Tuesday, November 28, 2006

OLCC Changes ????

Rumor has it that the OLCC may soon be seeking a new Executive Director.......

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Smoking Hot Issues.....

There back !!!!

The Coalition for a Smoke-free Adams County is here once again to save us for the hazards of smoking in "any public place or place of employment" in the city. This burns my ass for so many reasons, it's hard to mention. Since this is my blog and I have all day, I will address it anyways…..

2,200 signatures supporting that "requiring all Quincy restaurants to go smoke free"? If this is a true statement, then how can you propose to ban smoking "in all public places in Quincy"? You summit a specific condition, but make a blanket ordinance. I feel that there will be a petition on the opposite side of this from local business owners with a lot more on it.

As "an employee of the Adams County Health Department", don't you have anything better to do with your time than dictate conditions in which YOU think business in the city MUST operate? I think the health department does a fine job mandating conditions in which food is prepared, just don't tell me what I can do while eating this food.

"Quincy Clean Indoor Air Act of 2006" ?? WTF is this? Define "Clean Air" ? I have a problem with obese women who sit around me in a restaurants that smell like they showered in the cheapest perfume Walmart sells. Is this Clean Air ?? I think not.

Fines ?? You propose fines too? Wow, if is isn't enough to force this crap down our throats, you also want fines. Would there be a fine for farting? This is definitely not "Clean Air" either. This must be fined too.

A survey conducted showed 70 percent of the 402 registered voters contacted said they support smoke-free policies and feel smoking should be "restricted or banned in public places"…402 ?? You surveyed LESS than 1% of the city of Quincy and conclude that smoking should be "restricted or banned in public places" ??? And you picked banned? So much for surveys !

I have inserted a Poll on this page on the right of the page here myself. Please vote on what YOU think should take place. >>
Please vote only once.

"Is it their right to smoke and put poisons into the air? Or is it our right to not have those poisons in the air and breathe clean air? That's the question."

Here's your answer. It is YOUR right to eat, drink in a place where YOU choose. If you do not like the atmosphere that is there, YOU are FREE to choose another location that is more suitable for YOU. When YOU dictate RULES in which YOU decide, that's where I have a problem. If a bar or restaurant owner DECIDES that HIS or HER business would benefit from a different environment, let THEM decide what to do. There are several "smoke-free" locations going up in Quincy everyday. If you prefer these locations, please visit them.

I still like this Article. Has some truth to it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

OLC Management 101

For months the Oakley-Lindsay Center's financial officer has been warning the Quincy Civic Center Authority that things weren't looking so good financially.

On Wednesday the authority's governing board took some action to help address the situation. It eliminated the financial officer's position.

Deana Leffers, who was hired for the position a little over a year ago, was laid off Wednesday afternoon — immediately after the governing board emerged from a two-hour closed session to discuss personnel matters.

Board members say they hope eliminating Leffers' $37,000-a-year salary will help put the civic center back on the road to good financial health. However, the center still has more than $85,000 in outstanding bills remaining to be paid, so board members will keep looking for other ways to contain costs.

Lessons Learned:

1. If someone brings you bad news, Fire them.
2. Always start at the bottom. It will save the least amount of money.

any more ???

Monday, November 13, 2006


Missed this in the QHW Sunday........

Electricity providers are power players in legislative races
By Kevin McDermott
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — As Illinois' two major electric utilities in recent weeks have been loudly threatening bankruptcy if they don't get a major rate hike, they've been giving almost a quarter-million dollars in campaign donations to the state legislators who will make that decision, records show.A Post-Dispatch review of new campaign finance reports found that the state's two biggest electricity providers have donated more than $248,000 to state politicians in the six weeks since the controversial announcement of a major rate hike proposal. That's almost as much as the companies gave this year up until the Sept. 15 rate-hike announcement, which sparked a storm of political debate and legislative threats to impose new rate caps. The spike in donations began virtually on the day the planned rate hike was announced — including five-figure contributions made to leaders in both parties almost immediately afterward. Donations to leaders, key committee members and rank-and-file legislators in both parties have continued as those lawmakers have debated whether to allow the rate hikes to go into effect.
"They're pulling out all the stops,'' said David Kolata, director of the Citizens' Utility Board, which is spearheading the effort to freeze electric rates.Because of the lack of competition in the market, Illinois froze electric rates by law in 1997, with the idea of unfreezing them next year, by which time, state leaders thought, more market competition would have developed, thus keeping rates low.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

NO SH*T ????

British Man Injured After Lighting Firecracker in Buttocks

LONDON — A 22-year-old man suffered internal injuries after lighting a small firecracker he had inserted into his buttocks, paramedics said Thursday.

Ya can't make this stuff up..........

Friday, November 03, 2006

Meth Arrests Down In IL

Updated Info:

QHW 7/30/2006

Quincy-based Illinois State Police Meth Response Team agent Seth Knox said 18 area meth labs were seized between May and December last year. Seventeen labs have been seized this calendar year.

"We'll probably find between 35 and 40 labs this year," Knox said. "I'd say labs in general are down, but the arrests are still there and the meth itself is still there."

Knox said there may be fewer meth cooks in the area, but they may be producing more product at one time.

Traffic Tickets up 72% in Adams County....

Which one brings in more $$$.......