing a crime, slam down some Diet Cokes so no DNA shows up at the crime scene.
  • Chief of Police, Police Aldermanic Committee, Director of Administrative Services and Director of Purchasing recommending approval of the low proposal of Overhead Door of Quincy in the amount of $12,200 for a new overhead garage door. HOW BIG IS THE FREAKING DOOR ?? $12,000 ????
  • 1.3 million for HVAC work to city hall ? What does this figure out to, $550 per square foot?
  • The Quincy Park District will hold a customer appreciation day Sat June 23 ?? I didn't know I was a "customer"? Taxes for the Park District are included in my property taxes. Maybe I'll have to shop around for another Park District.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My View of Politics

I had to snicker today as I seen by another local blog that this one was linked as a "deluted right wing fool blog". Personally I could care less what political party someone belongs to, they're both full of crap in my view.

I have returned the favor (without any personal opinion.)

Racism is defined as:

Any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview — the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races," that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some "races" are innately superior to others.

To be obsessed with branding someone "right wing' or "left wing" based on their view of the world is beyond my comprehension.

All views are welcome here.