Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A proposal to authorize the Quincy/Adams County 911 Governing Board to borrow $1.3 million to finance various costs associated with the implementation of an enhanced 911 system ran into choppy water at the Quincy City Council's Finance Committee meeting Monday night.
The 911 Governing Board wants to borrow $1.3 million to help finance the construction of a new 911 communication center and the need to buy an enhanced 911 network, telephone and radio communication equipment and other costs.
FY2004-2005 Call and Incident Statistics
(May 1, 2004-April 30, 2005)
Call-Taking: Quincy-area 9-1-1 calls: 24,970 - 57%
Rural county 9-1-1 calls: 1,357 - 3%
Wireless 9-1-1 calls: 17,459 - 40%
Total 9-1-1 Calls: 43,786 - 100%
9-1-1 calls: 43,786 - 30%
Non-Emergency and Administrative calls: 97,301 - 68%
Alarm line calls: 2,591 - 2%
Total All Calls: 143,678 - 100%
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Incidents:
Quincy Police 41,405 - 67.3%
Adams County Sheriff 10,114 - 16.5%
Quincy Fire 3,599 - 5.9%
Tri-Township Fire 246 - 0.4%
Adams County Ambulance 5,814 - 9.5%
Volunteer Fire Departments 303 - 0.5%
Total CAD Incidents: 61,481 - 100.0%
Total all calls to 911 center : 205,159
FY2004-2005 Operating & Capital Budget
(May 1, 2004-April 30, 2005)
Fiscal 2004-2005 Operating Budget $1,049,538
Fiscal 2004-2005 "City" E9-1-1 Capital Budget $405,000
Fiscal 2004 "County" E9-1-1 Capital Budget* $270,000
Total Budget : $1,724,538
Cost per call into the 911 Center : $8.41
Remove all but the 43,786 - 911 calls and the price goes to : $39.38