Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rate Rape

The Southern.com had a good article on the true profits Ameren is making.

Whats your guess on the outcome of todays hearings?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wild Fire Weekend !

What's burning your ass this weekend?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Cheating In NASCAR ?

What is the world coming to ??

Waltrip using a fuel additive.

Gordon's car too low.

On another note, Wal-Mart will be empty Sunday from 1pm until 5pm for the Daytona 500.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Smoke and Mirrors

Interesting Letter in the QHW Wed night.

A pro-smoking ban reader writes in and expresses his opinion on smoking bans. Several "false" and hypothetical facts are stated and lead the readers to believe that his opinion is the correct one. Let me help "clear the air".

First, If there is evidence of businesses NOT suffering from a smoking ban, PLEASE post it here. I have posted several links here and will do the same if opposing sites are found.

Second, Give the "it's for the children" a break. Last time I was in a tavern, the drinking age was still 21. This argument is getting a little old and fails to support of whats good for the tavern owners.

Third. It's stated that "smokers will still go to taverns even with the smoking ordinance". How do you know? What great vision you must have to lead the small business owners in this city to trust a statement like that. How about putting your money in what your article states? How about you personally guaranteeing each and every tavern and restaurant owner to cover their losses during a smoking ban based on your theory? Checkbook handy?

Forth. Non smokers will be tempted to patronize non-smoking places? I doubt it. I can almost guarantee it. What you fail to see (or experience) is that a lot of neighborhood taverns have daily repeating customers. Your semi-annual trip to the tavern to visit will not make up a fraction of the business they will lose. If you think Quincy will support a non-smoking tavern, please feel free to open one yourself. Seems like you can pretty much forecast the future for everyone based on your article. There's a vacent building just north of the railroad tracks on North 24th thats just the right location for you.

Best wishes and I look for your Grand Opening !!

( I try to cover the "choice" issue later)

Outside Air Not So Clean Either

Is this the list of the 4 billion chemicals that are in second hand smoke?

No. It's the 2005 Illinois EPA Air Quality Report.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Report Card

Smoking Ban Grades

WGEM - Pro-smoking Ban coverage
Grade: D

KHQA - Pro-smoking Ban coverage
Grade: D

QHW - Pro-smokin Ban Article
Grade: C-

Glenn Bemis – Explained the chambers stance on the issue. Let the business owners decide which direction the business will take it. 50 businesses in Adams Co. that are smoke free.

Grade: A

Dr. Kathryn Arrambide, MD Most of the information well known and can easily be found on the web. Stats. Stats. More Stats. Just guess coming from a Dr. makes it sound better. Read prepared stats from sheets. You can find equal contradicting information on web also. Did differ with Smoke free Coalition on taverns !! Hospitals and children locations need banned.

Grade: C+

Iris Nelson – Could only hear about 1 out of 25 words she said. Quincy making choices for Quincy?? She presented council with what to appeared as a life-sized Hallmark card full of signatures with about a total of 30 names in 2” font.

Grade: Incomplete

Mary Kallner – Touching stories about family members who have died from smoking. Seems like she’s on a personal vengeance rather than seeing the big picture of economic damage it will do. Says “it’s for the children”. (no children in bars) Said would like to see restaurants ban smoking, but does not go out for drinks so that would not bother her. Restruants, children's places, but no good reason for taverns. Would like to see smoking banned altogether, but will take “anything they can get”

Grade: D

Interruption: City Councils microphone support breaks.

Grade: F

Kathy Drea – Hired Gun brought in from Springfield. Read from script. No one has lost their job due to the smoking ban? Bar closing for other reason than smoking ban? Junk science? NO economic impact ?? Bars actually gain business? Read this. Only 5 communities outside of Chicago. Threat of suing the city? The taven owner? WTF? Let me just shorten this: aside from her name and address, I don’t think any thing she said can be backed up with an ounce of fact. If so, please post it. She was not a big hit with the crowd.

Grade: F

Steve Riedl- No Show. Jim Perry presented council a stack of petitions opposing the smoking ban.

Grade: Incomplete

Don Heck – Shot from the hip. Only person who stood up for the bar business. He knows what a smoking ban will do to the bar and tavern owners from their side of the business. Most alderman were sitting up in their chairs and listening when he spoke. He also covered both sides of the issue.

Grade: A+

Monday, February 05, 2007

Superbowl Monday Blues...

Unless your a die-hard Colts fan, last nights game had to suck. After the KO return for a touchdown and the INT off of Manning, I thought the BEARS were in for an easy game. Boy was I wrong or what. Although the beer tasted pretty good and the ads were too, I observed many things last night:

- No matter how hard you yell at the TV, Rex still sucks.

-After every, and I do mean every, turnover Grossman walks to the sidelines and has this "deer-in-the-headlights" look in his eyes like "what happened"

- If Phil Simms didn't preform oral sex on Peyton Manning after the game, he should have. He was warming up the WHOLE game.

- Love them or hate them, pretty much everyone has one article of clothing that has BEARS on it.

-Die hard Cowboys fans will still wear their teams colors out during the Superbowl even if the team went 1-15 during the regular season.

-The Coke ads sucked.

-My beer consumption increases in direct opposite ratio of the Bears offense production.

-Big screen TV's are great for watching the game, unless your team sucks. Then they just suck bigger.

Smack Down Monday

Request to Speak

Written request to speak under suspended rules by Glenn Bemis, Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce, 300 Civic Center Plaza; Dr. Kathryn Arrambide, MD, 11th & Broadway; Iris Nelson, President, League of Women Voters, 1011 S. 21st; Mary Kallner, 1520 S. 28th; Kathy Drea, Public Policy, American Lung Association of Illinois, 3000 Kelly Lane, Springfield, IL,; Steve Riedl, Executive Director of Illinois Licensed Beverage Assoc., Springfield, IL; and Don Heck, Attorney, 300 N. 6th, regarding the potential city wide smoking ban ordinance.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Business Owners Unite !!

Since the QHW will not interview the flip side of this issue, several local business owners have started a petition of signatures of local customers who oppose the local smoking ban.

Please take time before Monday to stop in to your neighbor business owner and let our city alderman know that they know what is best for their business.

One thought that come to my mind is why did CFSFQ wait till this weekend to ramrod the smoking ban to the city council ? Most business owners are occupied with Superbowl weekend that that no opposition would occur. ???